# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import logging import os import typing as t from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import pytest from _pytest.config import ExitCode from _pytest.main import Session from _pytest.python import Function from _pytest.runner import CallInfo from pytest_embedded import Dut from pytest_embedded.plugin import parse_multi_dut_args from pytest_embedded.utils import find_by_suffix, to_list from pytest_ignore_test_results.ignore_results import ChildCase, ChildCasesStashKey from .constants import DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG, PREVIEW_TARGETS, SUPPORTED_TARGETS, PytestApp, PytestCase from .utils import format_case_id, merge_junit_files IDF_PYTEST_EMBEDDED_KEY = pytest.StashKey['IdfPytestEmbedded']() ITEM_FAILED_CASES_KEY = pytest.StashKey[list]() ITEM_FAILED_KEY = pytest.StashKey[bool]() class IdfPytestEmbedded: UNITY_RESULT_MAPPINGS = { 'PASS': 'passed', 'FAIL': 'failed', 'IGNORE': 'skipped', } def __init__( self, target: str, sdkconfig: t.Optional[str] = None, apps_list: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, ): # CLI options to filter the test cases self.target = target.lower() self.sdkconfig = sdkconfig self.apps_list = apps_list self.cases: t.List[PytestCase] = [] @staticmethod def get_param(item: Function, key: str, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any: # implement like this since this is a limitation of pytest, couldn't get fixture values while collecting # https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/discussions/9689 if not hasattr(item, 'callspec'): raise ValueError(f'Function {item} does not have params') return item.callspec.params.get(key, default) or default def item_to_pytest_case(self, item: Function) -> PytestCase: count = 1 case_path = str(item.path) case_name = item.originalname target = self.target # funcargs is not calculated while collection if hasattr(item, 'callspec'): count = item.callspec.params.get('count', 1) app_paths = to_list( parse_multi_dut_args( count, self.get_param(item, 'app_path', os.path.dirname(case_path)), ) ) configs = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'config', 'default'))) targets = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'target', target))) else: app_paths = [os.path.dirname(case_path)] configs = ['default'] targets = [target] case_apps = set() for i in range(count): case_apps.add(PytestApp(app_paths[i], targets[i], configs[i])) return PytestCase( case_path, case_name, case_apps, self.target, item, ) @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_sessionstart(self, session: Session) -> None: # same behavior for vanilla pytest-embedded '--target' session.config.option.target = self.target @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, items: t.List[Function]) -> None: item_to_case: t.Dict[Function, PytestCase] = {} # Add Markers to the test cases for item in items: # generate PytestCase for each item case = self.item_to_pytest_case(item) item_to_case[item] = case # set default timeout 10 minutes for each case if 'timeout' not in item.keywords: item.add_marker(pytest.mark.timeout(10 * 60)) # add markers for special markers if 'supported_targets' in item.keywords: for _target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS: item.add_marker(_target) if 'preview_targets' in item.keywords: for _target in PREVIEW_TARGETS: item.add_marker(_target) if 'all_targets' in item.keywords: for _target in [*SUPPORTED_TARGETS, *PREVIEW_TARGETS]: item.add_marker(_target) # add 'xtal_40mhz' tag as a default tag for esp32c2 target # only add this marker for esp32c2 cases if self.target == 'esp32c2' and 'esp32c2' in case.target_markers and 'xtal_26mhz' not in case.all_markers: item.add_marker('xtal_40mhz') # Filter the test cases filtered_items = [] for item in items: case = item_to_case[item] # filter by "nightly_run" marker if os.getenv('INCLUDE_NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1': # Do not filter nightly_run cases pass elif os.getenv('NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1': if not case.is_nightly_run: logging.debug( 'Skipping test case %s because of this test case is not a nightly run test case', item.name ) continue else: if case.is_nightly_run: logging.debug( 'Skipping test case %s because of this test case is a nightly run test case', item.name ) continue # filter by target if self.target not in case.target_markers: continue if self.target in case.skipped_targets: continue # filter by sdkconfig if self.sdkconfig: if self.get_param(item, 'config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG) != self.sdkconfig: continue # filter by apps_list, skip the test case if not listed # should only be used in CI if self.apps_list is not None: bin_not_found = False for case_app in case.apps: # in ci, always use build__ as build dir binary_path = os.path.join(case_app.path, f'build_{case_app.target}_{case_app.config}') if binary_path not in self.apps_list: logging.info( 'Skipping test case %s because binary path %s is not listed in app info list files', item.name, binary_path, ) bin_not_found = True break if bin_not_found: continue # finally! filtered_items.append(item) items[:] = filtered_items[:] def pytest_report_collectionfinish(self, items: t.List[Function]) -> None: for item in items: self.cases.append(self.item_to_pytest_case(item)) def pytest_custom_test_case_name(self, item: Function) -> str: return item.funcargs.get('test_case_name', item.nodeid) # type: ignore def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item: Function, call: CallInfo[None]) -> None: if call.when == 'call': target = item.funcargs['target'] config = item.funcargs['config'] is_qemu = item.get_closest_marker('qemu') is not None dut: t.Union[Dut, t.Tuple[Dut]] = item.funcargs['dut'] # type: ignore if isinstance(dut, (list, tuple)): res = [] for i, _dut in enumerate(dut): res.extend( [ ChildCase( format_case_id(target, config, case.name + f' {i}', is_qemu=is_qemu), self.UNITY_RESULT_MAPPINGS[case.result], ) for case in _dut.testsuite.testcases ] ) item.config.stash[ChildCasesStashKey] = {item.nodeid: res} else: item.config.stash[ChildCasesStashKey] = { item.nodeid: [ ChildCase( format_case_id(target, config, case.name, is_qemu=is_qemu), self.UNITY_RESULT_MAPPINGS[case.result], ) for case in dut.testsuite.testcases ] } @pytest.hookimpl(trylast=True) def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item: Function) -> None: """ Modify the junit reports. Format the unity c test case names. """ tempdir: t.Optional[str] = item.funcargs.get('test_case_tempdir') # type: ignore if not tempdir: return junits = find_by_suffix('.xml', tempdir) if not junits: return if len(junits) > 1: merge_junit_files(junits, os.path.join(tempdir, 'dut.xml')) junits = [os.path.join(tempdir, 'dut.xml')] # unity cases is_qemu = item.get_closest_marker('qemu') is not None target = item.funcargs['target'] config = item.funcargs['config'] for junit in junits: xml = ET.parse(junit) testcases = xml.findall('.//testcase') for case in testcases: # modify the junit files new_case_name = format_case_id(target, config, case.attrib['name'], is_qemu=is_qemu) case.attrib['name'] = new_case_name if 'file' in case.attrib: case.attrib['file'] = case.attrib['file'].replace('/IDF/', '') # our unity test framework xml.write(junit) def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session: Session, exitstatus: int) -> None: if exitstatus != 0: if exitstatus == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED: session.exitstatus = 0