// Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "esp_spiffs.h" #include "spiffs.h" #include "spiffs_nucleus.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_partition.h" #include "esp_spi_flash.h" #include "esp_image_format.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "esp_vfs.h" #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp32/rom/spi_flash.h" #include "spiffs_api.h" static const char* TAG = "SPIFFS"; #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_MTIME_WIDE_64_BITS typedef time_t spiffs_time_t; #else typedef unsigned long spiffs_time_t; #endif _Static_assert(CONFIG_SPIFFS_META_LENGTH >= sizeof(spiffs_time_t), "SPIFFS_META_LENGTH size should be >= sizeof(spiffs_time_t)"); #endif //CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME /** * @brief SPIFFS DIR structure */ typedef struct { DIR dir; /*!< VFS DIR struct */ spiffs_DIR d; /*!< SPIFFS DIR struct */ struct dirent e; /*!< Last open dirent */ long offset; /*!< Offset of the current dirent */ char path[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; /*!< Requested directory name */ } vfs_spiffs_dir_t; static int vfs_spiffs_open(void* ctx, const char * path, int flags, int mode); static ssize_t vfs_spiffs_write(void* ctx, int fd, const void * data, size_t size); static ssize_t vfs_spiffs_read(void* ctx, int fd, void * dst, size_t size); static int vfs_spiffs_close(void* ctx, int fd); static off_t vfs_spiffs_lseek(void* ctx, int fd, off_t offset, int mode); static int vfs_spiffs_fstat(void* ctx, int fd, struct stat * st); #ifdef CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_DIR static int vfs_spiffs_stat(void* ctx, const char * path, struct stat * st); static int vfs_spiffs_unlink(void* ctx, const char *path); static int vfs_spiffs_link(void* ctx, const char* n1, const char* n2); static int vfs_spiffs_rename(void* ctx, const char *src, const char *dst); static DIR* vfs_spiffs_opendir(void* ctx, const char* name); static int vfs_spiffs_closedir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir); static struct dirent* vfs_spiffs_readdir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir); static int vfs_spiffs_readdir_r(void* ctx, DIR* pdir, struct dirent* entry, struct dirent** out_dirent); static long vfs_spiffs_telldir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir); static void vfs_spiffs_seekdir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir, long offset); static int vfs_spiffs_mkdir(void* ctx, const char* name, mode_t mode); static int vfs_spiffs_rmdir(void* ctx, const char* name); #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME static int vfs_spiffs_utime(void *ctx, const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times); #endif // CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME #endif // CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_DIR static void vfs_spiffs_update_mtime(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file f); static time_t vfs_spiffs_get_mtime(const spiffs_stat* s); static esp_spiffs_t * _efs[CONFIG_SPIFFS_MAX_PARTITIONS]; static void esp_spiffs_free(esp_spiffs_t ** efs) { esp_spiffs_t * e = *efs; if (*efs == NULL) { return; } *efs = NULL; if (e->fs) { SPIFFS_unmount(e->fs); free(e->fs); } vSemaphoreDelete(e->lock); free(e->fds); free(e->cache); free(e->work); free(e); } static esp_err_t esp_spiffs_by_label(const char* label, int * index){ int i; esp_spiffs_t * p; for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_SPIFFS_MAX_PARTITIONS; i++) { p = _efs[i]; if (p) { if (!label && !p->by_label) { *index = i; return ESP_OK; } if (label && p->by_label && strncmp(label, p->partition->label, 17) == 0) { *index = i; return ESP_OK; } } } return ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } static esp_err_t esp_spiffs_get_empty(int * index){ int i; for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_SPIFFS_MAX_PARTITIONS; i++) { if (_efs[i] == NULL) { *index = i; return ESP_OK; } } return ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } static esp_err_t esp_spiffs_init(const esp_vfs_spiffs_conf_t* conf) { int index; //find if such partition is already mounted if (esp_spiffs_by_label(conf->partition_label, &index) == ESP_OK) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } if (esp_spiffs_get_empty(&index) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "max mounted partitions reached"); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } uint32_t flash_page_size = g_rom_flashchip.page_size; uint32_t log_page_size = CONFIG_SPIFFS_PAGE_SIZE; if (log_page_size % flash_page_size != 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "SPIFFS_PAGE_SIZE is not multiple of flash chip page size (%d)", flash_page_size); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } esp_partition_subtype_t subtype = conf->partition_label ? ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY : ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_DATA_SPIFFS; const esp_partition_t* partition = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, subtype, conf->partition_label); if (!partition) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "spiffs partition could not be found"); return ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } if (partition->encrypted) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "spiffs can not run on encrypted partition"); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } esp_spiffs_t * efs = malloc(sizeof(esp_spiffs_t)); if (efs == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_spiffs could not be malloced"); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memset(efs, 0, sizeof(esp_spiffs_t)); efs->cfg.hal_erase_f = spiffs_api_erase; efs->cfg.hal_read_f = spiffs_api_read; efs->cfg.hal_write_f = spiffs_api_write; efs->cfg.log_block_size = g_rom_flashchip.sector_size; efs->cfg.log_page_size = log_page_size; efs->cfg.phys_addr = 0; efs->cfg.phys_erase_block = g_rom_flashchip.sector_size; efs->cfg.phys_size = partition->size; efs->by_label = conf->partition_label != NULL; efs->lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if (efs->lock == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mutex lock could not be created"); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } efs->fds_sz = conf->max_files * sizeof(spiffs_fd); efs->fds = malloc(efs->fds_sz); if (efs->fds == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fd buffer could not be malloced"); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memset(efs->fds, 0, efs->fds_sz); #if SPIFFS_CACHE efs->cache_sz = sizeof(spiffs_cache) + conf->max_files * (sizeof(spiffs_cache_page) + efs->cfg.log_page_size); efs->cache = malloc(efs->cache_sz); if (efs->cache == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "cache buffer could not be malloced"); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memset(efs->cache, 0, efs->cache_sz); #endif const uint32_t work_sz = efs->cfg.log_page_size * 2; efs->work = malloc(work_sz); if (efs->work == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "work buffer could not be malloced"); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memset(efs->work, 0, work_sz); efs->fs = malloc(sizeof(spiffs)); if (efs->fs == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "spiffs could not be malloced"); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memset(efs->fs, 0, sizeof(spiffs)); efs->fs->user_data = (void *)efs; efs->partition = partition; s32_t res = SPIFFS_mount(efs->fs, &efs->cfg, efs->work, efs->fds, efs->fds_sz, efs->cache, efs->cache_sz, spiffs_api_check); if (conf->format_if_mount_failed && res != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "mount failed, %i. formatting...", SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); res = SPIFFS_format(efs->fs); if (res != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "format failed, %i", SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_FAIL; } res = SPIFFS_mount(efs->fs, &efs->cfg, efs->work, efs->fds, efs->fds_sz, efs->cache, efs->cache_sz, spiffs_api_check); } if (res != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mount failed, %i", SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); esp_spiffs_free(&efs); return ESP_FAIL; } _efs[index] = efs; return ESP_OK; } bool esp_spiffs_mounted(const char* partition_label) { int index; if (esp_spiffs_by_label(partition_label, &index) != ESP_OK) { return false; } return (SPIFFS_mounted(_efs[index]->fs)); } esp_err_t esp_spiffs_info(const char* partition_label, size_t *total_bytes, size_t *used_bytes) { int index; if (esp_spiffs_by_label(partition_label, &index) != ESP_OK) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } SPIFFS_info(_efs[index]->fs, (uint32_t *)total_bytes, (uint32_t *)used_bytes); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_spiffs_format(const char* partition_label) { bool partition_was_mounted = false; int index; /* If the partition is not mounted, need to create SPIFFS structures * and mount the partition, unmount, format, delete SPIFFS structures. * See SPIFFS wiki for the reason why. */ esp_err_t err = esp_spiffs_by_label(partition_label, &index); if (err != ESP_OK) { esp_vfs_spiffs_conf_t conf = { .format_if_mount_failed = true, .partition_label = partition_label, .max_files = 1 }; err = esp_spiffs_init(&conf); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } err = esp_spiffs_by_label(partition_label, &index); assert(err == ESP_OK && "failed to get index of the partition just mounted"); } else if (SPIFFS_mounted(_efs[index]->fs)) { partition_was_mounted = true; } SPIFFS_unmount(_efs[index]->fs); s32_t res = SPIFFS_format(_efs[index]->fs); if (res != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "format failed, %i", SPIFFS_errno(_efs[index]->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(_efs[index]->fs); /* If the partition was previously mounted, but format failed, don't * try to mount the partition back (it will probably fail). On the * other hand, if it was not mounted, need to clean up. */ if (!partition_was_mounted) { esp_spiffs_free(&_efs[index]); } return ESP_FAIL; } if (partition_was_mounted) { res = SPIFFS_mount(_efs[index]->fs, &_efs[index]->cfg, _efs[index]->work, _efs[index]->fds, _efs[index]->fds_sz, _efs[index]->cache, _efs[index]->cache_sz, spiffs_api_check); if (res != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mount failed, %i", SPIFFS_errno(_efs[index]->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(_efs[index]->fs); return ESP_FAIL; } } else { esp_spiffs_free(&_efs[index]); } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_vfs_spiffs_register(const esp_vfs_spiffs_conf_t * conf) { assert(conf->base_path); const esp_vfs_t vfs = { .flags = ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR, .write_p = &vfs_spiffs_write, .lseek_p = &vfs_spiffs_lseek, .read_p = &vfs_spiffs_read, .open_p = &vfs_spiffs_open, .close_p = &vfs_spiffs_close, .fstat_p = &vfs_spiffs_fstat, #ifdef CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_DIR .stat_p = &vfs_spiffs_stat, .link_p = &vfs_spiffs_link, .unlink_p = &vfs_spiffs_unlink, .rename_p = &vfs_spiffs_rename, .opendir_p = &vfs_spiffs_opendir, .closedir_p = &vfs_spiffs_closedir, .readdir_p = &vfs_spiffs_readdir, .readdir_r_p = &vfs_spiffs_readdir_r, .seekdir_p = &vfs_spiffs_seekdir, .telldir_p = &vfs_spiffs_telldir, .mkdir_p = &vfs_spiffs_mkdir, .rmdir_p = &vfs_spiffs_rmdir, #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME .utime_p = &vfs_spiffs_utime, #else .utime_p = NULL, #endif // CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME #endif // CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_DIR }; esp_err_t err = esp_spiffs_init(conf); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } int index; if (esp_spiffs_by_label(conf->partition_label, &index) != ESP_OK) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } strlcat(_efs[index]->base_path, conf->base_path, ESP_VFS_PATH_MAX + 1); err = esp_vfs_register(conf->base_path, &vfs, _efs[index]); if (err != ESP_OK) { esp_spiffs_free(&_efs[index]); return err; } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_vfs_spiffs_unregister(const char* partition_label) { int index; if (esp_spiffs_by_label(partition_label, &index) != ESP_OK) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } esp_err_t err = esp_vfs_unregister(_efs[index]->base_path); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } esp_spiffs_free(&_efs[index]); return ESP_OK; } static int spiffs_res_to_errno(s32_t fr) { switch(fr) { case SPIFFS_OK : return 0; case SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_MOUNTED : return ENODEV; case SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_A_FS : return ENODEV; case SPIFFS_ERR_FULL : return ENOSPC; case SPIFFS_ERR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR : return EBADF; case SPIFFS_ERR_MOUNTED : return EEXIST; case SPIFFS_ERR_FILE_EXISTS : return EEXIST; case SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND : return ENOENT; case SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE : return ENOENT; case SPIFFS_ERR_DELETED : return ENOENT; case SPIFFS_ERR_FILE_DELETED : return ENOENT; case SPIFFS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG : return ENAMETOOLONG; case SPIFFS_ERR_RO_NOT_IMPL : return EROFS; case SPIFFS_ERR_RO_ABORTED_OPERATION : return EROFS; default : return EIO; } return ENOTSUP; } static int spiffs_mode_conv(int m) { int res = 0; int acc_mode = m & O_ACCMODE; if (acc_mode == O_RDONLY) { res |= SPIFFS_O_RDONLY; } else if (acc_mode == O_WRONLY) { res |= SPIFFS_O_WRONLY; } else if (acc_mode == O_RDWR) { res |= SPIFFS_O_RDWR; } if ((m & O_CREAT) && (m & O_EXCL)) { res |= SPIFFS_O_CREAT | SPIFFS_O_EXCL; } else if ((m & O_CREAT) && (m & O_TRUNC)) { res |= SPIFFS_O_CREAT | SPIFFS_O_TRUNC; } if (m & O_APPEND) { res |= SPIFFS_O_CREAT | SPIFFS_O_APPEND; } return res; } static int vfs_spiffs_open(void* ctx, const char * path, int flags, int mode) { assert(path); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; int spiffs_flags = spiffs_mode_conv(flags); int fd = SPIFFS_open(efs->fs, path, spiffs_flags, mode); if (fd < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } if (!(spiffs_flags & SPIFFS_RDONLY)) { vfs_spiffs_update_mtime(efs->fs, fd); } return fd; } static ssize_t vfs_spiffs_write(void* ctx, int fd, const void * data, size_t size) { esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; ssize_t res = SPIFFS_write(efs->fs, fd, (void *)data, size); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static ssize_t vfs_spiffs_read(void* ctx, int fd, void * dst, size_t size) { esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; ssize_t res = SPIFFS_read(efs->fs, fd, dst, size); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static int vfs_spiffs_close(void* ctx, int fd) { esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; int res = SPIFFS_close(efs->fs, fd); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static off_t vfs_spiffs_lseek(void* ctx, int fd, off_t offset, int mode) { esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; off_t res = SPIFFS_lseek(efs->fs, fd, offset, mode); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static int vfs_spiffs_fstat(void* ctx, int fd, struct stat * st) { assert(st); spiffs_stat s; esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; off_t res = SPIFFS_fstat(efs->fs, fd, &s); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } st->st_size = s.size; st->st_mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO | S_IFREG; st->st_mtime = vfs_spiffs_get_mtime(&s); st->st_atime = 0; st->st_ctime = 0; return res; } #ifdef CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_DIR static int vfs_spiffs_stat(void* ctx, const char * path, struct stat * st) { assert(path); assert(st); spiffs_stat s; esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; off_t res = SPIFFS_stat(efs->fs, path, &s); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } st->st_size = s.size; st->st_mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; st->st_mode |= (s.type == SPIFFS_TYPE_DIR)?S_IFDIR:S_IFREG; st->st_mtime = vfs_spiffs_get_mtime(&s); st->st_atime = 0; st->st_ctime = 0; return res; } static int vfs_spiffs_rename(void* ctx, const char *src, const char *dst) { assert(src); assert(dst); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; int res = SPIFFS_rename(efs->fs, src, dst); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static int vfs_spiffs_unlink(void* ctx, const char *path) { assert(path); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; int res = SPIFFS_remove(efs->fs, path); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static DIR* vfs_spiffs_opendir(void* ctx, const char* name) { assert(name); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; vfs_spiffs_dir_t * dir = calloc(1, sizeof(vfs_spiffs_dir_t)); if (!dir) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } if (!SPIFFS_opendir(efs->fs, name, &dir->d)) { free(dir); errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return NULL; } dir->offset = 0; strlcpy(dir->path, name, SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN); return (DIR*) dir; } static int vfs_spiffs_closedir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir) { assert(pdir); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; vfs_spiffs_dir_t * dir = (vfs_spiffs_dir_t *)pdir; int res = SPIFFS_closedir(&dir->d); free(dir); if (res < 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return res; } static struct dirent* vfs_spiffs_readdir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir) { assert(pdir); vfs_spiffs_dir_t * dir = (vfs_spiffs_dir_t *)pdir; struct dirent* out_dirent; int err = vfs_spiffs_readdir_r(ctx, pdir, &dir->e, &out_dirent); if (err != 0) { errno = err; return NULL; } return out_dirent; } static int vfs_spiffs_readdir_r(void* ctx, DIR* pdir, struct dirent* entry, struct dirent** out_dirent) { assert(pdir); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; vfs_spiffs_dir_t * dir = (vfs_spiffs_dir_t *)pdir; struct spiffs_dirent out; size_t plen; char * item_name; do { if (SPIFFS_readdir(&dir->d, &out) == 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); if (!errno) { *out_dirent = NULL; } return errno; } item_name = (char *)out.name; plen = strlen(dir->path); } while ((plen > 1) && (strncasecmp(dir->path, (const char*)out.name, plen) || out.name[plen] != '/' || !out.name[plen + 1])); if (plen > 1) { item_name += plen + 1; } else if (item_name[0] == '/') { item_name++; } entry->d_ino = 0; entry->d_type = out.type; snprintf(entry->d_name, SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN, "%s", item_name); dir->offset++; *out_dirent = entry; return 0; } static long vfs_spiffs_telldir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir) { assert(pdir); vfs_spiffs_dir_t * dir = (vfs_spiffs_dir_t *)pdir; return dir->offset; } static void vfs_spiffs_seekdir(void* ctx, DIR* pdir, long offset) { assert(pdir); esp_spiffs_t * efs = (esp_spiffs_t *)ctx; vfs_spiffs_dir_t * dir = (vfs_spiffs_dir_t *)pdir; struct spiffs_dirent tmp; if (offset < dir->offset) { //rewind dir SPIFFS_closedir(&dir->d); if (!SPIFFS_opendir(efs->fs, NULL, &dir->d)) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return; } dir->offset = 0; } while (dir->offset < offset) { if (SPIFFS_readdir(&dir->d, &tmp) == 0) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return; } size_t plen = strlen(dir->path); if (plen > 1) { if (strncasecmp(dir->path, (const char *)tmp.name, plen) || tmp.name[plen] != '/' || !tmp.name[plen+1]) { continue; } } dir->offset++; } } static int vfs_spiffs_mkdir(void* ctx, const char* name, mode_t mode) { errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } static int vfs_spiffs_rmdir(void* ctx, const char* name) { errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } static int vfs_spiffs_link(void* ctx, const char* n1, const char* n2) { errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME static int vfs_spiffs_update_mtime_value(spiffs *fs, const char *path, spiffs_time_t t) { int ret = SPIFFS_OK; spiffs_stat s; if (CONFIG_SPIFFS_META_LENGTH > sizeof(t)) { ret = SPIFFS_stat(fs, path, &s); } if (ret == SPIFFS_OK) { memcpy(s.meta, &t, sizeof(t)); ret = SPIFFS_update_meta(fs, path, s.meta); } if (ret != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Failed to update mtime (%d)", ret); } return ret; } #endif //CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME static int vfs_spiffs_utime(void *ctx, const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times) { assert(path); esp_spiffs_t *efs = (esp_spiffs_t *) ctx; spiffs_time_t t; if (times) { t = (spiffs_time_t)times->modtime; } else { // use current time t = (spiffs_time_t)time(NULL); } int ret = vfs_spiffs_update_mtime_value(efs->fs, path, t); if (ret != SPIFFS_OK) { errno = spiffs_res_to_errno(SPIFFS_errno(efs->fs)); SPIFFS_clearerr(efs->fs); return -1; } return 0; } #endif //CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME #endif // CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_DIR static void vfs_spiffs_update_mtime(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fd) { #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME spiffs_time_t t = (spiffs_time_t)time(NULL); spiffs_stat s; int ret = SPIFFS_OK; if (CONFIG_SPIFFS_META_LENGTH > sizeof(t)) { ret = SPIFFS_fstat(fs, fd, &s); } if (ret == SPIFFS_OK) { memcpy(s.meta, &t, sizeof(t)); ret = SPIFFS_fupdate_meta(fs, fd, s.meta); } if (ret != SPIFFS_OK) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Failed to update mtime (%d)", ret); } #endif //CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME } static time_t vfs_spiffs_get_mtime(const spiffs_stat* s) { #ifdef CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MTIME spiffs_time_t t = 0; memcpy(&t, s->meta, sizeof(t)); #else time_t t = 0; #endif return (time_t)t; }