.deploy_job_template: stage: deploy image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env$BOT_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG tags: - deploy .clang_tidy_deploy_template: extends: .deploy_job_template tags: - deploy - shiny script: - add_doc_server_ssh_keys $DOCS_DEPLOY_KEY $DOCS_SERVER $DOCS_SERVER_USER - export GIT_VER=$(git describe --always) - cd $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world/tidybuild - mv report $GIT_VER - tar czvf $GIT_VER.tar.gz $GIT_VER - export STATIC_REPORT_PATH="web/static_analysis/esp-idf/" - ssh $DOCS_SERVER -x "mkdir -p $STATIC_REPORT_PATH/clang-tidy" - scp $GIT_VER.tar.gz $DOCS_SERVER:$STATIC_REPORT_PATH/clang-tidy - ssh $DOCS_SERVER -x "cd $STATIC_REPORT_PATH/clang-tidy && tar xzvf $GIT_VER.tar.gz && rm -f latest && ln -s $GIT_VER latest" # add link to view the report - echo "[static analysis][clang tidy] $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/static_analysis/esp-idf/clang-tidy/${GIT_VER}/index.html" - test ! -e ${GIT_VER}/FAILED_RULES || { echo 'Failed static analysis rules!'; cat ${GIT_VER}/FAILED_RULES; exit 1; } clang_tidy_deploy: extends: .clang_tidy_deploy_template # Override default stage to happen before the post_check stage: test_deploy needs: - clang_tidy_check - clang_tidy_check_all variables: BOT_NEEDS_TRIGGER_BY_NAME: 1 clang_tidy_deploy_regular: extends: - .clang_tidy_deploy_template - .rules:labels:static_analysis needs: - clang_tidy_check_regular push_to_github: extends: - .deploy_job_template - .before_script_lesser - .rules:deploy script: - add_github_ssh_keys - git remote remove github &>/dev/null || true - git remote add github git@github.com:espressif/esp-idf.git - tools/ci/push_to_github.sh .deploy_docs_template: extends: - .deploy_job_template - .before_script_lesser image: $ESP_IDF_DOC_ENV_IMAGE tags: - deploy - shiny needs: - build_docs_html - build_docs_pdf variables: DOCS_BUILD_DIR: "${IDF_PATH}/docs/_build/" PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 script: - add_doc_server_ssh_keys $DOCS_DEPLOY_PRIVATEKEY $DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER $DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER_USER - export GIT_VER=$(git describe --always) - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/deploy_docs.py # deploys docs to CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY webserver, for internal review deploy_docs_preview: extends: - .deploy_docs_template - .rules:labels:build_docs-slim # Override default stage to happen before the post_check stage: test_deploy variables: TYPE: "preview" # older branches use DOCS_DEPLOY_KEY, DOCS_SERVER, DOCS_SERVER_USER, DOCS_PATH for preview server so we keep these names for 'preview' DOCS_DEPLOY_PRIVATEKEY: "$DOCS_DEPLOY_KEY" DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER: "$DOCS_SERVER" DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER_USER: "$DOCS_SERVER_USER" DOCS_DEPLOY_PATH: "$DOCS_PATH" DOCS_DEPLOY_URL_BASE: "https://$CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/docs/esp-idf" # deploy docs to production webserver deploy_docs_production: # The DOCS_PROD_* variables used by this job are "Protected" so these branches must all be marked "Protected" in Gitlab settings extends: - .deploy_docs_template - .rules:deploy variables: TYPE: "preview" DOCS_DEPLOY_PRIVATEKEY: "$DOCS_PROD_DEPLOY_KEY" DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER: "$DOCS_PROD_SERVER" DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER_USER: "$DOCS_PROD_SERVER_USER" DOCS_DEPLOY_PATH: "$DOCS_PROD_PATH" DOCS_DEPLOY_URL_BASE: "https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf" deploy_test_result: extends: - .deploy_job_template - .before_script_slim - .rules:master-schedule-always image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/bot-env tags: - deploy_test artifacts: when: always paths: - ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/test-management/*.log # save all test logs as artifacts, make it easier to track errors - ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/TEST_LOGS - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$CI_COMMIT_SHA expire_in: 1 mos variables: UNIT_TEST_CASE_FILE: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/components/idf_test/unit_test/TestCaseAll.yml" BOT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILE: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/test-management/Config/Account.local.yml" TEST_FW_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/tiny-test-fw" AUTO_TEST_SCRIPT_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/auto_test_script" script: - add_gitlab_ssh_keys - export GIT_SHA=$(echo ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} | cut -c 1-8) - export REV_COUNT=$(git rev-list --count HEAD) - export SUMMARY="IDF CI test result for $GIT_SHA (r${REV_COUNT})" # artifacts of job update_test_cases creates test-management folder # we need to remove it so we can clone test-management folder again - rm -rf test-management - ./tools/ci/retry_failed.sh git clone $TEST_MANAGEMENT_REPO - python3 $CHECKOUT_REF_SCRIPT test-management test-management - cd test-management - echo $BOT_JIRA_ACCOUNT > ${BOT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILE} # update test results - python3 ImportTestResult.py -r "$GIT_SHA (r${REV_COUNT})" -j $JIRA_TEST_MANAGEMENT_PROJECT -s "$SUMMARY" -l CI -p ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/TEST_LOGS ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/${CI_COMMIT_SHA} --pipeline_url ${CI_PIPELINE_URL}