/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #include "esp_tls.h" #include "esp_tls_private.h" /** * Internal Callback for creating ssl handle for wolfssl */ int esp_create_wolfssl_handle(const char *hostname, size_t hostlen, const void *cfg, esp_tls_t *tls, void *server_params); /** * Internal Callback for wolfssl_handshake */ int esp_wolfssl_handshake(esp_tls_t *tls, const esp_tls_cfg_t *cfg); /** * Internal Callback API for wolfssl_ssl_read */ ssize_t esp_wolfssl_read(esp_tls_t *tls, char *data, size_t datalen); /** * Internal callback API for wolfssl_ssl_write */ ssize_t esp_wolfssl_write(esp_tls_t *tls, const char *data, size_t datalen); /** * Internal Callback for wolfssl_cleanup , frees up all the memory used by wolfssl */ void esp_wolfssl_cleanup(esp_tls_t *tls); /** * Internal Callback for Certificate verification for wolfssl */ void esp_wolfssl_verify_certificate(esp_tls_t *tls); /** * Internal Callback for deleting the wolfssl connection */ void esp_wolfssl_conn_delete(esp_tls_t *tls); /** * Internal Callback for wolfssl_get_bytes_avail */ ssize_t esp_wolfssl_get_bytes_avail(esp_tls_t *tls); /** * Callback function for setting global CA store data for TLS/SSL using wolfssl */ esp_err_t esp_wolfssl_set_global_ca_store(const unsigned char *cacert_pem_buf, const unsigned int cacert_pem_bytes); /** * Callback function for freeing global ca store for TLS/SSL using wolfssl */ void esp_wolfssl_free_global_ca_store(void); /** * * Callback function for Initializing the global ca store for TLS?SSL using wolfssl */ esp_err_t esp_wolfssl_init_global_ca_store(void); /** * Return ssl context for wolfSSL stack */ void *esp_wolfssl_get_ssl_context(esp_tls_t *tls); /** * wolfSSL function for Initializing socket wrappers (no-operation for wolfSSL) */ static inline void esp_wolfssl_net_init(esp_tls_t *tls) { } /** * Function to Create ESP-TLS Server session with wolfssl Stack */ int esp_wolfssl_server_session_create(esp_tls_cfg_server_t *cfg, int sockfd, esp_tls_t *tls); /* * Delete Server Session */ void esp_wolfssl_server_session_delete(esp_tls_t *tls);