# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 # !/usr/bin/env python3 # this file defines some functions for testing cli and br under pytest framework import re import socket import struct import subprocess import time from typing import Tuple, Union import netifaces import pexpect from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut def reset_thread(dut:IdfDut) -> None: dut.write(' ') dut.write('state') clean_buffer(dut) wait(dut, 1) dut.write('factoryreset') dut.expect('OpenThread attached to netif', timeout=20) dut.write(' ') dut.write('state') # config thread def config_thread(dut:IdfDut, model:str, dataset:str='0') -> Union[str, None]: if model == 'random': dut.write('dataset init new') dut.expect('Done', timeout=5) dut.write('dataset commit active') dut.expect('Done', timeout=5) dut.write('ifconfig up') dut.expect('Done', timeout=5) dut.write('dataset active -x') # get dataset dut_data = dut.expect(r'\n(\w{212})\r', timeout=5)[1].decode() return str(dut_data) if model == 'appointed': tmp = 'dataset set active ' + str(dataset) dut.write(tmp) dut.expect('Done', timeout=5) dut.write('ifconfig up') dut.expect('Done', timeout=5) return None return None # get the mleid address of the thread def get_mleid_addr(dut:IdfDut) -> str: dut_adress = '' clean_buffer(dut) dut.write('ipaddr mleid') dut_adress = dut.expect(r'\n((?:\w+:){7}\w+)\r', timeout=5)[1].decode() return dut_adress # get the rloc address of the thread def get_rloc_addr(dut:IdfDut) -> str: dut_adress = '' clean_buffer(dut) dut.write('ipaddr rloc') dut_adress = dut.expect(r'\n((?:\w+:){7}\w+)\r', timeout=5)[1].decode() return dut_adress # get the linklocal address of the thread def get_linklocal_addr(dut:IdfDut) -> str: dut_adress = '' clean_buffer(dut) dut.write('ipaddr linklocal') dut_adress = dut.expect(r'\n((?:\w+:){7}\w+)\r', timeout=5)[1].decode() return dut_adress # get the global unicast address of the thread: def get_global_unicast_addr(dut:IdfDut, br:IdfDut) -> str: dut_adress = '' clean_buffer(br) br.write('br omrprefix') omrprefix = br.expect(r'\n((?:\w+:){4}):/\d+\r', timeout=5)[1].decode() clean_buffer(dut) dut.write('ipaddr') dut_adress = dut.expect(r'(%s(?:\w+:){3}\w+)\r' % str(omrprefix), timeout=5)[1].decode() return dut_adress # start thread def start_thread(dut:IdfDut) -> str: role = '' dut.write('thread start') tmp = dut.expect(r'Role detached -> (\w+)\W', timeout=20)[0] role = re.findall(r'Role detached -> (\w+)\W', str(tmp))[0] return role def wait_key_str(leader:IdfDut, child:IdfDut) -> None: wait(leader, 1) leader.expect('OpenThread attached to netif', timeout=20) leader.write(' ') leader.write('state') child.expect('OpenThread attached to netif', timeout=20) child.write(' ') child.write('state') def config_network(leader:IdfDut, child:IdfDut, leader_name:str, thread_dataset_model:str, thread_dataset:str, wifi:IdfDut, wifi_ssid:str, wifi_psk:str) -> str: wait_key_str(leader, child) return form_network_using_manual_configuration(leader, child, leader_name, thread_dataset_model, thread_dataset, wifi, wifi_ssid, wifi_psk) # config br and cli manually def form_network_using_manual_configuration(leader:IdfDut, child:IdfDut, leader_name:str, thread_dataset_model:str, thread_dataset:str, wifi:IdfDut, wifi_ssid:str, wifi_psk:str) -> str: reset_thread(leader) clean_buffer(leader) reset_thread(child) clean_buffer(child) leader.write('channel 12') leader.expect('Done', timeout=5) child.write('channel 12') child.expect('Done', timeout=5) res = '0000' if wifi_psk != '0000': res = connect_wifi(wifi, wifi_ssid, wifi_psk, 10)[0] leader_data = '' if thread_dataset_model == 'random': leader_data = str(config_thread(leader, 'random')) else: config_thread(leader, 'appointed', thread_dataset) if leader_name == 'br': leader.write('bbr enable') leader.expect('Done', timeout=5) role = start_thread(leader) assert role == 'leader' if thread_dataset_model == 'random': config_thread(child, 'appointed', leader_data) else: config_thread(child, 'appointed', thread_dataset) if leader_name != 'br': child.write('bbr enable') child.expect('Done', timeout=5) role = start_thread(child) assert role == 'child' wait(leader, 10) return res # ping of thread def ot_ping(dut:IdfDut, target:str, times:int) -> Tuple[int, int]: command = 'ping ' + str(target) + ' 0 ' + str(times) dut.write(command) transmitted = dut.expect(r'(\d+) packets transmitted', timeout=30)[1].decode() tx_count = int(transmitted) received = dut.expect(r'(\d+) packets received', timeout=30)[1].decode() rx_count = int(received) return tx_count, rx_count # connect Wi-Fi def connect_wifi(dut:IdfDut, ssid:str, psk:str, nums:int) -> Tuple[str, int]: clean_buffer(dut) ip_address = '' information = '' for order in range(1, nums): dut.write('wifi connect -s ' + str(ssid) + ' -p ' + str(psk)) tmp = dut.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=10) if 'sta ip' in str(tmp): ip_address = re.findall(r'sta ip: (\w+.\w+.\w+.\w+),', str(tmp))[0] information = dut.expect(r'wifi sta (\w+ \w+ \w+)\W', timeout=20)[1].decode() if information == 'is connected successfully': break assert information == 'is connected successfully' return ip_address, order def reset_host_interface() -> None: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() flag = False try: command = 'ifconfig ' + interface_name + ' down' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) command = 'ifconfig ' + interface_name + ' up' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=10) time.sleep(1) flag = True finally: time.sleep(1) assert flag def set_interface_sysctl_options() -> None: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() flag = False try: command = 'sysctl -w net/ipv6/conf/' + interface_name + '/accept_ra=2' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) command = 'sysctl -w net/ipv6/conf/' + interface_name + '/accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen=128' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) flag = True finally: time.sleep(2) assert flag def init_interface_ipv6_address() -> None: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() flag = False try: command = 'ip -6 route | grep ' + interface_name + " | grep ra | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -I {} ip -6 route del {}" subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(0.5) subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) command = 'ip -6 address show dev ' + interface_name + \ " scope global | grep 'inet6' | awk {'print $2'} | xargs -I {} ip -6 addr del {} dev " + interface_name subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) flag = True finally: time.sleep(1) assert flag def get_host_interface_name() -> str: interfaces = netifaces.interfaces() interface_name = [s for s in interfaces if 'wl' in s][0] return str(interface_name) def clean_buffer(dut:IdfDut) -> None: str_length = str(len(dut.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=0.1))) dut.expect(r'[\s\S]{%s}' % str(str_length), timeout=10) def check_if_host_receive_ra(br:IdfDut) -> bool: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() clean_buffer(br) br.write('br omrprefix') omrprefix = br.expect(r'\n((?:\w+:){4}):/\d+\r', timeout=5)[1].decode() command = 'ip -6 route | grep ' + str(interface_name) out_str = subprocess.getoutput(command) print('br omrprefix: ', str(omrprefix)) print('host route table:\n', str(out_str)) return str(omrprefix) in str(out_str) def host_connect_wifi() -> None: command = '. /home/test/wlan_connection_OTTE.sh' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=30) time.sleep(5) def is_joined_wifi_network(br:IdfDut) -> bool: return check_if_host_receive_ra(br) thread_ipv6_group = 'ff04:0:0:0:0:0:0:125' def check_ipmaddr(dut:IdfDut) -> bool: clean_buffer(dut) dut.write('ipmaddr') info = dut.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=2) if thread_ipv6_group in str(info): return True return False def thread_is_joined_group(dut:IdfDut) -> bool: command = 'mcast join ' + thread_ipv6_group dut.write(command) dut.expect('Done', timeout=5) order = 0 while order < 3: if check_ipmaddr(dut): return True dut.write(command) wait(dut, 2) order = order + 1 return False def host_joined_group(group:str='') -> bool: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() command = 'netstat -g | grep ' + str(interface_name) out_str = subprocess.getoutput(command) print('groups:\n', str(out_str)) return group in str(out_str) class udp_parameter: def __init__(self, udp_type:str='', addr:str='::', port:int=5090, group:str='', init_flag:bool=False, timeout:float=15.0, udp_bytes:bytes=b''): self.udp_type = udp_type self.addr = addr self.port = port self.group = group self.init_flag = init_flag self.timeout = timeout self.udp_bytes = udp_bytes def create_host_udp_server(myudp:udp_parameter) -> None: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() try: if myudp.udp_type == 'INET6': AF_INET = socket.AF_INET6 else: AF_INET = socket.AF_INET print('The host start to create udp server!') if_index = socket.if_nametoindex(interface_name) sock = socket.socket(AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((myudp.addr, myudp.port)) if myudp.udp_type == 'INET6' and myudp.group != '': sock.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, struct.pack('16si', socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, myudp.group), if_index)) sock.settimeout(myudp.timeout) myudp.init_flag = True print('The host start to receive message!') myudp.udp_bytes = (sock.recvfrom(1024))[0] print('The host has received message: ', myudp.udp_bytes) except socket.error: print('The host did not receive message!') finally: print('Close the socket.') sock.close() def wait(dut:IdfDut, wait_time:float) -> None: dut.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=wait_time) def get_host_ipv4_address() -> str: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() command = 'ifconfig ' + interface_name + " | grep -w 'inet' | awk '{print $2}'" out_bytes = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, timeout=5) out_str = out_bytes.decode('utf-8') host_ipv4_address = '' host_ipv4_address = re.findall(r'((?:\d+.){3}\d+)', str(out_str))[0] return host_ipv4_address def start_avahi() -> None: time.sleep(1) command = '/etc/init.d/dbus start' subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) time.sleep(5) command = 'avahi-daemon' subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) time.sleep(5) def host_publish_service() -> None: command = 'avahi-publish-service testxxx _testxxx._udp 12347 test=1235 dn="for_ci_br_test"' subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) time.sleep(2) def host_close_service() -> None: command = "ps | grep avahi-publish-s | awk '{print $1}'" out_bytes = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, timeout=5) out_str = out_bytes.decode('utf-8') the_pid = re.findall(r'(\d+)\n', str(out_str)) for pid in the_pid: command = 'kill -9 ' + pid subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) def close_host_interface() -> None: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() flag = False try: command = 'ifconfig ' + interface_name + ' down' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) flag = True finally: time.sleep(1) assert flag def open_host_interface() -> None: interface_name = get_host_interface_name() flag = False try: command = 'ifconfig ' + interface_name + ' up' subprocess.call(command, shell=True, timeout=5) time.sleep(1) flag = True finally: time.sleep(1) assert flag def get_domain() -> str: hostname = socket.gethostname() print('hostname is: ', hostname) command = 'ps -aux | grep avahi-daemon | grep running' out_str = subprocess.getoutput(command) print('avahi status:\n', out_str) role = re.findall(r'\[([\w\W]+)\.local\]', str(out_str))[0] print('active host is: ', role) return str(role) class tcp_parameter: def __init__(self, tcp_type:str='', addr:str='::', port:int=12345, listen_flag:bool=False, recv_flag:bool=False, timeout:float=15.0, tcp_bytes:bytes=b''): self.tcp_type = tcp_type self.addr = addr self.port = port self.listen_flag = listen_flag self.recv_flag = recv_flag self.timeout = timeout self.tcp_bytes = tcp_bytes def create_host_tcp_server(mytcp:tcp_parameter) -> None: try: if mytcp.tcp_type == 'INET6': AF_INET = socket.AF_INET6 else: AF_INET = socket.AF_INET print('The host start to create a tcp server!') sock = socket.socket(AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind((mytcp.addr, mytcp.port)) sock.listen(5) mytcp.listen_flag = True print('The tcp server is waiting for connection!') sock.settimeout(mytcp.timeout) connfd,addr = sock.accept() print('The tcp server connected with ',addr) mytcp.recv_flag = True mytcp.tcp_bytes = connfd.recv(1024) print('The tcp server has received message: ', mytcp.tcp_bytes) except socket.error: if mytcp.recv_flag: print('The tcp server did not receive message!') else: print('The tcp server fail to connect!') finally: print('Close the socket.') sock.close() def get_ipv6_from_ipv4(ipv4_address:str, br:IdfDut) -> str: clean_buffer(br) br.write('br nat64prefix') omrprefix = br.expect(r'\n((?:\w+:){6}):/\d+', timeout=5)[1].decode() ipv4_find = re.findall(r'\d+', ipv4_address) ipv6_16_1 = decimal_to_hex(ipv4_find[0]) + decimal_to_hex(ipv4_find[1]) ipv6_16_2 = decimal_to_hex(ipv4_find[2]) + decimal_to_hex(ipv4_find[3]) ipv6_get_from_ipv4 = omrprefix + ':' + ipv6_16_1 + ':' + ipv6_16_2 return str(ipv6_get_from_ipv4) def decimal_to_hex(decimal_str:str) -> str: decimal_int = int(decimal_str) hex_str = hex(decimal_int)[2:] return hex_str