#!/usr/bin/env python # # Command line tool to take in ESP-IDF sdkconfig files with project # settings and output data in multiple formats (update config, generate # header file, generate .cmake include file, documentation, etc). # # Used internally by the ESP-IDF build system. But designed to be # non-IDF-specific. # # Copyright 2018-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import json import os import os.path import re import sys import tempfile import gen_kconfig_doc import kconfiglib from future.utils import iteritems __version__ = '0.1' if 'IDF_CMAKE' not in os.environ: os.environ['IDF_CMAKE'] = '' class DeprecatedOptions(object): _REN_FILE = 'sdkconfig.rename' _DEP_OP_BEGIN = '# Deprecated options for backward compatibility' _DEP_OP_END = '# End of deprecated options' _RE_DEP_OP_BEGIN = re.compile(_DEP_OP_BEGIN) _RE_DEP_OP_END = re.compile(_DEP_OP_END) def __init__(self, config_prefix, path_rename_files=[]): self.config_prefix = config_prefix # r_dic maps deprecated options to new options; rev_r_dic maps in the opposite direction self.r_dic, self.rev_r_dic = self._parse_replacements(path_rename_files) # note the '=' at the end of regex for not getting partial match of configs self._RE_CONFIG = re.compile(r'{}(\w+)='.format(self.config_prefix)) def _parse_replacements(self, repl_paths): rep_dic = {} rev_rep_dic = {} def remove_config_prefix(string): if string.startswith(self.config_prefix): return string[len(self.config_prefix):] raise RuntimeError('Error in {} (line {}): Config {} is not prefixed with {}' ''.format(rep_path, line_number, string, self.config_prefix)) for rep_path in repl_paths: with open(rep_path) as f_rep: for line_number, line in enumerate(f_rep, start=1): sp_line = line.split() if len(sp_line) == 0 or sp_line[0].startswith('#'): # empty line or comment continue if len(sp_line) != 2 or not all(x.startswith(self.config_prefix) for x in sp_line): raise RuntimeError('Syntax error in {} (line {})'.format(rep_path, line_number)) if sp_line[0] in rep_dic: raise RuntimeError('Error in {} (line {}): Replacement {} exist for {} and new ' 'replacement {} is defined'.format(rep_path, line_number, rep_dic[sp_line[0]], sp_line[0], sp_line[1])) (dep_opt, new_opt) = (remove_config_prefix(x) for x in sp_line) rep_dic[dep_opt] = new_opt rev_rep_dic[new_opt] = dep_opt return rep_dic, rev_rep_dic def get_deprecated_option(self, new_option): return self.rev_r_dic.get(new_option, None) def get_new_option(self, deprecated_option): return self.r_dic.get(deprecated_option, None) def replace(self, sdkconfig_in, sdkconfig_out): replace_enabled = True with open(sdkconfig_in, 'r') as f_in, open(sdkconfig_out, 'w') as f_out: for line_num, line in enumerate(f_in, start=1): if self._RE_DEP_OP_BEGIN.search(line): replace_enabled = False elif self._RE_DEP_OP_END.search(line): replace_enabled = True elif replace_enabled: m = self._RE_CONFIG.search(line) if m and m.group(1) in self.r_dic: depr_opt = self.config_prefix + m.group(1) new_opt = self.config_prefix + self.r_dic[m.group(1)] line = line.replace(depr_opt, new_opt) print('{}:{} {} was replaced with {}'.format(sdkconfig_in, line_num, depr_opt, new_opt)) f_out.write(line) def append_doc(self, config, visibility, path_output): def option_was_written(opt): # named choices were written if any of the symbols in the choice were visible if new_opt in config.named_choices: syms = config.named_choices[new_opt].syms for s in syms: if any(visibility.visible(node) for node in s.nodes): return True return False else: # otherwise if any of the nodes associated with the option was visible return any(visibility.visible(node) for node in config.syms[opt].nodes) if len(self.r_dic) > 0: with open(path_output, 'a') as f_o: header = 'Deprecated options and their replacements' f_o.write('.. _configuration-deprecated-options:\n\n{}\n{}\n\n'.format(header, '-' * len(header))) for dep_opt in sorted(self.r_dic): new_opt = self.r_dic[dep_opt] if option_was_written(new_opt) and (new_opt not in config.syms or config.syms[new_opt].choice is None): # everything except config for a choice (no link reference for those in the docs) f_o.write('- {}{} (:ref:`{}{}`)\n'.format(config.config_prefix, dep_opt, config.config_prefix, new_opt)) if new_opt in config.named_choices: # here are printed config options which were filtered out syms = config.named_choices[new_opt].syms for sym in syms: if sym.name in self.rev_r_dic: # only if the symbol has been renamed dep_name = self.rev_r_dic[sym.name] # config options doesn't have references f_o.write(' - {}{}\n'.format(config.config_prefix, dep_name)) def append_config(self, config, path_output): tmp_list = [] def append_config_node_process(node): item = node.item if isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.env_var is None: if item.name in self.rev_r_dic: c_string = item.config_string if c_string: tmp_list.append(c_string.replace(self.config_prefix + item.name, self.config_prefix + self.rev_r_dic[item.name])) for n in config.node_iter(): append_config_node_process(n) if len(tmp_list) > 0: with open(path_output, 'a') as f_o: f_o.write('\n{}\n'.format(self._DEP_OP_BEGIN)) f_o.writelines(tmp_list) f_o.write('{}\n'.format(self._DEP_OP_END)) def append_header(self, config, path_output): def _opt_defined(opt): if not opt.visibility: return False return not (opt.orig_type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE) and opt.str_value == 'n') if len(self.r_dic) > 0: with open(path_output, 'a') as f_o: f_o.write('\n/* List of deprecated options */\n') for dep_opt in sorted(self.r_dic): new_opt = self.r_dic[dep_opt] if new_opt in config.syms and _opt_defined(config.syms[new_opt]): f_o.write('#define {}{} {}{}\n'.format(self.config_prefix, dep_opt, self.config_prefix, new_opt)) def dict_enc_for_env(dic, encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8'): """ This function can be deleted after dropping support for Python 2. There is no rule for it that environment variables cannot be Unicode but usually people try to avoid it. The upstream kconfiglib cannot detect strings properly if the environment variables are "unicode". This is problem only in Python 2. """ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: return dic ret = dict() for (key, value) in iteritems(dic): ret[key.encode(encoding)] = value.encode(encoding) return ret def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='confgen.py v%s - Config Generation Tool' % __version__, prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) parser.add_argument('--config', help='Project configuration settings', nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('--defaults', help='Optional project defaults file, used if --config file doesn\'t exist. ' 'Multiple files can be specified using multiple --defaults arguments.', nargs='?', default=[], action='append') parser.add_argument('--kconfig', help='KConfig file with config item definitions', required=True) parser.add_argument('--sdkconfig-rename', help='File with deprecated Kconfig options', required=False) parser.add_argument('--dont-write-deprecated', help='Do not write compatibility statements for deprecated values', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--output', nargs=2, action='append', help='Write output file (format and output filename)', metavar=('FORMAT', 'FILENAME'), default=[]) parser.add_argument('--env', action='append', default=[], help='Environment to set when evaluating the config file', metavar='NAME=VAL') parser.add_argument('--env-file', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='Optional file to load environment variables from. Contents ' 'should be a JSON object where each key/value pair is a variable.') args = parser.parse_args() for fmt, filename in args.output: if fmt not in OUTPUT_FORMATS.keys(): print("Format '%s' not recognised. Known formats: %s" % (fmt, OUTPUT_FORMATS.keys())) sys.exit(1) try: args.env = [(name,value) for (name,value) in (e.split('=',1) for e in args.env)] except ValueError: print("--env arguments must each contain =. To unset an environment variable, use 'ENV='") sys.exit(1) for name, value in args.env: os.environ[name] = value if args.env_file is not None: env = json.load(args.env_file) os.environ.update(dict_enc_for_env(env)) config = kconfiglib.Kconfig(args.kconfig) config.warn_assign_redun = False config.warn_assign_override = False sdkconfig_renames = [args.sdkconfig_rename] if args.sdkconfig_rename else [] sdkconfig_renames += os.environ.get('COMPONENT_SDKCONFIG_RENAMES', '').split() deprecated_options = DeprecatedOptions(config.config_prefix, path_rename_files=sdkconfig_renames) if len(args.defaults) > 0: def _replace_empty_assignments(path_in, path_out): with open(path_in, 'r') as f_in, open(path_out, 'w') as f_out: for line_num, line in enumerate(f_in, start=1): line = line.strip() if line.endswith('='): line += 'n' print('{}:{} line was updated to {}'.format(path_out, line_num, line)) f_out.write(line) f_out.write('\n') # always load defaults first, so any items which are not defined in that config # will have the default defined in the defaults file for name in args.defaults: print('Loading defaults file %s...' % name) if not os.path.exists(name): raise RuntimeError('Defaults file not found: %s' % name) try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='confgen_tmp', delete=False) as f: temp_file1 = f.name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='confgen_tmp', delete=False) as f: temp_file2 = f.name deprecated_options.replace(sdkconfig_in=name, sdkconfig_out=temp_file1) _replace_empty_assignments(temp_file1, temp_file2) config.load_config(temp_file2, replace=False) finally: try: os.remove(temp_file1) os.remove(temp_file2) except OSError: pass # If config file previously exists, load it if args.config and os.path.exists(args.config): # ... but replace deprecated options before that with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='confgen_tmp', delete=False) as f: temp_file = f.name try: deprecated_options.replace(sdkconfig_in=args.config, sdkconfig_out=temp_file) config.load_config(temp_file, replace=False) update_if_changed(temp_file, args.config) finally: try: os.remove(temp_file) except OSError: pass if args.dont_write_deprecated: # The deprecated object was useful until now for replacements. Now it will be redefined with no configurations # and as the consequence, it won't generate output with deprecated statements. deprecated_options = DeprecatedOptions('', path_rename_files=[]) # Output the files specified in the arguments for output_type, filename in args.output: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='confgen_tmp', delete=False) as f: temp_file = f.name try: output_function = OUTPUT_FORMATS[output_type] output_function(deprecated_options, config, temp_file) update_if_changed(temp_file, filename) finally: try: os.remove(temp_file) except OSError: pass def write_config(deprecated_options, config, filename): CONFIG_HEADING = """# # Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT. # Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) Project Configuration # """ config.write_config(filename, header=CONFIG_HEADING) deprecated_options.append_config(config, filename) def write_makefile(deprecated_options, config, filename): CONFIG_HEADING = """# # Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT. # Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) Project Makefile Configuration # """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: tmp_dep_lines = [] f.write(CONFIG_HEADING) def get_makefile_config_string(name, value, orig_type): if orig_type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE): value = '' if value == 'n' else value elif orig_type == kconfiglib.INT: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: value = '' elif orig_type == kconfiglib.HEX: try: value = hex(int(value, 16)) # ensure 0x prefix except ValueError: value = '' elif orig_type == kconfiglib.STRING: value = '"{}"'.format(kconfiglib.escape(value)) else: raise RuntimeError('{}{}: unknown type {}'.format(config.config_prefix, name, orig_type)) return '{}{}={}\n'.format(config.config_prefix, name, value) def write_makefile_node(node): item = node.item if isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.env_var is None: # item.config_string cannot be used because it ignores hidden config items val = item.str_value f.write(get_makefile_config_string(item.name, val, item.orig_type)) dep_opt = deprecated_options.get_deprecated_option(item.name) if dep_opt: # the same string but with the deprecated name tmp_dep_lines.append(get_makefile_config_string(dep_opt, val, item.orig_type)) for n in config.node_iter(True): write_makefile_node(n) if len(tmp_dep_lines) > 0: f.write('\n# List of deprecated options\n') f.writelines(tmp_dep_lines) def write_header(deprecated_options, config, filename): CONFIG_HEADING = """/* * Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT. * Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) Configuration Header */ #pragma once """ config.write_autoconf(filename, header=CONFIG_HEADING) deprecated_options.append_header(config, filename) def write_cmake(deprecated_options, config, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: tmp_dep_list = [] write = f.write prefix = config.config_prefix write("""# # Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT. # Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) Configuration cmake include file # """) configs_list = list() def write_node(node): sym = node.item if not isinstance(sym, kconfiglib.Symbol): return if sym.config_string: val = sym.str_value if sym.orig_type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE) and val == 'n': val = '' # write unset values as empty variables elif sym.orig_type == kconfiglib.STRING: val = kconfiglib.escape(val) elif sym.orig_type == kconfiglib.HEX: val = hex(int(val, 16)) # ensure 0x prefix write('set({}{} "{}")\n'.format(prefix, sym.name, val)) configs_list.append(prefix + sym.name) dep_opt = deprecated_options.get_deprecated_option(sym.name) if dep_opt: tmp_dep_list.append('set({}{} "{}")\n'.format(prefix, dep_opt, val)) configs_list.append(prefix + dep_opt) for n in config.node_iter(): write_node(n) write('set(CONFIGS_LIST {})'.format(';'.join(configs_list))) if len(tmp_dep_list) > 0: write('\n# List of deprecated options for backward compatibility\n') f.writelines(tmp_dep_list) def get_json_values(config): config_dict = {} def write_node(node): sym = node.item if not isinstance(sym, kconfiglib.Symbol): return if sym.config_string: val = sym.str_value if sym.type in [kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE]: val = (val != 'n') elif sym.type == kconfiglib.HEX: val = int(val, 16) elif sym.type == kconfiglib.INT: val = int(val) config_dict[sym.name] = val for n in config.node_iter(False): write_node(n) return config_dict def write_json(deprecated_options, config, filename): config_dict = get_json_values(config) with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(config_dict, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def get_menu_node_id(node): """ Given a menu node, return a unique id which can be used to identify it in the menu structure Will either be the config symbol name, or a menu identifier 'slug' """ try: if not isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Choice): return node.item.name except AttributeError: pass result = [] while node.parent is not None: slug = re.sub(r'\W+', '-', node.prompt[0]).lower() result.append(slug) node = node.parent result = '-'.join(reversed(result)) return result def write_json_menus(deprecated_options, config, filename): existing_ids = set() result = [] # root level items node_lookup = {} # lookup from MenuNode to an item in result def write_node(node): try: json_parent = node_lookup[node.parent]['children'] except KeyError: assert node.parent not in node_lookup # if fails, we have a parent node with no "children" entity (ie a bug) json_parent = result # root level node # node.kconfig.y means node has no dependency, if node.dep is node.kconfig.y: depends = None else: depends = kconfiglib.expr_str(node.dep) try: # node.is_menuconfig is True in newer kconfiglibs for menus and choices as well is_menuconfig = node.is_menuconfig and isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Symbol) except AttributeError: is_menuconfig = False new_json = None if node.item == kconfiglib.MENU or is_menuconfig: new_json = {'type': 'menu', 'title': node.prompt[0], 'depends_on': depends, 'children': [], } if is_menuconfig: sym = node.item new_json['name'] = sym.name new_json['help'] = node.help new_json['is_menuconfig'] = is_menuconfig greatest_range = None if len(sym.ranges) > 0: # Note: Evaluating the condition using kconfiglib's expr_value # should have one condition which is true for min_range, max_range, cond_expr in sym.ranges: if kconfiglib.expr_value(cond_expr): greatest_range = [min_range, max_range] new_json['range'] = greatest_range elif isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Symbol): sym = node.item greatest_range = None if len(sym.ranges) > 0: # Note: Evaluating the condition using kconfiglib's expr_value # should have one condition which is true for min_range, max_range, cond_expr in sym.ranges: if kconfiglib.expr_value(cond_expr): base = 16 if sym.type == kconfiglib.HEX else 10 greatest_range = [int(min_range.str_value, base), int(max_range.str_value, base)] break new_json = { 'type': kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type], 'name': sym.name, 'title': node.prompt[0] if node.prompt else None, 'depends_on': depends, 'help': node.help, 'range': greatest_range, 'children': [], } elif isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Choice): choice = node.item new_json = { 'type': 'choice', 'title': node.prompt[0], 'name': choice.name, 'depends_on': depends, 'help': node.help, 'children': [] } if new_json: node_id = get_menu_node_id(node) if node_id in existing_ids: raise RuntimeError('Config file contains two items with the same id: %s (%s). ' + 'Please rename one of these items to avoid ambiguity.' % (node_id, node.prompt[0])) new_json['id'] = node_id json_parent.append(new_json) node_lookup[node] = new_json for n in config.node_iter(): write_node(n) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def write_docs(deprecated_options, config, filename): try: target = os.environ['IDF_TARGET'] except KeyError: print('IDF_TARGET environment variable must be defined!') sys.exit(1) visibility = gen_kconfig_doc.ConfigTargetVisibility(config, target) gen_kconfig_doc.write_docs(config, visibility, filename) deprecated_options.append_doc(config, visibility, filename) def update_if_changed(source, destination): with open(source, 'r') as f: source_contents = f.read() if os.path.exists(destination): with open(destination, 'r') as f: dest_contents = f.read() if source_contents == dest_contents: return # nothing to update with open(destination, 'w') as f: f.write(source_contents) OUTPUT_FORMATS = {'config': write_config, 'makefile': write_makefile, # only used with make in order to generate auto.conf 'header': write_header, 'cmake': write_cmake, 'docs': write_docs, 'json': write_json, 'json_menus': write_json_menus, } class FatalError(RuntimeError): """ Class for runtime errors (not caused by bugs but by user input). """ pass if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except FatalError as e: print('A fatal error occurred: %s' % e) sys.exit(2)