// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "unity.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "esp_netif.h" #include "lwip/sockets.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE #include "esp_ipc.h" #include "esp_freertos_hooks.h" #endif const esp_partition_t *get_test_data_partition(void) { /* This finds "flash_test" partition defined in partition_table_unit_test_app.csv */ const esp_partition_t *result = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY, "flash_test"); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(result); /* means partition table set wrong */ return result; } void test_case_uses_tcpip(void) { // Can be called more than once, does nothing on subsequent calls esp_netif_init(); // Allocate all sockets then free them // (First time each socket is allocated some one-time allocations happen.) int sockets[CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS]; for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS; i++) { int type = (i % 2 == 0) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM; int family = (i % 3 == 0) ? PF_INET6 : PF_INET; sockets[i] = socket(family, type, IPPROTO_IP); } for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS; i++) { close(sockets[i]); } // Allow LWIP tasks to finish initialising themselves vTaskDelay(25 / portTICK_RATE_MS); printf("Note: esp_netif_init() has been called. Until next reset, TCP/IP task will periodicially allocate memory and consume CPU time.\n"); // Reset the leak checker as LWIP allocates a lot of memory on first run unity_reset_leak_checks(); test_utils_set_leak_level(0, TYPE_LEAK_CRITICAL, COMP_LEAK_GENERAL); test_utils_set_leak_level(CONFIG_UNITY_CRITICAL_LEAK_LEVEL_LWIP, TYPE_LEAK_CRITICAL, COMP_LEAK_LWIP); } // wait user to send "Enter" key or input parameter static void wait_user_control(char* parameter_buf, uint8_t buf_len) { char *buffer = parameter_buf; char sign[5]; uint8_t buffer_len = buf_len - 1; if (parameter_buf == NULL) { buffer = sign; buffer_len = sizeof(sign) - 1; } // workaround that unity_gets (esp_rom_uart_rx_string) will not set '\0' correctly bzero(buffer, buffer_len); unity_gets(buffer, buffer_len); } // signal functions, used for sync between unity DUTs for multiple devices cases void unity_wait_for_signal_param(const char* signal_name, char* parameter_buf, uint8_t buf_len) { printf("Waiting for signal: [%s]!\n", signal_name); if (parameter_buf == NULL) { printf("Please press \"Enter\" key once any board send this signal.\n"); } else { printf("Please input parameter value from any board send this signal and press \"Enter\" key.\n"); } wait_user_control(parameter_buf, buf_len); } void unity_send_signal_param(const char* signal_name, const char *parameter) { if (parameter == NULL) { printf("Send signal: [%s]!\n", signal_name); } else { printf("Send signal: [%s][%s]!\n", signal_name, parameter); } } bool unity_util_convert_mac_from_string(const char* mac_str, uint8_t *mac_addr) { uint8_t loop = 0; uint8_t tmp = 0; const char *start; char *stop; for (loop = 0; loop < 6; loop++) { start = mac_str + loop * 3; tmp = strtol(start, &stop, 16); if (stop - start == 2 && (*stop == ':' || (*stop == 0 && loop == 5))) { mac_addr[loop] = tmp; } else { return false; } } return true; } static size_t test_unity_leak_level[TYPE_LEAK_MAX][COMP_LEAK_ALL] = { 0 }; esp_err_t test_utils_set_leak_level(size_t leak_level, esp_type_leak_t type_of_leak, esp_comp_leak_t component) { if (type_of_leak >= TYPE_LEAK_MAX || component >= COMP_LEAK_ALL) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } test_unity_leak_level[type_of_leak][component] = leak_level; return ESP_OK; } size_t test_utils_get_leak_level(esp_type_leak_t type_of_leak, esp_comp_leak_t component) { size_t leak_level = 0; if (type_of_leak >= TYPE_LEAK_MAX || component > COMP_LEAK_ALL) { leak_level = 0; } else { if (component == COMP_LEAK_ALL) { for (int comp = 0; comp < COMP_LEAK_ALL; ++comp) { leak_level += test_unity_leak_level[type_of_leak][comp]; } } else { leak_level = test_unity_leak_level[type_of_leak][component]; } } return leak_level; } #define EXHAUST_MEMORY_ENTRIES 100 struct test_utils_exhaust_memory_record_s { int *entries[EXHAUST_MEMORY_ENTRIES]; }; test_utils_exhaust_memory_rec test_utils_exhaust_memory(uint32_t caps, size_t limit) { int idx = 0; test_utils_exhaust_memory_rec rec = calloc(1, sizeof(struct test_utils_exhaust_memory_record_s)); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_MESSAGE(rec, "test_utils_exhaust_memory: not enough free memory to allocate record structure!"); while (idx < EXHAUST_MEMORY_ENTRIES) { size_t free_caps = heap_caps_get_largest_free_block(caps); if (free_caps <= limit) { return rec; // done! } rec->entries[idx] = heap_caps_malloc(free_caps - limit, caps); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_MESSAGE(rec->entries[idx], "test_utils_exhaust_memory: something went wrong while freeing up memory, is another task using heap?"); heap_caps_check_integrity_all(true); idx++; } TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("test_utils_exhaust_memory: The heap with the requested caps is too fragmented, increase EXHAUST_MEMORY_ENTRIES or defrag the heap!"); abort(); } void test_utils_free_exhausted_memory(test_utils_exhaust_memory_rec rec) { for (int i = 0; i < EXHAUST_MEMORY_ENTRIES; i++) { free(rec->entries[i]); } free(rec); } #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE static SemaphoreHandle_t test_sem; static bool test_idle_hook_func(void) { if (test_sem) { xSemaphoreGive(test_sem); } return true; } static void test_task_delete_func(void *arg) { vTaskDelete(arg); } #endif // !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE void test_utils_task_delete(TaskHandle_t thandle) { /* Self deletion can not free up associated task dynamic memory immediately, * hence not recommended for test scenarios */ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_MESSAGE(thandle, "test_utils_task_delete: handle is NULL"); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(thandle, xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), "test_utils_task_delete: handle is of currently executing task"); #if CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE vTaskDelete(thandle); #else // CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE const BaseType_t tsk_affinity = xTaskGetAffinity(thandle); const uint32_t core_id = xPortGetCoreID(); printf("Task_affinity: 0x%x, current_core: %d\n", tsk_affinity, core_id); if (tsk_affinity == tskNO_AFFINITY) { /* For no affinity case, we wait for idle hook to trigger on different core */ esp_err_t ret = esp_register_freertos_idle_hook_for_cpu(test_idle_hook_func, !core_id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(ret, ESP_OK, "test_utils_task_delete: failed to register idle hook"); vTaskDelete(thandle); test_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_MESSAGE(test_sem, "test_utils_task_delete: failed to create semaphore"); xSemaphoreTake(test_sem, portMAX_DELAY); esp_deregister_freertos_idle_hook_for_cpu(test_idle_hook_func, !core_id); vSemaphoreDelete(test_sem); test_sem = NULL; } else if (tsk_affinity != core_id) { /* Task affinity and current core are differnt, schedule IPC call (to delete task) * on core where task is pinned to */ esp_ipc_call_blocking(tsk_affinity, test_task_delete_func, thandle); } else { /* Task affinity and current core are same, so we can safely proceed for deletion */ vTaskDelete(thandle); } #endif // !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE }