{ Copyright 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Page to select whether to download ESP-IDF, or use an existing copy ------------------------------ } var IDFPage: TInputOptionWizardPage; IDFSelectionDownloadIndex: Integer; IDFSelectionCustomPathIndex: Integer; IDFUseExisting: Boolean; IDFExistingPath: String; function IDFDownloadRequired(): Boolean; begin Result := not IDFUseExisting; end; procedure IDFPageUpdateInput(); var Enable: Boolean; begin if IDFPage.SelectedValueIndex = IDFSelectionCustomPathIndex then Enable := True; ChoicePageSetInputEnabled(IDFPage, Enable); end; procedure OnIDFPagePrepare(Sender: TObject); var Page: TInputOptionWizardPage; begin Page := TInputOptionWizardPage(Sender); Log('OnIDFPagePrepare'); if Page.CheckListBox.Items.Count > 0 then exit; IDFSelectionDownloadIndex := Page.Add('Download ESP-IDF') IDFSelectionCustomPathIndex := Page.Add('Use an existing ESP-IDF directory'); Page.SelectedValueIndex := 0; IDFPageUpdateInput(); end; procedure OnIDFSelectionChange(Sender: TObject); var Page: TInputOptionWizardPage; begin Page := TInputOptionWizardPage(Sender); Log('OnIDFSelectionChange index=' + IntToStr(Page.SelectedValueIndex)); IDFPageUpdateInput(); end; function OnIDFPageValidate(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean; var Page: TInputOptionWizardPage; NotSupportedMsg, IDFPath, IDFPyPath, RequirementsPath: String; begin Page := TInputOptionWizardPage(Sender); Log('OnIDFPageValidate index=' + IntToStr(Page.SelectedValueIndex)); if Page.SelectedValueIndex = IDFSelectionDownloadIndex then begin IDFUseExisting := False; Result := True; end else begin IDFUseExisting := True; Result := False; NotSupportedMsg := 'The selected version of ESP-IDF is not supported:' + #13#10; IDFPath := ChoicePageGetInputText(Page); if not DirExists(IDFPath) then begin MsgBox('Directory doesn''t exist: ' + IDFPath + #13#10 + 'Please choose an existing ESP-IDF directory', mbError, MB_OK); exit; end; if Pos(' ', IDFPath) <> 0 then begin MsgBox('ESP-IDF build system does not support spaces in paths.' + #13#10 'Please choose a different directory.', mbError, MB_OK); exit; end; IDFPyPath := IDFPath + '\tools\idf.py'; if not FileExists(IDFPyPath) then begin MsgBox(NotSupportedMsg + 'Can not find idf.py in ' + IDFPath + '\tools', mbError, MB_OK); exit; end; RequirementsPath := IDFPath + '\requirements.txt'; if not FileExists(RequirementsPath) then begin MsgBox(NotSupportedMsg + 'Can not find requirements.txt in ' + IDFPath, mbError, MB_OK); exit; end; IDFExistingPath := IDFPath; Result := True; end; end; function ShouldSkipIDFPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin { The page does not make sense in offline mode } if (PageID = IDFPage.ID) and IsOfflineMode then begin Result := True; end; end; procedure CreateIDFPage(); begin IDFPage := ChoicePageCreate( wpLicense, 'Download or use ESP-IDF', 'Please choose ESP-IDF version to download, or use an existing ESP-IDF copy', 'Available ESP-IDF versions', 'Choose existing ESP-IDF directory', True, @OnIDFPagePrepare, @OnIDFSelectionChange, @OnIDFPageValidate); end;