from sphinx.util import get_matching_files from sphinx.util.matching import compile_matchers # Updates the excluded documents according to the conditional_include_dict {tag:documents} def update_exclude_patterns(app, config): # Default to building all if option not set if config.docs_to_build: build_subset(app, config) include_set = set() exclude_set = set() for tag, docs in config.conditional_include_dict.items(): if not app.tags.has(tag): exclude_set.update(docs) else: include_set.update(docs) # Do not exclude docs that have been explicitly included, e.g. if a doc is listed in both # ESP32_DOCS and ESP32S2_DOCS it will be included for those targets. app.config.exclude_patterns.extend(exclude_set - include_set) def build_subset(app, config): # Convert to list of docs to build docs_to_build = config.docs_to_build.split(',') # Exclude all documents which were not set as docs_to_build when build_docs were called exclude_docs = [filename for filename in get_matching_files(app.srcdir, compile_matchers(docs_to_build))] docs = [filename for filename in get_matching_files(app.srcdir, compile_matchers(exclude_docs))] app.config.exclude_patterns.extend(exclude_docs) # Get all docs that will be built docs = [filename for filename in get_matching_files(app.srcdir, compile_matchers(exclude_docs))] if not docs: raise ValueError('No documents to build') print('Building a subset of the documents: {}'.format(docs)) # Sphinx requires a master document, if there is a document name 'index' then we pick that index_docs = [doc for doc in docs if 'index' in doc] if index_docs: config.master_doc = index_docs[0].replace('.rst', '') else: config.master_doc = docs[0].replace('.rst', '') def setup(app): # Tags are generated together with defines app.connect('config-inited', update_exclude_patterns) return {'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, 'version': '0.1'}