@echo off if defined MSYSTEM ( echo This .bat file is for Windows CMD.EXE shell only. goto :eof ) :: Missing requirements check set MISSING_REQUIREMENTS= python.exe --version >NUL 2>NUL if %errorlevel% neq 0 set "MISSING_REQUIREMENTS= python &echo\" git.exe --version >NUL 2>NUL if %errorlevel% neq 0 set "MISSING_REQUIREMENTS=%MISSING_REQUIREMENTS% git" if not "%MISSING_REQUIREMENTS%" == "" goto :__error_missing_requirements :: Infer IDF_PATH from script location set IDF_PATH=%~dp0 set IDF_PATH=%IDF_PATH:~0,-1% echo Checking Python compatibility python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\python_version_checker.py" set "IDF_TOOLS_PY_PATH=%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf_tools.py" set "IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH=%IDF_PATH%\tools\tools.json" set "IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD=%IDF_PATH%\export.bat" set "IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD=%IDF_PATH%\install.bat" echo Setting IDF_PATH: %IDF_PATH% echo. set "OLD_PATH=%PATH%" echo Adding ESP-IDF tools to PATH... :: Export tool paths and environment variables. :: It is possible to do this without a temporary file (running idf_tools.py from for /r command), :: but that way it is impossible to get the exit code of idf_tools.py. set "IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE=%TEMP%\idf_export_vars.tmp" python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf_tools.py" export --format key-value >"%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :__end for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 eol=# delims==" %%a in ("%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%") do ( call set "%%a=%%b" ) :: This removes OLD_PATH substring from PATH, leaving only the paths which have been added, :: and prints semicolon-delimited components of the path on separate lines call set PATH_ADDITIONS=%%PATH:%OLD_PATH%=%% if "%PATH_ADDITIONS%"=="" call :__print_nothing_added if not "%PATH_ADDITIONS%"=="" echo %PATH_ADDITIONS:;=&echo. % DOSKEY idf.py=python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf.py" $* DOSKEY esptool.py=python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\components\esptool_py\esptool\esptool.py" $* DOSKEY espefuse.py=python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\components\esptool_py\esptool\espefuse.py" $* DOSKEY espsecure.py=python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\components\esptool_py\esptool\espsecure.py" $* DOSKEY otatool.py=python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\components\app_update\otatool.py" $* DOSKEY parttool.py=python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\components\partition_table\parttool.py" $* echo Checking if Python packages are up to date... python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf_tools.py" check-python-dependencies if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :__end python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf_tools.py" uninstall --dry-run > UNINSTALL_OUTPUT SET /p UNINSTALL=nul 2>nul ) set IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE= set IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD= set IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD= set IDF_TOOLS_PY_PATH= set IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH= set OLD_PATH= set PATH_ADDITIONS= set MISSING_REQUIREMENTS= set UNINSTALL=