{ Copyright 2019-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Helper functions from libcmdlinerunner.dll ------------------------------ } function ProcStart(cmdline, workdir: string): Longword; external 'proc_start@files:cmdlinerunner.dll cdecl'; function ProcGetExitCode(inst: Longword): DWORD; external 'proc_get_exit_code@files:cmdlinerunner.dll cdecl'; function ProcGetOutput(inst: Longword; dest: PAnsiChar; sz: DWORD): DWORD; external 'proc_get_output@files:cmdlinerunner.dll cdecl'; procedure ProcEnd(inst: Longword); external 'proc_end@files:cmdlinerunner.dll cdecl'; { ------------------------------ WinAPI functions ------------------------------ } #ifdef UNICODE #define AW "W" #else #define AW "A" #endif function SetEnvironmentVariable(lpName: string; lpValue: string): BOOL; external 'SetEnvironmentVariable{#AW}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; { ------------------------------ Functions to query the registry ------------------------------ } { Utility to search in HKLM and HKCU for an installation path. Looks in both 64-bit & 32-bit registry. } function GetInstallPath(key, valuename : String) : String; var value: String; begin Result := ''; if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, valuename, value) then begin Result := value; exit; end; if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key, valuename, value) then begin Result := value; exit; end; { This is 32-bit setup running on 64-bit Windows, but ESP-IDF can use 64-bit tools also } if IsWin64 and RegQueryStringValue(HKLM64, key, valuename, value) then begin Result := value; exit; end; if IsWin64 and RegQueryStringValue(HKCU64, key, valuename, value) then begin Result := value; exit; end; end; { ------------------------------ Function to exit from the installer ------------------------------ } procedure AbortInstallation(Message: String); begin MsgBox(Message, mbError, MB_OK); Abort(); end; { ------------------------------ File system related functions ------------------------------ } function DirIsEmpty(DirName: String): Boolean; var FindRec: TFindRec; begin Result := True; if FindFirst(DirName+'\*', FindRec) then begin try repeat if (FindRec.Name <> '.') and (FindRec.Name <> '..') then begin Result := False; break; end; until not FindNext(FindRec); finally FindClose(FindRec); end; end; end; type TFindFileCallback = procedure(Filename: String); procedure FindFileRecursive(Directory: string; FileName: string; Callback: TFindFileCallback); var FindRec: TFindRec; FilePath: string; begin if FindFirst(Directory + '\*', FindRec) then begin try repeat if (FindRec.Name = '.') or (FindRec.Name = '..') then continue; FilePath := Directory + '\' + FindRec.Name; if FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY <> 0 then begin FindFileRecursive(FilePath, FileName, Callback); end else if CompareText(FindRec.Name, FileName) = 0 then begin Callback(FilePath); end; until not FindNext(FindRec); finally FindClose(FindRec); end; end; end; { ------------------------------ Version related functions ------------------------------ } function VersionExtractMajorMinor(Version: String; var Major: Integer; var Minor: Integer): Boolean; var Delim: Integer; MajorStr, MinorStr: String; OrigVersion, ExpectedPrefix: String; begin Result := False; OrigVersion := Version; Delim := Pos('.', Version); if Delim = 0 then exit; MajorStr := Version; Delete(MajorStr, Delim, Length(MajorStr)); Delete(Version, 1, Delim); Major := StrToInt(MajorStr); Delim := Pos('.', Version); if Delim = 0 then Delim := Length(MinorStr); MinorStr := Version; Delete(MinorStr, Delim, Length(MinorStr)); Delete(Version, 1, Delim); Minor := StrToInt(MinorStr); { Sanity check } ExpectedPrefix := IntToStr(Major) + '.' + IntToStr(Minor); if Pos(ExpectedPrefix, OrigVersion) <> 1 then begin Log('VersionExtractMajorMinor: version=' + OrigVersion + ', expected=' + ExpectedPrefix); exit; end; Result := True; end;