#State transition diagram of the TWAI Driver blockdiag state_transition_diagram { orientation = landscape; default_fontsize = 18; node_width = 180; node_height = 40; span_width = 100; span_height = 40; #First Row bus_off [label = "Bus-Off"]; recovering [label = "Recovering"]; #Second Row uninstalled [label = "Uninstalled"]; stopped [label = "Stopped"]; running [label = "Running"]; app_start[label = "Entry", shape = beginpoint]; bus_off -> uninstalled [folded, thick, fontsize = 14, label = "F"]; bus_off -> recovering [thick, fontsize = 14, label = "G"]; recovering -> stopped [folded, thick, color = blue, fontsize = 14, label = "H"]; uninstalled <-> stopped [thick, fontsize = 14, label = "A/B"]; stopped <-> running [thick, fontsize = 14, label = "C/D"]; running -> bus_off [folded, thick, color = red, fontsize = 14, label = "E"]; app_start -> uninstalled [folded, style = dashed] }