.. Read the Docs Template documentation master file Welcome to ESP32 Programming Guide ================================== Example C functions ------------------- .. c:function:: esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_ap_list (uint16_t *number, wifi_ap_list_t *ap_list) .. c:function:: esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_protocol (wifi_interface_t ifx, uint8_t protocol_bitmap) Example C function integration ------------------------------ .. doxygenfunction:: esp_wifi_init .. doxygenfunction:: esp_wifi_set_config .. doxygenfunction:: gpio_isr_register .. doxygenfunction:: ledc_timer_set Example C enum integration -------------------------- .. doxygenenum:: wifi_auth_mode_t Example C struct integration ---------------------------- .. doxygenstruct:: wifi_scan_config_t :members: Contents: .. About - TBA .. toctree:: :caption: Toolchain Setup :maxdepth: 1 windows-setup linux-setup macos-setup eclipse-setup .. API Reference - TBA .. Technical Reference - TBA .. toctree:: :caption: Debugging :maxdepth: 1 openocd .. Resources - TBA .. toctree:: :caption: Contribute :maxdepth: 1 contributing contributor-agreement .. toctree:: :caption: Copyrights and Licenses :maxdepth: 1 COPYRIGHT .. toctree:: :caption: Flapping Documents :maxdepth: 1 partition-tables build_system Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`