********* Resources ********* :link_to_translation:`zh_CN:[中文]` .. toctree:: :caption: Third-Party Tools :maxdepth: 2 third-party-tools/platformio third-party-tools/clion third-party-tools/visualgdb For inquiries related to these third-party tools, we recommend seeking assistance from the respective tool's support channels or user communities. Useful Links ############ * The `esp32.com forum `_ is a place to ask questions and find community resources. * Check the `Issues `_ section on GitHub if you find a bug or have a feature request. Please check existing `Issues `_ before opening a new one. * A comprehensive collection of `solutions `_, `practical applications `_, `components and drivers `_ based on ESP-IDF is available in `ESP IoT Solution `_ repository. In most of cases descriptions are provided both in English and in 中文. * To develop applications using Arduino platform, refer to `Arduino core for the ESP32, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3 `_. * Several `books `_ have been written about ESP32 and they are listed on `Espressif `__ web site. * If you're interested in contributing to ESP-IDF, please check the :doc:`contribute/index`. * For additional {IDF_TARGET_NAME} product related information, please refer to `documentation `_ section of `Espressif `__ site. * `Download `_ latest and previous versions of this documentation in PDF and HTML format.