cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake) set(COMPONENTS main) # Freertos is included via common components, however, currently only the mock component is compatible with linux # target. list(APPEND EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS "$ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/mocks/freertos/") project(host_test_spiffs) # Custom procedure to build/clean image.bin add_custom_target(image.bin) # Expand image.bin to the same size as "spiffs" partition in partition_table.csv - 2*1024*1024 = 2097152 = 2M add_custom_command( TARGET image.bin POST_BUILD COMMAND python ../../ 2097152 ../../spiffs ../image.bin ) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES "../image.bin") add_dependencies(host_test_spiffs.elf partition-table image.bin)