{ Copyright 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Custom steps before the main installation flow ------------------------------ } var SetupAborted: Boolean; function InstallationSuccessful(): Boolean; begin Result := not SetupAborted; end; procedure InitializeDownloader(); begin idpDownloadAfter(wpReady); end; { If IDF_TOOLS_PATH is set in the environment, set the default installation directory accordingly. Note: here we read IDF_TOOLS_PATH using GetEnv rather than by getting it from registry, in case the user has set IDF_TOOLS_PATH as a system environment variable manually. } procedure UpdateInstallDir(); var EnvToolsPath: String; begin EnvToolsPath := GetEnv('IDF_TOOLS_PATH'); if EnvToolsPath <> '' then begin WizardForm.DirEdit.Text := EnvToolsPath; end; end; function PreInstallSteps(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean; var DestPath: String; begin Result := True; if CurPageID <> wpReady then begin Exit; end; ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant('{app}\dist')); if (IsOfflineMode) then begin ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant('{app}\releases')); IDFZIPFileVersion := IDFDownloadVersion; IDFZIPFileName := ExpandConstant('{app}\releases\esp-idf-bundle.zip'); Exit; end; if not GitUseExisting then begin DestPath := ExpandConstant('{app}\dist\{#GitInstallerName}'); if FileExists(DestPath) then begin Log('Git installer already downloaded: ' + DestPath); end else begin idpAddFile('{#GitInstallerDownloadURL}', DestPath); end; end; if not IDFUseExisting then begin IDFAddDownload(); end; end; { ------------------------------ Custom steps after the main installation flow ------------------------------ } procedure AddPythonGitToPath(); var EnvPath: String; PythonLibPath: String; EnvPythonHome: String; PythonNoUserSite: String; begin EnvPath := GetEnv('PATH'); if not GitUseExisting then GitExecutablePathUpdateAfterInstall(); EnvPath := PythonPath + ';' + GitPath + ';' + EnvPath; Log('Setting PATH for this process: ' + EnvPath); SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', EnvPath); { Set IDF_TOOLS_PATH variable, in case it was set to a different value in the environment. The installer will set the variable to the new value in the registry, but we also need the new value to be visible to this process. } SetEnvironmentVariable('IDF_TOOLS_PATH', ExpandConstant('{app}')) { Set PYTHONNOUSERSITE variable True to avoid loading packages from AppData\Roaming. } { https://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/man/pypy.1.html#environment } { If set to a non-empty value, equivalent to the -s option. Don’t add the user site directory to sys.path. } if (IsPythonNoUserSite) then begin PythonNoUserSite := 'True'; end else begin PythonNoUserSite := ''; end; Log('PYTHONNOUSERSITE=' + PythonNoUserSite); SetEnvironmentVariable('PYTHONNOUSERSITE', PythonNoUserSite); { Log and clear PYTHONPATH variable, as it might point to libraries of another Python version} PythonLibPath := GetEnv('PYTHONPATH') Log('PYTHONPATH=' + PythonLibPath) SetEnvironmentVariable('PYTHONPATH', '') { Log and clear PYTHONHOME, the existence of PYTHONHOME might cause trouble when creating virtualenv. } { The error message when creating virtualenv: } { Fatal Python error: init_fs_encoding: failed to get the Python codec of the filesystem encoding. } EnvPythonHome := GetEnv('PYTHONHOME') Log('PYTHONHOME=' + EnvPythonHome) SetEnvironmentVariable('PYTHONHOME', '') end; procedure InstallEmbeddedPython(); var EmbeddedPythonPath: String; CmdLine: String; begin if (Pos('tools', PythonPath) <> 1) then begin Exit; end; EmbeddedPythonPath := ExpandConstant('{app}\') + PythonExecutablePath; UpdatePythonVariables(EmbeddedPythonPath); Log('Checking existence of Embedded Python: ' + EmbeddedPythonPath); if (FileExists(EmbeddedPythonPath)) then begin Log('Embedded Python found.'); Exit; end; CmdLine := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\7za.exe x -o{app}\tools\idf-python\' + PythonVersion + '\ -r -aoa "{app}\dist\idf-python-' + PythonVersion + '-embed-win64.zip"'); DoCmdlineInstall('Extracting Python Interpreter', 'Using Embedded Python', CmdLine); end; procedure PostInstallSteps(CurStep: TSetupStep); var Err: Integer; begin if CurStep <> ssPostInstall then exit; ExtractTemporaryFile('7za.exe'); InstallEmbeddedPython(); try AddPythonGitToPath(); if not IDFUseExisting then begin if (IsOfflineMode) then begin IDFOfflineInstall(); end else begin IDFDownloadInstall(); end; end; if WizardIsTaskSelected('UseMirror') then begin SetEnvironmentVariable('IDF_GITHUB_ASSETS', 'dl.espressif.com/github_assets') end; IDFToolsSetup(); if WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkStartCmd') then begin CreateIDFCommandPromptShortcut('{autostartmenu}\Programs\ESP-IDF'); end; if WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkStartPowerShell') then begin CreateIDFPowershellShortcut('{autostartmenu}\Programs\ESP-IDF' ); end; if WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkDeskCmd') then begin CreateIDFCommandPromptShortcut('{autodesktop}'); end; if WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkDeskPowerShell') then begin CreateIDFPowershellShortcut('{autodesktop}'); end; except SetupAborted := True; if MsgBox('Installation log has been created, it may contain more information about the problem.' + #13#10 + 'Display the installation log now?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON1) = IDYES then begin ShellExec('', 'notepad.exe', ExpandConstant('{log}'), ExpandConstant('{tmp}'), SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, Err); end; Abort(); end; end; function SkipFinishedPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if PageID = wpFinished then begin Result := SetupAborted; end; end; function IsPowerShellInstalled(): Boolean; begin Result := ((not SetupAborted) and (WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkDeskPowerShell') or WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkStartPowerShell'))); end; function IsCmdInstalled(): Boolean; begin Result := ((not SetupAborted) and (WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkDeskCmd') or WizardIsTaskSelected('CreateLinkStartCmd'))); end;