# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 import os.path import time import pytest from pytest_embedded_idf import IdfDut from pytest_embedded_jtag import OpenOcd @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.jtag @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'embedded_services, no_gdb', [ ('esp,idf,jtag', 'y'), ], indirect=True, ) def test_gcov(dut: IdfDut, openocd: OpenOcd) -> None: # create the generated .gcda folder, otherwise would have error: failed to open file. # normally this folder would be created via `idf.py build`. but in CI the non-related files would not be preserved os.makedirs(os.path.join(dut.app.binary_path, 'esp-idf', 'main', 'CMakeFiles', '__idf_main.dir'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(dut.app.binary_path, 'esp-idf', 'sample', 'CMakeFiles', '__idf_sample.dir'), exist_ok=True) def expect_counter_output(loop: int, timeout: int = 10) -> None: dut.expect_exact( [f'blink_dummy_func: Counter = {loop}', f'some_dummy_func: Counter = {loop * 2}'], expect_all=True, timeout=timeout, ) expect_counter_output(0) dut.expect('Ready to dump GCOV data...', timeout=5) def dump_coverage(cmd: str) -> None: response = openocd.write(cmd) expect_lines = [ 'Targets connected.', 'gcov_example_main.c.gcda', 'gcov_example_func.c.gcda', 'some_funcs.c.gcda', 'Targets disconnected.', ] for line in response.splitlines(): for expect in expect_lines[:]: if expect in line: if expect.endswith('.gcda'): # check file exists file_path = line.split()[-1].strip("'") assert os.path.isfile(file_path) expect_lines.remove(expect) assert len(expect_lines) == 0 # Test two hard-coded dumps dump_coverage('esp gcov dump') dut.expect('GCOV data have been dumped.', timeout=5) expect_counter_output(1) dut.expect('Ready to dump GCOV data...', timeout=5) dump_coverage('esp gcov dump') dut.expect('GCOV data have been dumped.', timeout=5) for i in range(2, 6): expect_counter_output(i) for _ in range(3): time.sleep(1) # Test instant run-time dump dump_coverage('esp gcov')