#include #include "unity.h" #include "soc/rtc.h" #include "soc/rtc_periph.h" #include "soc/sens_periph.h" #include "soc/gpio_periph.h" #include "hal/gpio_ll.h" #include "driver/rtc_io.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "esp_rom_gpio.h" extern void rtc_clk_select_rtc_slow_clk(void); #if !TEMPORARY_DISABLED_FOR_TARGETS(ESP32S2) #include "esp32/clk.h" #include "esp32/rom/ets_sys.h" #include "esp32/rom/uart.h" #define CALIBRATE_ONE(cali_clk) calibrate_one(cali_clk, #cali_clk) static uint32_t calibrate_one(rtc_cal_sel_t cal_clk, const char* name) { const uint32_t cal_count = 1000; const float factor = (1 << 19) * 1000.0f; uint32_t cali_val; printf("%s:\n", name); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { printf("calibrate (%d): ", i); cali_val = rtc_clk_cal(cal_clk, cal_count); printf("%.3f kHz\n", factor / (float) cali_val); } return cali_val; } TEST_CASE("RTC_SLOW_CLK sources calibration", "[rtc_clk]") { rtc_clk_32k_enable(true); rtc_clk_8m_enable(true, true); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_RTC_MUX); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_8MD256); uint32_t cal_32k = CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_32K_XTAL); if (cal_32k == 0) { printf("32K XTAL OSC has not started up"); } else { printf("switching to RTC_SLOW_FREQ_32K_XTAL: "); rtc_clk_slow_freq_set(RTC_SLOW_FREQ_32K_XTAL); printf("done\n"); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_RTC_MUX); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_8MD256); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_32K_XTAL); } printf("switching to RTC_SLOW_FREQ_8MD256: "); rtc_clk_slow_freq_set(RTC_SLOW_FREQ_8MD256); printf("done\n"); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_RTC_MUX); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_8MD256); CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_32K_XTAL); } /* The following two are not unit tests, but are added here to make it easy to * check the frequency of 150k/32k oscillators. The following two "tests" will * output either 32k or 150k clock to GPIO25. */ static void pull_out_clk(int sel) { REG_SET_BIT(RTC_IO_PAD_DAC1_REG, RTC_IO_PDAC1_MUX_SEL_M); REG_CLR_BIT(RTC_IO_PAD_DAC1_REG, RTC_IO_PDAC1_RDE_M | RTC_IO_PDAC1_RUE_M); REG_SET_FIELD(RTC_IO_PAD_DAC1_REG, RTC_IO_PDAC1_FUN_SEL, 1); REG_SET_FIELD(SENS_SAR_DAC_CTRL1_REG, SENS_DEBUG_BIT_SEL, 0); REG_SET_FIELD(RTC_IO_RTC_DEBUG_SEL_REG, RTC_IO_DEBUG_SEL0, sel); } TEST_CASE("Output 150k clock to GPIO25", "[rtc_clk][ignore]") { pull_out_clk(RTC_IO_DEBUG_SEL0_150K_OSC); } TEST_CASE("Output 32k XTAL clock to GPIO25", "[rtc_clk][ignore]") { rtc_clk_32k_enable(true); pull_out_clk(RTC_IO_DEBUG_SEL0_32K_XTAL); } TEST_CASE("Output 8M XTAL clock to GPIO25", "[rtc_clk][ignore]") { rtc_clk_8m_enable(true, true); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(RTC_IO_RTC_DEBUG_SEL_REG, RTC_IO_DEBUG_12M_NO_GATING); pull_out_clk(RTC_IO_DEBUG_SEL0_8M); } static void test_clock_switching(void (*switch_func)(const rtc_cpu_freq_config_t* config)) { uart_tx_wait_idle(CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_NUM); const int test_duration_sec = 10; ref_clock_init(); uint64_t t_start = ref_clock_get(); rtc_cpu_freq_config_t cur_config; rtc_clk_cpu_freq_get_config(&cur_config); rtc_cpu_freq_config_t xtal_config; rtc_clk_cpu_freq_mhz_to_config((uint32_t) rtc_clk_xtal_freq_get(), &xtal_config); int count = 0; while (ref_clock_get() - t_start < test_duration_sec * 1000000) { switch_func(&xtal_config); switch_func(&cur_config); ++count; } uint64_t t_end = ref_clock_get(); printf("Switch count: %d. Average time to switch PLL -> XTAL -> PLL: %d us\n", count, (int) ((t_end - t_start) / count)); ref_clock_deinit(); } TEST_CASE("Calculate 8M clock frequency", "[rtc_clk]") { // calibrate 8M/256 clock against XTAL, get 8M/256 clock period uint32_t rtc_8md256_period = rtc_clk_cal(RTC_CAL_8MD256, 100); uint32_t rtc_fast_freq_hz = 1000000ULL * (1 << RTC_CLK_CAL_FRACT) * 256 / rtc_8md256_period; printf("RTC_FAST_CLK=%d Hz\n", rtc_fast_freq_hz); TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN(500000, RTC_FAST_CLK_FREQ_APPROX, rtc_fast_freq_hz); } TEST_CASE("Test switching between PLL and XTAL", "[rtc_clk]") { test_clock_switching(rtc_clk_cpu_freq_set_config); } TEST_CASE("Test fast switching between PLL and XTAL", "[rtc_clk]") { test_clock_switching(rtc_clk_cpu_freq_set_config_fast); } #define COUNT_TEST 3 #define TIMEOUT_TEST_MS (5 + CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES / 16) void stop_rtc_external_quartz(void){ const uint8_t pin_32 = 32; const uint8_t pin_33 = 33; rtc_clk_32k_enable(false); esp_rom_gpio_pad_select_gpio(pin_32); esp_rom_gpio_pad_select_gpio(pin_33); gpio_ll_output_enable(&GPIO, pin_32); gpio_ll_output_enable(&GPIO, pin_33); gpio_ll_set_level(&GPIO, pin_32, 0); gpio_ll_set_level(&GPIO, pin_33, 0); ets_delay_us(500000); gpio_ll_output_disable(&GPIO, pin_32); gpio_ll_output_disable(&GPIO, pin_33); } static void start_freq(rtc_slow_freq_t required_src_freq, uint32_t start_delay_ms) { int i = 0, fail = 0; uint32_t start_time; uint32_t end_time; rtc_slow_freq_t selected_src_freq; stop_rtc_external_quartz(); #ifdef CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS uint32_t bootstrap_cycles = CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_XTAL_BOOTSTRAP_CYCLES; printf("Test is started. Kconfig settings:\n External 32K crystal is selected,\n Oscillation cycles = %d,\n Calibration cycles = %d.\n", bootstrap_cycles, CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES); #else uint32_t bootstrap_cycles = 5; printf("Test is started. Kconfig settings:\n Internal RC is selected,\n Oscillation cycles = %d,\n Calibration cycles = %d.\n", bootstrap_cycles, CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES); #endif if (start_delay_ms == 0 && CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES < 1500){ start_delay_ms = 50; printf("Recommended increase Number of cycles for RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration to 3000!\n"); } while(i < COUNT_TEST){ start_time = xTaskGetTickCount() * (1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ); i++; printf("attempt #%d/%d...", i, COUNT_TEST); rtc_clk_32k_bootstrap(bootstrap_cycles); ets_delay_us(start_delay_ms * 1000); rtc_clk_select_rtc_slow_clk(); selected_src_freq = rtc_clk_slow_freq_get(); end_time = xTaskGetTickCount() * (1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ); printf(" [time=%d] ", (end_time - start_time) - start_delay_ms); if(selected_src_freq != required_src_freq){ printf("FAIL. Time measurement..."); fail = 1; } else { printf("PASS. Time measurement..."); } uint64_t clk_rtc_time; uint32_t fail_measure = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { clk_rtc_time = esp_clk_rtc_time(); ets_delay_us(1000000); uint64_t delta = esp_clk_rtc_time() - clk_rtc_time; if (delta < 900000LL || delta > 1100000){ printf("FAIL"); fail = 1; fail_measure = 1; break; } } if(fail_measure == 0) { printf("PASS"); } printf(" [calibration val = %d] \n", esp_clk_slowclk_cal_get()); stop_rtc_external_quartz(); ets_delay_us(500000); } TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(fail == 0, "Test failed"); printf("Test passed successfully\n"); } TEST_CASE("Test starting external RTC quartz", "[rtc_clk][test_env=UT_T1_32kXTAL]") { int i = 0, fail = 0; uint32_t start_time; uint32_t end_time; stop_rtc_external_quartz(); #ifdef CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS uint32_t bootstrap_cycles = CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_XTAL_BOOTSTRAP_CYCLES; printf("Test is started. Kconfig settings:\n External 32K crystal is selected,\n Oscillation cycles = %d,\n Calibration cycles = %d.\n", bootstrap_cycles, CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES); #else uint32_t bootstrap_cycles = 5; printf("Test is started. Kconfig settings:\n Internal RC is selected,\n Oscillation cycles = %d,\n Calibration cycles = %d.\n", bootstrap_cycles, CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES); #endif if (CONFIG_ESP32_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES < 1500){ printf("Recommended increase Number of cycles for RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration to 3000!\n"); } while(i < COUNT_TEST){ start_time = xTaskGetTickCount() * (1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ); i++; printf("attempt #%d/%d...", i, COUNT_TEST); rtc_clk_32k_bootstrap(bootstrap_cycles); rtc_clk_select_rtc_slow_clk(); end_time = xTaskGetTickCount() * (1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ); printf(" [time=%d] ", end_time - start_time); if((end_time - start_time) > TIMEOUT_TEST_MS){ printf("FAIL\n"); fail = 1; } else { printf("PASS\n"); } stop_rtc_external_quartz(); ets_delay_us(100000); } TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(fail == 0, "Test failed"); printf("Test passed successfully\n"); } TEST_CASE("Test starting 'External 32kHz XTAL' on the board with it.", "[rtc_clk][test_env=UT_T1_32kXTAL]") { start_freq(RTC_SLOW_FREQ_32K_XTAL, 200); start_freq(RTC_SLOW_FREQ_32K_XTAL, 0); } TEST_CASE("Test starting 'External 32kHz XTAL' on the board without it.", "[rtc_clk][test_env=UT_T1_no32kXTAL]") { printf("Tries to start the 'External 32kHz XTAL' on the board without it. " "Clock switching to 'Internal 150 kHz RC oscillator'.\n"); printf("This test will be successful for boards without an external crystal or non-working crystal. " "First, there will be an attempt to start from the external crystal after a failure " "will switch to the internal RC circuit. If the switch to the internal RC circuit " "was successful then the test succeeded.\n"); start_freq(RTC_SLOW_FREQ_RTC, 200); start_freq(RTC_SLOW_FREQ_RTC, 0); } #endif