.patterns-docs: &patterns-docs - ".gitlab/ci/docs.yml" - "docs/**/*" - "components/**/*.h" - "components/**/Kconfig*" - "components/**/CMakeList.txt" - "components/**/sdkconfig*" - "tools/kconfig_new/**/*" - "CONTRIBUTING.rst" .patterns-docs-preview: &patterns-docs-preview - "docs/**/*" .if-protected: &if-protected if: '($CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release\/v/ || $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/)' .if-protected-no_label: &if-protected-no_label if: '($CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release\/v/ || $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/) && $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null' .if-label-build_docs: &if-label-build_docs if: '$BOT_LABEL_BUILD_DOCS || $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS =~ /^(?:[^,\n\r]+,)*build_docs(?:,[^,\n\r]+)*$/i' .if-label-docs: &if-label-docs if: '$BOT_LABEL_DOCS || $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS =~ /^(?:[^,\n\r]+,)*docs(?:,[^,\n\r]+)*$/i' .if-label-docs_full: &if-label-docs_full if: '$BOT_LABEL_DOCS_FULL || $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS =~ /^(?:[^,\n\r]+,)*docs_full(?:,[^,\n\r]+)*$/i' .if-dev-push: &if-dev-push if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME != "master" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH !~ /^release\/v/ && $CI_COMMIT_TAG !~ /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ && ($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event")' .doc-rules:build:docs: rules: - <<: *if-protected - <<: *if-label-build_docs - <<: *if-label-docs - <<: *if-label-docs_full - <<: *if-dev-push changes: *patterns-docs # stage: pre_check check_readme_links: extends: - .pre_check_job_template tags: ["build", "amd64", "internet"] allow_failure: true script: - python ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/check_readme_links.py check_docs_lang_sync: extends: - .pre_check_job_template - .doc-rules:build:docs script: - cd docs - ./check_lang_folder_sync.sh .build_docs_template: image: $ESP_IDF_DOC_ENV_IMAGE variables: PYTHON_VER: 3.7.10 tags: - build_docs dependencies: [] script: - cd docs - pip install -r requirements.txt - build-docs -t $DOCTGT -bs $DOC_BUILDERS -l $DOCLANG build parallel: matrix: - DOCLANG: ["en", "zh_CN"] DOCTGT: ["esp32", "esp32s2", "esp32s3", "esp32c3", "esp32c2"] check_docs_gh_links: image: $ESP_IDF_DOC_ENV_IMAGE variables: PYTHON_VER: 3.7.10 extends: - .pre_check_job_template - .doc-rules:build:docs script: - cd docs - pip install -r requirements.txt - build-docs gh-linkcheck # stage: build_doc # Add this stage to let the build_docs job run in parallel with build .build_docs_build_stage_template: extends: - 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.deploy_docs_template rules: - <<: *if-protected-no_label stage: post_deploy dependencies: # set dependencies to null to avoid missing artifacts issue needs: # ensure runs after push_to_github succeeded - build_docs_html_full - build_docs_pdf - job: push_to_github artifacts: false variables: TYPE: "preview" DOCS_DEPLOY_PRIVATEKEY: "$DOCS_PROD_DEPLOY_KEY" DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER: "$DOCS_PROD_SERVER" DOCS_DEPLOY_SERVER_USER: "$DOCS_PROD_SERVER_USER" DOCS_DEPLOY_PATH: "$DOCS_PROD_PATH" DOCS_DEPLOY_URL_BASE: "https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf" DEPLOY_STABLE: 1 check_doc_links: extends: - .build_docs_template - .rules:protected stage: post_deploy tags: ["build", "amd64", "internet"] artifacts: when: always paths: - docs/_build/*/*/*.txt - docs/_build/*/*/linkcheck/*.txt expire_in: 1 week allow_failure: true script: - cd docs - pip install -r requirements.txt # At the moment this check will always fail due to multiple known limitations, ignore result - build-docs -t $DOCTGT -l $DOCLANG linkcheck || { echo "THERE ARE ISSUES DUE TO KNOWN LIMITATIONS, PLEASE FIX THEM. Nowadays we're ignored them to pass pipeline."; true; }