/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #include "sdkconfig.h" #include #include "esp_ieee802154_types.h" #include "driver/uart.h" #include "soc/gpio_num.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define ESP_SPINEL_LOG_TAG "ESP_RADIO_SPINEL" #define SPINEL_PROP_VENDOR_ESP_SET_COORDINATOR (SPINEL_PROP_VENDOR_ESP__BEGIN + 1) /* Vendor command for coordinator.*/ #define SPINEL_PROP_VENDOR_ESP_SET_PENDINGMODE (SPINEL_PROP_VENDOR_ESP__BEGIN + 2) /* Vendor command for pending mode.*/ typedef enum { ESP_RADIO_SPINEL_ZIGBEE = 0x0, /* The index of Zigbee.*/ ESP_RADIO_SPINEL_OPENTHREAD = 0x1, /* The index of OpenThread.*/ ESP_RADIO_SPINEL_MAX, } esp_radio_spinel_idx_t; /* The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack for ESP radio spinel.*/ typedef struct { fd_set read_fds; /* The read file descriptors.*/ fd_set write_fds; /* The write file descriptors.*/ fd_set error_fds; /* The error file descriptors.*/ int max_fd; /* The max file descriptor.*/ struct timeval timeout; /* The timeout.*/ } esp_radio_spinel_mainloop_context_t; typedef struct { uart_port_t port; /*!< UART port number */ uart_config_t uart_config; /*!< UART configuration, see uart_config_t docs */ gpio_num_t rx_pin; /*!< UART RX pin */ gpio_num_t tx_pin; /*!< UART TX pin */ } esp_radio_spinel_uart_config_t; /*This structure represents a context for ESP radio spinel. */ typedef void (*esp_radio_spinel_rcp_failure_handler)(void); /* The handler for rcp failure.*/ typedef esp_err_t (*esp_radio_spinel_uart_init_handler)(const esp_radio_spinel_uart_config_t *uart_config_t, int *uart_fd); /* The handler for UART initialization.*/ typedef esp_err_t (*esp_radio_spinel_uart_deinit_handler)(const esp_radio_spinel_uart_config_t *uart_config_t, int *uart_fd); /* The handler for UART deinitialization.*/ typedef struct { void (*receive_done)(const uint8_t *frame, esp_ieee802154_frame_info_t *frame_info); /* Callback for Receive Done.*/ void (*transmit_done)(const uint8_t *frame, const uint8_t *ack, esp_ieee802154_frame_info_t *ack_frame_info); /* Callback for Transmit Done.*/ void (*transmit_failed)(esp_ieee802154_tx_error_t error); /* Callback for Transmit Failed.*/ void (*energy_scan_done)(int8_t max_rssi); /* Callback for Energy Scan Done.*/ void (*transmit_started)(const uint8_t *frame); /* Callback for Transmit Started.*/ void (*switchover_done)(bool success); /* Callback for Switchover Done.*/ #if CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_DIAG void (*diag_receive_done)(const uint8_t *frame, esp_ieee802154_frame_info_t *frame_info); /* Callback for Receive Done (diag).*/ void (*diag_transmit_done)(const uint8_t *frame, esp_ieee802154_frame_info_t *frame_info); /* Callback for Transmit Done (diag).*/ void (*diag_transmit_failed)(esp_ieee802154_tx_error_t error); /* Callback for Transmit Failed (diag).*/ #endif // CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_DIAG } esp_radio_spinel_callbacks_t; /* ESP Radio Spinel Callbacks.*/ /** * @brief Set callkbacks of ESP radio spinel. * * @note This function should be called before `esp_radio_spinel_init`. * * @param[in] aCallbacks The callbacks struct. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * */ void esp_radio_spinel_set_callbacks(const esp_radio_spinel_callbacks_t aCallbacks, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Enable the UART interface for ESP radio spinel * * @note This function should be called before `esp_radio_spinel_init`. * * @param[in] radio_uart_config The config of UART for radio spinel. * @param[in] aUartInitHandler The function for UART initialization * @param[in] aUartDeinitHandler The function for UART deinitialization * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_uart_interface_enable(const esp_radio_spinel_uart_config_t *radio_uart_config, esp_radio_spinel_uart_init_handler aUartInitHandler, esp_radio_spinel_uart_deinit_handler aUartDeinitHandler, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Initialize ESP radio spinel. * * @note This function should be called after `esp_radio_spinel_set_callbacks` and `esp_radio_spinel_uart_interface_enable`. * * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * */ void esp_radio_spinel_init(esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Enavle ESP radio spinel. * * @note This function should be called after `esp_radio_spinel_init`. * * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_enable(esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Set the pending mode. * * @param[in] pending_mode The pending mode. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_pending_mode(esp_ieee802154_pending_mode_t pending_mode, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Get the EUI-64. * * @param[in] eui64 A pointer to the EUI-64. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_get_eui64(uint8_t *eui64, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Set the panid. * * @param[in] panid The panid. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_panid(uint16_t panid, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Set the short address. * * @param[in] short_address The short address. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_short_address(uint16_t short_address, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Set the extended address. * * @param[in] ext_address The extended address. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_extended_address(uint8_t *ext_address, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Set the coordinator mode. * * @param[in] enable Enable or disable the coordinator mode. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_pan_coord(bool enable, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Enable the RCP reception. * * @param[in] channel The channel of reception. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_receive(uint8_t channel, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Perform the energy scan. * * @param[in] scan_channel The channel of energy scan (usually the range is 11~26, scan all channels if it's set to 0). * @param[in] scan_duration The duration for energy scan. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_energy_scan(uint8_t scan_channel, uint16_t scan_duration, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Perform the transmission. * * @param[in] frame A pointer to the frame. * @param[in] channel The channel to use for transmitting. * @param[in] cca Perform clear channel assessment(if it's true) or not(if it's false) * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_transmit(uint8_t *frame, uint8_t channel, bool cca, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Clear all short addresses from the source address match table. * * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_clear_short_entries(esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Add a short address to the source address match table. * * @param[in] short_address The short address to be added. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_add_short_entry(uint16_t short_address, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Clear the pending table, remove all extended/long addresses. * * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_clear_extended_entries(esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Add an extended address to the source address match table. * * @param[in] ext_address The extended address to be added. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_add_extended_entry(uint8_t *ext_address, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Sets the status of promiscuous mode. * * @param[in] enable Whether to enable or disable promiscuous mode. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_promiscuous_mode(bool enable, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Update the ESP radio spinel. * * @param[in] mainloop_context The context for ESP radio spinel. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * */ void esp_radio_spinel_radio_update(esp_radio_spinel_mainloop_context_t *mainloop_context, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Process the ESP radio spinel. * * @param[in] mainloop_context The context for ESP radio spinel. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * */ void esp_radio_spinel_radio_process(esp_radio_spinel_mainloop_context_t *mainloop_context, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Switch the radio state to Sleep. * * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_sleep(esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Set the radio's transmit power in dBm. * * @param[in] power The transmit power in dBm. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_set_tx_power(int8_t power, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Get the radio's transmit power in dBm. * * @param[in] power A pointer to the transmit power. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_get_tx_power(int8_t *power, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Register a handler to process the RCP failure. * * @param[in] handler The RCP failure handler. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * */ void esp_radio_spinel_register_rcp_failure_handler(esp_radio_spinel_rcp_failure_handler handler, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Deinitialize the RCP. * * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_rcp_deinit(esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); /** * @brief Get the version of RCP. * * @param[in] running_rcp_version A pointer to the RCP version string. * @param[in] idx The index of 802.15.4 related protocol stack. * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_FAIL on failures * */ esp_err_t esp_radio_spinel_rcp_version_get(char *running_rcp_version, esp_radio_spinel_idx_t idx); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif