#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import argparse import inspect import os import re import sys from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import yaml from idf_ci_utils import IDF_PATH YES = u'\u2713' NO = u'\u2717' # | Supported Target | ... | # | ---------------- | --- | SUPPORTED_TARGETS_TABLE_REGEX = re.compile( r'^\|\s*Supported Targets.+$\n^\|(?:\s*|-).+$\n?', re.MULTILINE ) USUAL_TO_FORMAL = { 'esp32': 'ESP32', 'esp32s2': 'ESP32-S2', 'esp32s3': 'ESP32-S3', 'esp32c3': 'ESP32-C3', 'esp32c2': 'ESP32-C2', 'esp32c6': 'ESP32-C6', 'esp32h2': 'ESP32-H2', 'esp32p4': 'ESP32-P4', 'linux': 'Linux', } FORMAL_TO_USUAL = { 'ESP32': 'esp32', 'ESP32-S2': 'esp32s2', 'ESP32-S3': 'esp32s3', 'ESP32-C3': 'esp32c3', 'ESP32-C2': 'esp32c2', 'ESP32-C6': 'esp32c6', 'ESP32-H2': 'esp32h2', 'ESP32-P4': 'esp32p4', 'Linux': 'linux', } def doublequote(s: str) -> str: if s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"'): return s return f'"{s}"' def check_readme( paths: List[str], exclude_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None, extra_default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: from idf_build_apps import App, find_apps from idf_build_apps.constants import SUPPORTED_TARGETS def get_readme_path(_app: App) -> Optional[str]: _readme_path = os.path.join(_app.app_dir, 'README.md') if not os.path.isfile(_readme_path): _readme_path = os.path.join(_app.app_dir, '..', 'README.md') if not os.path.isfile(_readme_path): _readme_path = None # type: ignore return _readme_path def _generate_new_support_table_str(_app: App) -> str: # extra space here table_headers = [ f'{USUAL_TO_FORMAL[target]}' for target in _app.supported_targets ] table_headers = ['Supported Targets'] + table_headers res = '| ' + ' | '.join(table_headers) + ' |\n' res += '| ' + ' | '.join(['-' * len(item) for item in table_headers]) + ' |' return res def _parse_existing_support_table_str(_app: App) -> Tuple[Optional[str], List[str]]: _readme_path = get_readme_path(_app) if not _readme_path: return None, SUPPORTED_TARGETS with open(_readme_path) as _fr: _readme_str = _fr.read() support_string = SUPPORTED_TARGETS_TABLE_REGEX.findall(_readme_str) if not support_string: return None, SUPPORTED_TARGETS # old style parts = [ part.strip() for part in support_string[0].split('\n', 1)[0].split('|') if part.strip() ] return support_string[0].strip(), [FORMAL_TO_USUAL[part] for part in parts[1:] if part in FORMAL_TO_USUAL] def check_enable_build(_app: App, _old_supported_targets: List[str]) -> bool: if _app.supported_targets == sorted(_old_supported_targets): return True _readme_path = get_readme_path(_app) if_clause = f'IDF_TARGET in [{", ".join([doublequote(target) for target in sorted(_old_supported_targets)])}]' print( inspect.cleandoc( f''' {_app.app_dir}: - enable build targets according to the manifest file: {_app.supported_targets} - enable build targets according to the old Supported Targets table under readme "{_readme_path}": {_old_supported_targets} If you want to disable some targets, please use the following snippet: # Please combine this with the original one # # Notes: # - please keep in mind to avoid duplicated folders as yaml keys # - please use parentheses to group conditions, the "or" and "and" operators could only accept two operands {_app.app_dir}: enable: - if: {if_clause} temporary: true reason: ''' ) ) return False apps = sorted( find_apps( paths, 'all', recursive=True, exclude_list=exclude_dirs or [], manifest_files=[ str(p) for p in Path(IDF_PATH).glob('**/.build-test-rules.yml') ], default_build_targets=SUPPORTED_TARGETS + extra_default_build_targets, ) ) exit_code = 0 checked_app_dirs = set() for app in apps: if app.app_dir not in checked_app_dirs: checked_app_dirs.add(app.app_dir) else: continue replace_str, old_supported_targets = _parse_existing_support_table_str(app) success = check_enable_build(app, old_supported_targets) if not success: print(f'check_enable_build failed for app: {app}') print('-' * 80) exit_code = 1 readme_path = get_readme_path(app) # no readme, create a new file if not readme_path: with open(os.path.join(app.app_dir, 'README.md'), 'w') as fw: fw.write(_generate_new_support_table_str(app) + '\n') print(f'Added new README file: {os.path.join(app.app_dir, "README.md")}') print('-' * 80) exit_code = 1 # has old table, but different string elif replace_str and replace_str != _generate_new_support_table_str(app): with open(readme_path) as fr: readme_str = fr.read() with open(readme_path, 'w') as fw: fw.write( readme_str.replace( replace_str, _generate_new_support_table_str(app) ) ) print(f'Modified README file: {readme_path}') print('-' * 80) exit_code = 1 # does not have old table elif not replace_str: with open(readme_path) as fr: readme_str = fr.read() with open(readme_path, 'w') as fw: fw.write( _generate_new_support_table_str(app) + '\n\n' + readme_str ) # extra new line print(f'Modified README file: {readme_path}') print('-' * 80) exit_code = 1 sys.exit(exit_code) def check_test_scripts( paths: List[str], exclude_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None, bypass_check_test_targets: Optional[List[str]] = None, extra_default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: from idf_build_apps import App, find_apps from idf_build_apps.constants import SUPPORTED_TARGETS from idf_pytest.script import get_pytest_cases # takes long time, run only in CI # dict: # { # app_dir: { # 'script_path': 'path/to/script', # 'targets': ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c3', 'esp32c2', 'linux'], # } # } def check_enable_test( _app: App, _pytest_app_dir_targets_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], ) -> bool: if _app.app_dir in _pytest_app_dir_targets_dict: test_script_path = _pytest_app_dir_targets_dict[_app.app_dir]['script_path'] actual_verified_targets = sorted( set(_pytest_app_dir_targets_dict[_app.app_dir]['targets']) ) else: return True # no test case actual_extra_tested_targets = set(actual_verified_targets) - set( _app.verified_targets ) if actual_extra_tested_targets - set(bypass_check_test_targets or []): print( inspect.cleandoc( f''' {_app.app_dir}: - enable test targets according to the manifest file: {_app.verified_targets} - enable test targets according to the test scripts: {actual_verified_targets} test scripts enabled targets should be a subset of the manifest file declared ones. Please check the test script: {test_script_path}. ''' ) ) return False if _app.verified_targets == actual_verified_targets: return True elif _app.verified_targets == sorted(actual_verified_targets + bypass_check_test_targets or []): # type: ignore print(f'WARNING: bypass test script check on {_app.app_dir} for targets {bypass_check_test_targets} ') return True if_clause = f'IDF_TARGET in [{", ".join([doublequote(target) for target in sorted(set(_app.verified_targets) - set(actual_verified_targets))])}]' print( inspect.cleandoc( f''' {_app.app_dir}: - enable test targets according to the manifest file: {_app.verified_targets} - enable test targets according to the test scripts: {actual_verified_targets} the test scripts enabled test targets should be the same with the manifest file enabled ones. Please check the test script manually: {test_script_path}. If you want to enable test targets in the pytest test scripts, please add `@pytest.mark.MISSING_TARGET` marker above the test case function. If you want to disable the test targets in the manifest file, please modify your manifest file with the following code snippet: # Please combine this with the original one # # Notes: # - please keep in mind to avoid duplicated folders as yaml keys # - please use parentheses to group conditions, the "or" and "and" operators could only accept two operands {_app.app_dir}: disable_test: - if: {if_clause} temporary: true reason: ''' ) ) return False apps = sorted( find_apps( paths, 'all', recursive=True, exclude_list=exclude_dirs or [], manifest_files=[ str(p) for p in Path(IDF_PATH).glob('**/.build-test-rules.yml') ], default_build_targets=SUPPORTED_TARGETS + extra_default_build_targets, ) ) exit_code = 0 pytest_cases = get_pytest_cases(paths) pytest_app_dir_targets_dict = {} for case in pytest_cases: for pytest_app in case.apps: app_dir = os.path.relpath(pytest_app.path, IDF_PATH) if app_dir not in pytest_app_dir_targets_dict: pytest_app_dir_targets_dict[app_dir] = { 'script_path': case.path, 'targets': [pytest_app.target], } else: pytest_app_dir_targets_dict[app_dir]['targets'].append( pytest_app.target ) checked_app_dirs = set() for app in apps: if app.app_dir not in checked_app_dirs: checked_app_dirs.add(app.app_dir) else: continue success = check_enable_test( app, pytest_app_dir_targets_dict ) if not success: print(f'check_enable_test failed for app: {app}') print('-' * 80) exit_code = 1 continue sys.exit(exit_code) def sort_yaml(files: List[str]) -> None: from ruamel.yaml import YAML, CommentedMap yaml = YAML() yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2) yaml.width = 4096 # avoid wrap lines exit_code = 0 for f in files: with open(f) as fr: file_s = fr.read() fr.seek(0) file_d: CommentedMap = yaml.load(fr) sorted_yaml = CommentedMap(dict(sorted(file_d.items()))) file_d.copy_attributes(sorted_yaml) with StringIO() as s: yaml.dump(sorted_yaml, s) string = s.getvalue() if string != file_s: with open(f, 'w') as fw: fw.write(string) print( f'Sorted yaml file {f}. Please take a look. sometimes the format is a bit messy' ) exit_code = 1 sys.exit(exit_code) def check_exist() -> None: exit_code = 0 config_files = [str(p) for p in Path(IDF_PATH).glob('**/.build-test-rules.yml')] for file in config_files: if 'managed_components' in Path(file).parts: continue with open(file) as fr: configs = yaml.safe_load(fr) for path in configs.keys(): if path.startswith('.'): continue if not os.path.isdir(path): print(f'Path \'{path}\' referred in \'{file}\' does not exist!') exit_code = 1 sys.exit(exit_code) if __name__ == '__main__': if 'CI_JOB_ID' not in os.environ: os.environ['CI_JOB_ID'] = 'fake' # this is a CI script parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ESP-IDF apps build/test checker') action = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action') _check_readme = action.add_parser('check-readmes') _check_readme.add_argument('paths', nargs='+', help='check under paths') _check_readme.add_argument( '-c', '--config', default=os.path.join(IDF_PATH, '.gitlab', 'ci', 'default-build-test-rules.yml'), help='default build test rules config file', ) _check_test_scripts = action.add_parser('check-test-scripts') _check_test_scripts.add_argument('paths', nargs='+', help='check under paths') _check_test_scripts.add_argument( '-c', '--config', default=os.path.join(IDF_PATH, '.gitlab', 'ci', 'default-build-test-rules.yml'), help='default build test rules config file', ) _sort_yaml = action.add_parser('sort-yaml') _sort_yaml.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help='all specified yaml files') _check_exist = action.add_parser('check-exist') arg = parser.parse_args() # Since this script is executed from the pre-commit hook environment, make sure IDF_PATH is set os.environ['IDF_PATH'] = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..') ) if arg.action == 'sort-yaml': sort_yaml(arg.files) elif arg.action == 'check-exist': check_exist() else: check_dirs = set() # check if *_caps.h files changed check_all = False soc_caps_header_files = list( (Path(IDF_PATH) / 'components' / 'soc').glob('**/*_caps.h') ) for p in arg.paths: if Path(p).resolve() in soc_caps_header_files: check_all = True break if os.path.isfile(p): check_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(p)) else: check_dirs.add(p) if 'tools/idf_py_actions/constants.py' in arg.paths or 'tools/ci/check_build_test_rules.py' in arg.paths: check_all = True if check_all: check_dirs = {IDF_PATH} _exclude_dirs = [os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'unit-test-app'), os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'test_build_system', 'build_test_app')] else: _exclude_dirs = [] extra_default_build_targets_list: List[str] = [] bypass_check_test_targets_list: List[str] = [] if arg.config: with open(arg.config) as fr: configs = yaml.safe_load(fr) if configs: extra_default_build_targets_list = ( configs.get('extra_default_build_targets') or [] ) bypass_check_test_targets_list = ( configs.get('bypass_check_test_targets') or [] ) if arg.action == 'check-readmes': os.environ['NIGHTLY_RUN'] = '1' check_readme( list(check_dirs), exclude_dirs=_exclude_dirs, extra_default_build_targets=extra_default_build_targets_list, ) elif arg.action == 'check-test-scripts': os.environ['INCLUDE_NIGHTLY_RUN'] = '1' check_test_scripts( list(check_dirs), exclude_dirs=_exclude_dirs, bypass_check_test_targets=bypass_check_test_targets_list, extra_default_build_targets=extra_default_build_targets_list, )