// Copyright 2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // This is a simple implementation of pthread condition variables. In essence, // the waiter creates its own semaphore to wait on and pushes it in the cond var // specific list. Upon notify and broadcast, all the waiters for the given cond // var are woken up. #include #include #include #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_attr.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/list.h" #include "pthread_internal.h" #include #include #include "esp_log.h" const static char *TAG = "esp_pthread"; typedef struct esp_pthread_cond_waiter { SemaphoreHandle_t wait_sem; ///< task specific semaphore to wait on TAILQ_ENTRY(esp_pthread_cond_waiter) link; ///< stash on the list of semaphores to be notified } esp_pthread_cond_waiter_t; typedef struct esp_pthread_cond { _lock_t lock; ///< lock that protects the list of semaphores TAILQ_HEAD(, esp_pthread_cond_waiter) waiter_list; ///< head of the list of semaphores } esp_pthread_cond_t; static int s_check_and_init_if_static(pthread_cond_t *cv) { int res = 0; if (cv == NULL || *cv == (pthread_cond_t) 0) { return EINVAL; } if (*cv == PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER) { portENTER_CRITICAL(&pthread_lazy_init_lock); if (*cv == PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER) { res = pthread_cond_init(cv, NULL); } portEXIT_CRITICAL(&pthread_lazy_init_lock); } return res; } int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cv) { int res = s_check_and_init_if_static(cv); if (res) { return res; } esp_pthread_cond_t *cond = (esp_pthread_cond_t *) *cv; _lock_acquire_recursive(&cond->lock); esp_pthread_cond_waiter_t *entry; entry = TAILQ_FIRST(&cond->waiter_list); if (entry) { xSemaphoreGive(entry->wait_sem); } _lock_release_recursive(&cond->lock); return 0; } int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cv) { int res = s_check_and_init_if_static(cv); if (res) { return res; } esp_pthread_cond_t *cond = (esp_pthread_cond_t *) *cv; _lock_acquire_recursive(&cond->lock); esp_pthread_cond_waiter_t *entry; TAILQ_FOREACH(entry, &cond->waiter_list, link) { xSemaphoreGive(entry->wait_sem); } _lock_release_recursive(&cond->lock); return 0; } int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *mut) { return pthread_cond_timedwait(cv, mut, NULL); } int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *mut, const struct timespec *to) { int ret; TickType_t timeout_ticks; int res = s_check_and_init_if_static(cv); if (res) { return res; } esp_pthread_cond_t *cond = (esp_pthread_cond_t *) *cv; if (to == NULL) { timeout_ticks = portMAX_DELAY; } else { struct timeval abs_time, cur_time, diff_time; long timeout_msec; gettimeofday(&cur_time, NULL); abs_time.tv_sec = to->tv_sec; // Round up nanoseconds to the next microsecond abs_time.tv_usec = (to->tv_nsec + 1000 - 1) / 1000; if (timercmp(&abs_time, &cur_time, <)) { /* As per the pthread spec, if the time has already * passed, no sleep is required. */ timeout_msec = 0; } else { timersub(&abs_time, &cur_time, &diff_time); // Round up timeout microseconds to the next millisecond timeout_msec = (diff_time.tv_sec * 1000) + ((diff_time.tv_usec + 1000 - 1) / 1000); } if (timeout_msec <= 0) { return ETIMEDOUT; } // Round up milliseconds to the next tick timeout_ticks = (timeout_msec + portTICK_PERIOD_MS - 1) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; /* We have to add 1 more tick of delay The reason for this is that vTaskDelay(1) will sleep until the start of the next tick, which can be any amount of time up to one tick period. So if we don't add one more tick, we're likely to timeout a small time (< 1 tick period) before the requested timeout. If we add 1 tick then we will timeout a small time (< 1 tick period) after the requested timeout. */ timeout_ticks += 1; } esp_pthread_cond_waiter_t w; w.wait_sem = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(1, 0); /* First get will block */ _lock_acquire_recursive(&cond->lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cond->waiter_list, &w, link); _lock_release_recursive(&cond->lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(mut); if (xSemaphoreTake(w.wait_sem, timeout_ticks) == pdTRUE) { ret = 0; } else { ret = ETIMEDOUT; } _lock_acquire_recursive(&cond->lock); TAILQ_REMOVE(&cond->waiter_list, &w, link); _lock_release_recursive(&cond->lock); vSemaphoreDelete(w.wait_sem); pthread_mutex_lock(mut); return ret; } int pthread_condattr_init(pthread_condattr_t *attr) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "%s not yet implemented (%p)", __FUNCTION__, attr); return ENOSYS; } int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cv, const pthread_condattr_t *att) { (void) att; /* Unused argument as of now */ if (cv == NULL) { return EINVAL; } esp_pthread_cond_t *cond = (esp_pthread_cond_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(esp_pthread_cond_t)); if (cond == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } _lock_init_recursive(&cond->lock); TAILQ_INIT(&cond->waiter_list); *cv = (pthread_cond_t) cond; return 0; } int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cv) { int ret = 0; if (cv == NULL || *cv == (pthread_cond_t) 0) { return EINVAL; } if (*cv == PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER) { return 0; // never initialized } esp_pthread_cond_t *cond = (esp_pthread_cond_t *) *cv; if (!cond) { return EINVAL; } _lock_acquire_recursive(&cond->lock); if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&cond->waiter_list)) { ret = EBUSY; } _lock_release_recursive(&cond->lock); if (ret == 0) { *cv = (pthread_cond_t) 0; _lock_close_recursive(&cond->lock); free(cond); } return ret; } /* Hook function to force linking this file */ void pthread_include_pthread_cond_var_impl(void) { }