.pre_check_template: stage: pre_check image: $ESP_ENV_IMAGE tags: - host_test dependencies: # set dependencies to null to avoid missing artifacts issue check_version: # Don't run this for feature/bugfix branches, so that it is possible to modify # esp_idf_version.h in a branch before tagging the next version. extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:protected - .before_script:fetch:git_describe script: - export IDF_PATH=$PWD - tools/ci/check_idf_version.sh check_api_usage: extends: .pre_check_template script: - tools/ci/check_examples_rom_header.sh - tools/ci/check_api_violation.sh - tools/ci/check_examples_extra_component_dirs.sh check_blobs: extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:build:check variables: SUBMODULES_TO_FETCH: "components/esp_wifi/lib;components/esp_phy/lib;components/esp_coex/lib" script: # Check if Wi-Fi library header files match between IDF and the version used when compiling the libraries - IDF_TARGET=esp32 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_wifi/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32s2 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_wifi/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32s3 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_wifi/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32c2 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_wifi/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32c3 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_wifi/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32c6 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_wifi/test_md5/test_md5.sh # Check if Coexistence library header files match between IDF and the version used when compiling the libraries - IDF_TARGET=esp32 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32s2 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32s3 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32c2 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32c3 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32c6 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh - IDF_TARGET=esp32h2 $IDF_PATH/components/esp_coex/test_md5/test_md5.sh # Check if Wi-Fi, PHY, BT blobs contain references to specific symbols - bash $IDF_PATH/tools/ci/check_blobs.sh check_public_headers: extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:build:check script: - IDF_TARGET=esp32 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix xtensa-esp32-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32s2 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix xtensa-esp32s2-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32s3 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix xtensa-esp32s3-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32c3 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix riscv32-esp-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32c2 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix riscv32-esp-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32c6 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix riscv32-esp-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32c5 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix riscv32-esp-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32h2 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix riscv32-esp-elf- - IDF_TARGET=esp32p4 python tools/ci/check_public_headers.py --jobs 4 --prefix riscv32-esp-elf- check_chip_support_components: extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:build:check artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - esp_hw_support_part.h - bootloader_support_part.h expire_in: 1 week script: - python tools/ci/check_soc_headers_leak.py - find ${IDF_PATH}/components/soc/*/include/soc/ -name "*_struct.h" -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 ./tools/ci/check_soc_struct_headers.py - tools/ci/check_esp_memory_utils_headers.sh check_esp_err_to_name: extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:build:check artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - components/esp_common/esp_err_to_name.c expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ - ./gen_esp_err_to_name.py - git diff --exit-code -- ../components/esp_common/src/esp_err_to_name.c || { echo 'Differences found. Please run gen_esp_err_to_name.py and commit the changes.'; exit 1; } check_esp_system: extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:build script: - python components/esp_system/check_system_init_priorities.py # For release tag pipelines only, make sure the tag was created with 'git tag -a' so it will update # the version returned by 'git describe' # Don't forget to update the env var `LATEST_GIT_TAG` in .gitlab/ci/common.yml check_version_tag: extends: - .pre_check_template - .rules:tag:release - .before_script:fetch:git_describe script: - (git cat-file -t $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME | grep tag) || (echo "ESP-IDF versions must be annotated tags." && exit 1) check_test_scripts_build_test_rules: extends: - .pre_check_template - .before_script:build script: # required pytest related packages - run_cmd bash install.sh --enable-pytest - python tools/ci/check_build_test_rules.py check-test-scripts examples/ tools/test_apps components check_configure_ci_environment_parsing: extends: - .pre_check_template - .before_script:build - .rules:build script: - cd tools/ci - python -m unittest ci_build_apps.py pipeline_variables: extends: - .pre_check_template - .before_script:fetch:git_diff tags: [fast_run, shiny] script: # MODIFIED_FILES is a list of files that changed, could be used everywhere - MODIFIED_FILES=$(echo "$GIT_DIFF_OUTPUT" | xargs) - echo "MODIFIED_FILES=$MODIFIED_FILES" >> pipeline.env # MR_MODIFIED_FILES and MR_MODIFIED_COMPONENTS are semicolon separated lists that is used in MR only # for non MR pipeline, these are empty lists - | if [ $IS_MR_PIPELINE == "0" ]; then echo "MR_MODIFIED_FILES=\"\"" >> pipeline.env echo "MR_MODIFIED_COMPONENTS=\"\"" >> pipeline.env else MR_MODIFIED_FILES=$(echo "$GIT_DIFF_OUTPUT" | tr '\n' ';') echo "MR_MODIFIED_FILES=\"$MR_MODIFIED_FILES\"" >> pipeline.env MR_MODIFIED_COMPONENTS=$(run_cmd python tools/ci/ci_get_mr_info.py components --modified-files $MODIFIED_FILES | tr '\n' ';') echo "MR_MODIFIED_COMPONENTS=\"$MR_MODIFIED_COMPONENTS\"" >> pipeline.env fi - | if echo "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS" | egrep "(^|,)BUILD_AND_TEST_ALL_APPS(,|$)"; then echo "BUILD_AND_TEST_ALL_APPS=1" >> pipeline.env fi - cat pipeline.env - python tools/ci/artifacts_handler.py upload --type modified_files_and_components_report artifacts: reports: dotenv: pipeline.env paths: - pipeline.env expire_in: 1 week when: always check_test_cases_env_markers_and_required_runners: extends: - .pre_check_template tags: [fast_run, shiny] script: - python tools/ci/dynamic_pipelines/scripts/generate_target_test_child_pipeline.py --check