/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include "unity.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "hal/cpu_hal.h" #include "esp_rom_uart.h" #include "esp_private/esp_clk.h" static uint32_t s_test_start, s_test_stop; void unity_putc(int c) { if (c == '\n') { esp_rom_uart_tx_one_char('\r'); esp_rom_uart_tx_one_char('\n'); } else if (c == '\r') { } else { esp_rom_uart_tx_one_char(c); } } void unity_flush(void) { esp_rom_uart_tx_wait_idle(CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_NUM); } /* To start a unit test from a GDB session without console input, * - set a break at unity_gets ('hb unity_gets') * - resume the program ('c') * - modify this value to the desired command line ('set {char[64]} unity_input_from_gdb = "5"') * - optionally set a break point in the test being debugged * - resume the program ('c') */ char unity_input_from_gdb[64]; void unity_gets(char *dst, size_t len) { size_t unity_input_from_gdb_len = strlen(unity_input_from_gdb); if (unity_input_from_gdb_len > 0 && unity_input_from_gdb_len < len - 1) { memcpy(dst, unity_input_from_gdb, unity_input_from_gdb_len); dst[unity_input_from_gdb_len] = '\n'; dst[unity_input_from_gdb_len + 1] = 0; memset(unity_input_from_gdb, 0, sizeof(unity_input_from_gdb)); return; } /* esp_rom_uart_rx_string length argument is uint8_t */ if (len >= UINT8_MAX) { len = UINT8_MAX; } /* Flush anything already in the RX buffer */ uint8_t ignore; while (esp_rom_uart_rx_one_char(&ignore) == 0) { } /* Read input */ esp_rom_uart_rx_string((uint8_t *) dst, len); } void unity_exec_time_start(void) { s_test_start = cpu_hal_get_cycle_count(); } void unity_exec_time_stop(void) { s_test_stop = cpu_hal_get_cycle_count(); } uint32_t unity_exec_time_get_ms(void) { return (s_test_stop - s_test_start) / (esp_clk_cpu_freq() / 1000); }