# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import argparse import fnmatch import glob import os import typing as t import zipfile from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile import urllib3 from minio import Minio class ArtifactType(str, Enum): MAP_AND_ELF_FILES = 'map_and_elf_files' BUILD_DIR_WITHOUT_MAP_AND_ELF_FILES = 'build_dir_without_map_and_elf_files' LOGS = 'logs' SIZE_REPORTS = 'size_reports' JUNIT_REPORTS = 'junit_reports' TYPE_PATTERNS_DICT = { ArtifactType.MAP_AND_ELF_FILES: [ '**/build*/bootloader/*.map', '**/build*/bootloader/*.elf', '**/build*/*.map', '**/build*/*.elf', ], ArtifactType.BUILD_DIR_WITHOUT_MAP_AND_ELF_FILES: [ '**/build*/build_log.txt', '**/build*/*.bin', '**/build*/bootloader/*.bin', '**/build*/partition_table/*.bin', '**/build*/flasher_args.json', '**/build*/flash_project_args', '**/build*/config/sdkconfig.json', '**/build*/project_description.json', 'list_job_*.txt', ], ArtifactType.LOGS: [ '**/build*/build_log.txt', ], ArtifactType.SIZE_REPORTS: [ '**/build*/size.json', 'size_info.txt', ], ArtifactType.JUNIT_REPORTS: [ 'XUNIT_RESULT.xml', ], } def getenv(env_var: str) -> str: try: return os.environ[env_var] except KeyError as e: raise Exception(f'Environment variable {env_var} not set') from e def _download_files( pipeline_id: int, *, artifact_type: t.Optional[ArtifactType] = None, job_name: t.Optional[str] = None, job_id: t.Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: if artifact_type: prefix = f'{pipeline_id}/{artifact_type.value}/' else: prefix = f'{pipeline_id}/' for obj in client.list_objects(getenv('IDF_S3_BUCKET'), prefix=prefix, recursive=True): obj_name = obj.object_name obj_p = Path(obj_name) # ///.zip if len(obj_p.parts) != 4: print(f'Invalid object name: {obj_name}') continue if job_name: # could be a pattern if not fnmatch.fnmatch(obj_p.parts[2], job_name): print(f'Job name {job_name} does not match {obj_p.parts[2]}') continue if job_id: if obj_p.parts[3] != f'{job_id}.zip': print(f'Job ID {job_id} does not match {obj_p.parts[3]}') continue client.fget_object(getenv('IDF_S3_BUCKET'), obj_name, obj_name) print(f'Downloaded {obj_name}') if obj_name.endswith('.zip'): with ZipFile(obj_name, 'r') as zr: zr.extractall() print(f'Extracted {obj_name}') os.remove(obj_name) def _upload_files( pipeline_id: int, *, artifact_type: ArtifactType, job_name: str, job_id: str, ) -> None: has_file = False with ZipFile( f'{job_id}.zip', 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, # 1 is the fastest compression level # the size differs not much between 1 and 9 compresslevel=1, ) as zw: for pattern in TYPE_PATTERNS_DICT[artifact_type]: for file in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True): zw.write(file) has_file = True try: if has_file: obj_name = f'{pipeline_id}/{artifact_type.value}/{job_name.split(" ")[0]}/{job_id}.zip' print(f'Created archive file: {job_id}.zip, uploading as {obj_name}') client.fput_object(getenv('IDF_S3_BUCKET'), obj_name, f'{job_id}.zip') url = client.get_presigned_url('GET', getenv('IDF_S3_BUCKET'), obj_name) print(f'Please download the archive file which includes {artifact_type.value} from {url}') finally: os.remove(f'{job_id}.zip') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Download or upload files from/to S3, the object name would be ' '[PIPELINE_ID]/[ACTION_TYPE]/[JOB_NAME]/[JOB_ID].zip.' '\n' 'For example: 123456/binaries/build_pytest_examples_esp32/123456789.zip', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) common_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) common_args.add_argument('--pipeline-id', type=int, help='Pipeline ID') common_args.add_argument( '--type', type=str, nargs='+', choices=[a.value for a in ArtifactType], help='Types of files to download' ) action = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action', help='Download or Upload') download = action.add_parser('download', help='Download files from S3', parents=[common_args]) upload = action.add_parser('upload', help='Upload files to S3', parents=[common_args]) download.add_argument('--job-name', type=str, help='Job name pattern') download.add_argument('--job-id', type=int, help='Job ID') upload.add_argument('--job-name', type=str, help='Job name') upload.add_argument('--job-id', type=int, help='Job ID') args = parser.parse_args() client = Minio( getenv('IDF_S3_SERVER').replace('https://', ''), access_key=getenv('IDF_S3_ACCESS_KEY'), secret_key=getenv('IDF_S3_SECRET_KEY'), http_client=urllib3.PoolManager( timeout=urllib3.Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, retries=urllib3.Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504], ), ), ) ci_pipeline_id = args.pipeline_id or getenv('CI_PIPELINE_ID') # required if args.action == 'download': method = _download_files ci_job_name = args.job_name # optional ci_job_id = args.job_id # optional else: method = _upload_files # type: ignore ci_job_name = args.job_name or getenv('CI_JOB_NAME') # required ci_job_id = args.job_id or getenv('CI_JOB_ID') # required if args.type: types = [ArtifactType(t) for t in args.type] else: types = list(ArtifactType) print(f'{"Pipeline ID":15}: {ci_pipeline_id}') if ci_job_name: print(f'{"Job name":15}: {ci_job_name}') if ci_job_id: print(f'{"Job ID":15}: {ci_job_id}') for _t in types: method(ci_pipeline_id, artifact_type=_t, job_name=ci_job_name, job_id=ci_job_id) # type: ignore