/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #if CONFIG_I2S_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG // The local log level must be defined before including esp_log.h // Set the maximum log level for this source file #define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL ESP_LOG_DEBUG #endif #include "hal/i2s_hal.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "driver/i2s_std.h" #include "i2s_private.h" #include "clk_ctrl_os.h" #include "esp_intr_alloc.h" #include "esp_check.h" const static char *TAG = "i2s_std"; static esp_err_t i2s_std_calculate_clock(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_clk_config_t *clk_cfg, i2s_hal_clock_info_t *clk_info) { uint32_t rate = clk_cfg->sample_rate_hz; i2s_std_slot_config_t *slot_cfg = &((i2s_std_config_t *)(handle->mode_info))->slot_cfg; uint32_t slot_bits = (slot_cfg->slot_bit_width == I2S_SLOT_BIT_WIDTH_AUTO) || ((int)slot_cfg->slot_bit_width < (int)slot_cfg->data_bit_width) ? slot_cfg->data_bit_width : slot_cfg->slot_bit_width; /* Calculate multiple * Fmclk = bck_div*fbck = fsclk/(mclk_div+b/a) */ if (handle->role == I2S_ROLE_MASTER) { clk_info->bclk = rate * handle->total_slot * slot_bits; clk_info->mclk = rate * clk_cfg->mclk_multiple; clk_info->bclk_div = clk_info->mclk / clk_info->bclk; } else { /* For slave mode, mclk >= bclk * 8, so fix bclk_div to 2 first */ clk_info->bclk_div = 8; clk_info->bclk = rate * handle->total_slot * slot_bits; clk_info->mclk = clk_info->bclk * clk_info->bclk_div; } #if SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL clk_info->sclk = (clk_cfg->clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL) ? i2s_set_get_apll_freq(clk_info->mclk) : I2S_LL_BASE_CLK; #else clk_info->sclk = I2S_LL_BASE_CLK; #endif clk_info->mclk_div = clk_info->sclk / clk_info->mclk; /* Check if the configuration is correct */ ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(clk_info->mclk_div, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "sample rate is too large"); return ESP_OK; } static esp_err_t i2s_std_set_clock(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_clk_config_t *clk_cfg) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; i2s_std_config_t *std_cfg = (i2s_std_config_t *)(handle->mode_info); i2s_hal_clock_info_t clk_info; /* Calculate clock parameters */ ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_calculate_clock(handle, clk_cfg, &clk_info), TAG, "clock calculate failed"); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Clock division info: [sclk] %d Hz [mdiv] %d [mclk] %d Hz [bdiv] %d [bclk] %d Hz", clk_info.sclk, clk_info.mclk_div, clk_info.mclk, clk_info.bclk_div, clk_info.bclk); portENTER_CRITICAL(&g_i2s.spinlock); /* Set clock configurations in HAL*/ if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_TX) { i2s_hal_set_tx_clock(&handle->controller->hal, &clk_info, clk_cfg->clk_src); } else { i2s_hal_set_rx_clock(&handle->controller->hal, &clk_info, clk_cfg->clk_src); } portEXIT_CRITICAL(&g_i2s.spinlock); /* Update the mode info: clock configuration */ memcpy(&(std_cfg->clk_cfg), clk_cfg, sizeof(i2s_std_clk_config_t)); return ret; } static esp_err_t i2s_std_set_slot(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_slot_config_t *slot_cfg) { /* Check configuration validity */ ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE((slot_cfg->slot_mode == I2S_SLOT_MODE_STEREO) || (slot_cfg->slot_mask != I2S_STD_SLOT_LEFT_RIGHT), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "Can't select both left and right slot in mono mode"); /* Update the total slot num and active slot num */ handle->total_slot = 2; handle->active_slot = slot_cfg->slot_mode == I2S_SLOT_MODE_MONO ? 1 : 2; uint32_t buf_size = i2s_get_buf_size(handle, slot_cfg->data_bit_width, handle->dma.frame_num); /* The DMA buffer need to re-allocate if the buffer size changed */ if (handle->dma.buf_size != buf_size) { handle->dma.buf_size = buf_size; ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(i2s_free_dma_desc(handle), TAG, "failed to free the old dma descriptor"); ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(i2s_alloc_dma_desc(handle, handle->dma.desc_num, buf_size), TAG, "allocate memory for dma descriptor failed"); } bool is_slave = handle->role == I2S_ROLE_SLAVE; /* Share bck and ws signal in full-duplex mode */ if (handle->controller->full_duplex) { i2s_ll_share_bck_ws(handle->controller->hal.dev, true); /* Since bck and ws are shared, only tx or rx can be master Force to set rx as slave to avoid conflict of clock signal */ if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_RX) { is_slave = true; } } else { i2s_ll_share_bck_ws(handle->controller->hal.dev, false); } portENTER_CRITICAL(&g_i2s.spinlock); /* Configure the hardware to apply STD format */ if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_TX) { i2s_hal_std_set_tx_slot(&(handle->controller->hal), is_slave, (i2s_hal_slot_config_t *)slot_cfg); } else { i2s_hal_std_set_rx_slot(&(handle->controller->hal), is_slave, (i2s_hal_slot_config_t *)slot_cfg); } portEXIT_CRITICAL(&g_i2s.spinlock); /* Update the mode info: slot configuration */ i2s_std_config_t *std_cfg = (i2s_std_config_t *)(handle->mode_info); memcpy(&(std_cfg->slot_cfg), slot_cfg, sizeof(i2s_std_slot_config_t)); return ESP_OK; } static esp_err_t i2s_std_set_gpio(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_gpio_config_t *gpio_cfg) { int id = handle->controller->id; /* Check validity of selected pins */ ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE((gpio_cfg->bclk == -1 || GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_cfg->bclk)), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "bclk invalid"); ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE((gpio_cfg->ws == -1 || GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_cfg->ws)), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "ws invalid"); i2s_std_config_t *std_cfg = (i2s_std_config_t *)(handle->mode_info); /* Loopback if dout = din */ if (gpio_cfg->dout != -1 && gpio_cfg->dout == gpio_cfg->din) { i2s_gpio_loopback_set(gpio_cfg->dout, i2s_periph_signal[id].data_out_sig, i2s_periph_signal[id].data_in_sig); } else if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_TX) { /* Set data output GPIO */ i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->dout, i2s_periph_signal[id].data_out_sig, false, false); } else { /* Set data input GPIO */ i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->din, i2s_periph_signal[id].data_in_sig, true, false); } if (handle->role == I2S_ROLE_SLAVE) { /* For "tx + slave" mode, select TX signal index for ws and bck */ if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_TX && !handle->controller->full_duplex) { #if SOC_I2S_HW_VERSION_2 i2s_ll_mclk_bind_to_tx_clk(handle->controller->hal.dev); #endif i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->ws, i2s_periph_signal[id].s_tx_ws_sig, true, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.ws_inv); i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->bclk, i2s_periph_signal[id].s_tx_bck_sig, true, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.bclk_inv); /* For "tx + rx + slave" or "rx + slave" mode, select RX signal index for ws and bck */ } else { i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->ws, i2s_periph_signal[id].s_rx_ws_sig, true, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.ws_inv); i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->bclk, i2s_periph_signal[id].s_rx_bck_sig, true, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.bclk_inv); } } else { /* mclk only available in master mode */ #if SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL bool is_apll = std_cfg->clk_cfg.clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL; #else bool is_apll = false; #endif ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(i2s_check_set_mclk(id, gpio_cfg->mclk, is_apll, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.mclk_inv), TAG, "mclk config failed"); /* For "rx + master" mode, select RX signal index for ws and bck */ if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_RX && !handle->controller->full_duplex) { #if SOC_I2S_HW_VERSION_2 i2s_ll_mclk_bind_to_rx_clk(handle->controller->hal.dev); #endif i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->ws, i2s_periph_signal[id].m_rx_ws_sig, false, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.ws_inv); i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->bclk, i2s_periph_signal[id].m_rx_bck_sig, false, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.bclk_inv); /* For "tx + rx + master" or "tx + master" mode, select TX signal index for ws and bck */ } else { i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->ws, i2s_periph_signal[id].m_tx_ws_sig, false, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.ws_inv); i2s_gpio_check_and_set(gpio_cfg->bclk, i2s_periph_signal[id].m_tx_bck_sig, false, gpio_cfg->invert_flags.bclk_inv); } } /* Update the mode info: gpio configuration */ memcpy(&(std_cfg->gpio_cfg), gpio_cfg, sizeof(i2s_std_gpio_config_t)); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t i2s_channel_init_std_mode(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_config_t *std_cfg) { #if CONFIG_I2S_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG esp_log_level_set(TAG, ESP_LOG_DEBUG); #endif I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, handle); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; xSemaphoreTake(handle->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); handle->mode = I2S_COMM_MODE_STD; /* Allocate memory for storing the configurations of standard mode */ if (handle->mode_info) { free(handle->mode_info); } handle->mode_info = calloc(1, sizeof(i2s_std_config_t)); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->mode_info, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no memory for storing the configurations"); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->state == I2S_CHAN_STATE_REGISTER, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "the channel has initialized already"); ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_gpio(handle, &std_cfg->gpio_cfg), err, TAG, "initialize channel failed while setting gpio pins"); /* i2s_set_std_slot should be called before i2s_set_std_clock while initializing, because clock is relay on the slot */ ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_slot(handle, &std_cfg->slot_cfg), err, TAG, "initialize channel failed while setting slot"); #if SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL /* Enable APLL and acquire its lock when the clock source is APLL */ if (std_cfg->clk_cfg.clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL) { periph_rtc_apll_acquire(); handle->apll_en = true; } #endif ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_clock(handle, &std_cfg->clk_cfg), err, TAG, "initialize channel failed while setting clock"); ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_init_dma_intr(handle, ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1), err, TAG, "initialize dma interrupt failed"); #if SOC_I2S_HW_VERSION_2 /* Enable clock to start outputting mclk signal. Some codecs will reset once mclk stop */ if (handle->dir == I2S_DIR_TX) { i2s_ll_tx_enable_std(handle->controller->hal.dev); i2s_ll_tx_enable_clock(handle->controller->hal.dev); } else { i2s_ll_rx_enable_std(handle->controller->hal.dev); i2s_ll_rx_enable_clock(handle->controller->hal.dev); } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE esp_pm_lock_type_t pm_type = ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX; #if SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL if (std_cfg->clk_cfg.clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL) { pm_type = ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP; } #endif // SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_create(pm_type, 0, "i2s_driver", &handle->pm_lock), TAG, "I2S pm lock create failed"); #endif /* Initialization finished, mark state as ready */ handle->state = I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY; xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; err: xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; } esp_err_t i2s_channel_reconfig_std_clock(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_clk_config_t *clk_cfg) { I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, handle); I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, clk_cfg); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; xSemaphoreTake(handle->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->mode == I2S_COMM_MODE_STD, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "this handle is not working in standard moded"); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->state == I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "invalid state, I2S should be disabled before reconfiguring the clock"); i2s_std_config_t *std_cfg = (i2s_std_config_t *)handle->mode_info; ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(std_cfg, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "initialization not complete"); #if SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL /* Enable APLL and acquire its lock when the clock source is changed to APLL */ if (clk_cfg->clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL && std_cfg->clk_cfg.clk_src != I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL) { periph_rtc_apll_acquire(); handle->apll_en = true; } /* Disable APLL and release its lock when clock source is changed to 160M_PLL */ if (clk_cfg->clk_src != I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL && std_cfg->clk_cfg.clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL) { periph_rtc_apll_release(); handle->apll_en = false; } #endif ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_clock(handle, clk_cfg), err, TAG, "update clock failed"); #ifdef CONFIG_PM_ENABLE // Create/Re-create power management lock if (std_cfg->clk_cfg.clk_src != clk_cfg->clk_src) { ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_delete(handle->pm_lock), err, TAG, "I2S delete old pm lock failed"); esp_pm_lock_type_t pm_type = ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX; #if SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL if (clk_cfg->clk_src == I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL) { pm_type = ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP; } #endif // SOC_I2S_SUPPORTS_APLL ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(esp_pm_lock_create(pm_type, 0, "i2s_driver", &handle->pm_lock), err, TAG, "I2S pm lock create failed"); } #endif //CONFIG_PM_ENABLE xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ESP_OK; err: xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; } esp_err_t i2s_channel_reconfig_std_slot(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_slot_config_t *slot_cfg) { I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, handle); I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, slot_cfg); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; xSemaphoreTake(handle->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->mode == I2S_COMM_MODE_STD, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "this handle is not working in standard moded"); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->state == I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "invalid state, I2S should be disabled before reconfiguring the slot"); i2s_std_config_t *std_cfg = (i2s_std_config_t *)handle->mode_info; ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(std_cfg, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "initialization not complete"); ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_slot(handle, slot_cfg), err, TAG, "set i2s standard slot failed"); /* If the slot bit width changed, then need to update the clock */ uint32_t slot_bits = slot_cfg->slot_bit_width == I2S_SLOT_BIT_WIDTH_AUTO ? slot_cfg->data_bit_width : slot_cfg->slot_bit_width; if (std_cfg->slot_cfg.slot_bit_width == slot_bits) { ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_clock(handle, &std_cfg->clk_cfg), err, TAG, "update clock failed"); } xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ESP_OK; err: xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; } esp_err_t i2s_channel_reconfig_std_gpio(i2s_chan_handle_t handle, const i2s_std_gpio_config_t *gpio_cfg) { I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, handle); I2S_NULL_POINTER_CHECK(TAG, gpio_cfg); esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; xSemaphoreTake(handle->mutex, portMAX_DELAY); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->mode == I2S_COMM_MODE_STD, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "This handle is not working in standard moded"); ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(handle->state == I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "Invalid state, I2S should be disabled before reconfiguring the gpio"); ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(i2s_std_set_gpio(handle, gpio_cfg), err, TAG, "set i2s standard slot failed"); xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ESP_OK; err: xSemaphoreGive(handle->mutex); return ret; }