# Bluetooth Examples for NimBLE host Note: To use examples in this directory, you need to have Bluetooth enabled in configuration and NimBLE selected as the host stack. # Example Layout This directory includes examples to demonstrate BLE functionality using [Apache MyNewt NimBLE](https://github.com/apache/mynewt-nimble) host stack. * `blecent` Shows how ESP32 acts as a BLE central. * `blehr` Demonstrates standard Heart Rate measurement BLE peripheral. * `blemesh` Demonstrates BLE mesh functionality of NimBLE. * `bleprph` Shows how ESP32 acts as a BLE Peripheral. * `bleprph_wifi_coex` ESP32 acts as a BLE Peripheral and simultaneously performs Wi-Fi ping to configured IP address. See the [README.md](../../README.md) file in the upper level [examples](../../) directory for more information about examples. # More See the [README.md](../../README.md) file in the upper level [examples](../../) directory for more information about examples.