# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 import logging import os from typing import List import pytest from pytest_embedded import Dut def get_socket_msgs(i: int) -> List[str]: msg = 'Socket message S{}'.format(i) return ['uart_select_example: {} bytes were written to socket: {}'.format(len(msg), msg), 'uart_select_example: {} bytes were received through socket: {}'.format(len(msg), msg)] def get_uart_msgs(i: int) -> List[str]: msg = 'UART message U{}'.format(i) return ['uart_select_example: {} bytes were sent to UART1: {}'.format(len(msg), msg), 'uart_select_example: {} bytes were received through UART1: {}'.format(len(msg), msg)] @pytest.mark.supported_targets @pytest.mark.generic def test_examples_select(dut: Dut) -> None: dut.expect_exact('main_task: Calling app_main()', timeout=30) exp_list = [] for i in range(1, 10): exp_list += get_socket_msgs(i) exp_list += get_uart_msgs(i) logging.info('Expecting:{}{}'.format(os.linesep, os.linesep.join(exp_list))) dut.expect(exp_list, timeout=60, expect_all=True)