Added the RMT/addr LED blink to the example and more detailed
Moved component/led_strip to common_components
Added missing README file to common_components/led_strip
README file update
Makefile and Kconfig fixed for led_strip component
Fixing end-of-line on main/blink.c
Component updated to handle multiple instances
Added note on the RMT channel number (ESP32 and ESP32-S2)
Removed components folder from rmt/led_strip example and README updated
Changed the led_strip_denit function and added ESP32-C3 RMT info on channel configuration
Updates on README, Kconfig default settings and configure_led() function added
Implements support for system level traces compatible with SEGGER
SystemView tool on top of ESP32 application tracing module.
That kind of traces can help to analyse program's behaviour.
SystemView can show timeline of tasks/ISRs execution, context switches,
statistics related to the CPUs' load distribution etc.
Also this commit adds useful feature to ESP32 application tracing module:
- Trace data buffering is implemented to handle temporary peaks of events load