1. provide options for bluetooth low power mode
2. provide two options for bluetooth low power clock: main XTAL and external 32kHz XTAL
3. provide function and callbacks to control bluetooth low power mode, including enable/disable sleep, software wakeup request, low power clock settings, check power state, etc
4. modify vhci API vhci_host_send_packet to use blocking mode
5. note that DFS and bluetooth modem sleep can not be used together currently.
1. fix the bug. Modify the condition that esp_bt_controller_mem_release() shoud be only called before esp_bt_controller_init() or after esp_bt_controller_deinit()
2. modify the example to use esp_bt_controller_mem_release()
1. Occupy conn[9] for adv. The max connection number of bluetooth controller decrease to 9. (Previously, it is 10)
2. modify the enum of setting BLE TX power corresponding to connection's.
3. fix libbtdm_app.a cwitch jump table
1. add ble tx power functions
2. add more osi functions.
3. modify bluetooth controller task procedure
4. fix a memory leak when controller deinit
5. add controller disable return value.
1. add new APIs bt controller enable/disab/deinit
2. make bt controller work need to call two APIs of esp_bt_controller_init and enable
3. modify phy init to make mac reset once
This change removes implicit WiFi/BT initialization from startup code.
"main" task is started once essential part of startup code is complete.
This task calls application-provided "int main(void)" function, which can call WiFi/BT init functions if necessary.