- add missing Wi-Fi header MD5 checks for esp32c3, esp32s3
- check PHY libraries for references to ets_printf, in addition to
checking Wi-Fi libraries. This used to happen until libphy.a was
moved into a separate submodule.
Reported in https://github.com/espressif/esp-phy-lib/issues/3
update all struct headers to be more "standardized":
- bit fields are properly wrapped with struct
- bitwidth sum should be 32 within same struct, so that it's correctly padded with reserved bits
- bit field should be uint32_t
- typedef volatile struct xxx{} yyy;: xxx must exists. refer: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/pull/3199
added helper macros to force peripheral registers being accessed in 32 bitwidth
added a check script into ci
Also simplified the labels and ci
- Remove label regular_test, weekend_test
- Remove apply_job_filter
- check_submodule_sync: only run on protected branch