Merge branch 'feature/docs_update_timer_api' into 'master'

Timer API docs update, refactored example

See merge request !1316
Angus Gratton 2017-10-27 13:31:18 +08:00
commit ffeecde9e2
5 zmienionych plików z 270 dodań i 186 usunięć

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@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ extern "C" {
#define TIMER_BASE_CLK (APB_CLK_FREQ) /*!< Frequency of the clock on the input of the timer groups */
* @brief Selects a Timer-Group out of 2 available groups
@ -90,15 +91,15 @@ typedef enum {
} timer_autoreload_t;
* @brief timer configure struct
* @brief Data structure with timer's configuration settings
typedef struct {
bool alarm_en; /*!< Timer alarm enable */
bool counter_en; /*!< Counter enable */
bool alarm_en; /*!< Timer alarm enable */
bool counter_en; /*!< Counter enable */
timer_intr_mode_t intr_type; /*!< Interrupt mode */
timer_count_dir_t counter_dir; /*!< Counter direction */
bool auto_reload; /*!< Timer auto-reload */
uint16_t divider; /*!< Counter clock divider*/
bool auto_reload; /*!< Timer auto-reload */
uint32_t divider; /*!< Counter clock divider. The divider's range is from from 2 to 65536. */
} timer_config_t;
@ -202,13 +203,13 @@ esp_err_t timer_set_auto_reload(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num,
* @param group_num Timer group number, 0 for TIMERG0 or 1 for TIMERG1
* @param timer_num Timer index, 0 for hw_timer[0] & 1 for hw_timer[1]
* @param divider Timer clock divider value.
* @param divider Timer clock divider value. The divider's range is from from 2 to 65536.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error
esp_err_t timer_set_divider(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, uint16_t divider);
esp_err_t timer_set_divider(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, uint32_t divider);
* @brief Set timer alarm value.
@ -249,27 +250,23 @@ esp_err_t timer_get_alarm_value(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num,
esp_err_t timer_set_alarm(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, timer_alarm_t alarm_en);
* @brief register Timer interrupt handler, the handler is an ISR.
* The handler will be attached to the same CPU core that this function is running on.
* @brief Register Timer interrupt handler, the handler is an ISR.
* The handler will be attached to the same CPU core that this function is running on.
* @param group_num Timer group number
* @param timer_num Timer index of timer group
* @param fn Interrupt handler function.
* @note
* In case the this is called with the INIRAM flag, code inside the handler function can
* only call functions in IRAM, so it cannot call other timer APIs.
* Use direct register access to access timers from inside the ISR in this case.
* @param arg Parameter for handler function
* @param intr_alloc_flags Flags used to allocate the interrupt. One or multiple (ORred)
* ESP_INTR_FLAG_* values. See esp_intr_alloc.h for more info.
* @param handle Pointer to return handle. If non-NULL, a handle for the interrupt will
* be returned here.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Function pointer error.
* @param intr_alloc_flags Flags used to allocate the interrupt. One or multiple (ORred)
* ESP_INTR_FLAG_* values. See esp_intr_alloc.h for more info.
* @param handle Pointer to return handle. If non-NULL, a handle for the interrupt will
* be returned here.
* @note If the intr_alloc_flags value ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM is set,
* the handler function must be declared with IRAM_ATTR attribute
* and can only call functions in IRAM or ROM. It cannot call other timer APIs.
* Use direct register access to configure timers from inside the ISR in this case.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success

Wyświetl plik

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ static const char* TIMER_TAG = "timer_group";
#define DIVIDER_RANGE_ERROR "HW TIMER divider outside of [2, 65536] range error"
static timg_dev_t *TG[2] = {&TIMERG0, &TIMERG1};
@ -123,14 +124,15 @@ esp_err_t timer_set_auto_reload(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num,
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t timer_set_divider(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, uint16_t divider)
esp_err_t timer_set_divider(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, uint32_t divider)
TIMER_CHECK(divider > 1 && divider < 65537, DIVIDER_RANGE_ERROR, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
int timer_en = TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.enable;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.enable = 0;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider = divider;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider = (uint16_t) divider;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.enable = timer_en;
return ESP_OK;
@ -209,6 +211,7 @@ esp_err_t timer_init(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, const timer
TIMER_CHECK(config->divider > 1 && config->divider < 65537, DIVIDER_RANGE_ERROR, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
if(group_num == 0) {
@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ esp_err_t timer_init(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, const timer
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.autoreload = config->auto_reload;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider = config->divider;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider = (uint16_t) config->divider;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.enable = config->counter_en;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.increase = config->counter_dir;
TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.alarm_en = config->alarm_en;
@ -236,10 +239,11 @@ esp_err_t timer_get_config(timer_group_t group_num, timer_idx_t timer_num, timer
config->alarm_en = TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.alarm_en;
config->auto_reload = TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.autoreload;
config->counter_dir = TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.increase;
config->counter_dir = TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider;
config->divider = (TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider == 0 ?
65536 : TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.divider);
config->counter_en = TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.enable;
if(TG[group_num]->hw_timer[timer_num].config.level_int_en) {
config->intr_type =TIMER_INTR_LEVEL;
config->intr_type = TIMER_INTR_LEVEL;
return ESP_OK;

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@ -1,20 +1,100 @@
ESP32 chip contains two hardware timer groups, each containing two general-purpose hardware timers.
The ESP32 chip contains two hardware timer groups. Each group has two general-purpose hardware timers. They are all 64-bit generic timers based on 16-bit prescalers and 64-bit auto-reload-capable up / down counters.
Functional Overview
Typical steps to configure an operate the timer are described in the following sections:
* :ref:`timer-api-timer-initialization` - what parameters should be set up to get the timer working and what specific functionality is provided depending on the set up.
* :ref:`timer-api-timer-control` - how to read the timer's value, pause / start the timer, and change how it operates.
* :ref:`timer-api-alarms` - setting and using alarms.
* :ref:`timer-api-interrupts`- how to enable and use interrupts.
.. _timer-api-timer-initialization:
Timer Initialization
The two timer groups on-board of the ESP32 are identified using :cpp:type:`timer_group_t`. Individual timers in a group are identified with :cpp:type:`timer_idx_t`. The two groups, each having two timers, provide the total of four individual timers to our disposal.
Before starting the timer, it should be initialized by calling :cpp:func:`timer_init`. This function should be provided with a structure :cpp:type:`timer_config_t` to define how timer should operate. In particular the following timer's parameters may be set:
* **Divider**: How quickly the timer's counter is "ticking". This depends on the setting of :cpp:member:`divider`, that will be used as divisor of the incoming 80 MHz APB_CLK clock.
* **Mode**: If the the counter is incrementing or decrementing, defined using :cpp:member:`counter_dir` by selecting one of values from :cpp:type:`timer_count_dir_t`.
* **Counter Enable**: If the counter is enabled, then it will start incrementing / decrementing immediately after calling :cpp:func:`timer_init`. This action is set using :cpp:member:`counter_en` by selecting one of vales from :cpp:type:`timer_start_t`.
* **Alarm Enable**: Determined by the setting of :cpp:member:`alarm_en`.
* **Auto Reload**: Whether the counter should :cpp:member:`auto_reload` a specific initial value on the timer's alarm, or continue incrementing or decrementing.
* **Interrupt Type**: Whether an interrupt is triggered on timer's alarm. Set the value defined in :cpp:type:`timer_intr_mode_t`.
To get the current values of the timers settings, use function :cpp:func:`timer_get_config`.
.. _timer-api-timer-control:
Timer Control
Once the timer is configured and enabled, it is already "ticking". To check it's current value call :cpp:func:`timer_get_counter_value` or :cpp:func:`timer_get_counter_time_sec`. To set the timer to specific starting value call :cpp:func:`timer_set_counter_value`.
The timer may be paused at any time by calling :cpp:func:`timer_pause`. To start it again call :cpp:func:`timer_start`.
To change how the timer operates you can call once more :cpp:func:`timer_init` described in section :ref:`timer-api-timer-initialization`. Another option is to use dedicated functions to change individual settings:
* **Divider** value - :cpp:func:`timer_set_divider`. **Note:** the timer should be paused when changing the divider to avoid unpredictable results. If the timer is already running, :cpp:func:`timer_set_divider` will first pause the timer, change the divider, and finally start the timer again.
* **Mode** (whether the counter incrementing or decrementing) - :cpp:func:`timer_set_counter_mode`
* **Auto Reload** counter on alarm - :cpp:func:`timer_set_auto_reload`
.. _timer-api-alarms:
To set an alarm, call function :cpp:func:`timer_set_alarm_value` and then enable it with :cpp:func:`timer_set_alarm`. The alarm may be also enabled during the timer initialization stage, when :cpp:func:`timer_init` is called.
After the alarm is enabled and the timer reaches the alarm value, depending on configuration, the following two actions may happen:
* An interrupt will be triggered, if previously configured. See section :ref:`timer-api-interrupts` how to configure interrupts.
* When :cpp:member:`auto_reload` is enabled, the timer's counter will be reloaded to start counting from specific initial value. The value to start should be set in advance with :cpp:func:`timer_set_counter_value`.
.. note::
The alarm will be triggered immediately, if an alarm value is set and the timer has already passed this value.
To check what alarm value has been set up, call :cpp:func:`timer_get_alarm_value`.
.. _timer-api-interrupts:
Registration of the interrupt handler for a specific timer group and timer is done be calling :cpp:func:`timer_isr_register`.
To enable interrupts for a timer group call :cpp:func:`timer_group_intr_enable`. To do it for a specific timer, call :cpp:func:`timer_enable_intr`. Disabling of interrupts is done with corresponding functions :cpp:func:`timer_group_intr_disable` and :cpp:func:`timer_disable_intr`.
When servicing an interrupt within an ISR, the interrupt need to explicitly cleared. To do so, set the ``TIMERGN.int_clr_timers.tM`` structure defined in :component_file:`soc/esp32/include/soc/timer_group_struct.h`, where N is the timer group number [0, 1] and M is the timer number [0, 1]. For example to clear an interrupt for the timer 1 in the timer group 0, call the following::
TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t1 = 1
See the application example below how to use interrupts.
They are all 64-bit generic timers based on 16-bit prescalers and 64-bit auto-reload-capable up/down counters.
Application Example
64-bit hardware timer example: :example:`peripherals/timer_group`.
The 64-bit hardware timer example: :example:`peripherals/timer_group`.
API Reference
.. include:: /_build/inc/

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@ -1,3 +1,33 @@
# Example: timer_group
This example uses the timer group driver to generate timer interrupts at two specified alarm intervals.
## Functionality Overview
* Two timers are configured
* Each timer is set with some sample alarm interval
* On reaching the interval value each timer will generate an alarm
* One of the timers is configured to automatically reload it's counter value on the alarm
* The other timer is configured to keep incrementing and is reloaded by the application each time the alarm happens
* Alarms trigger subsequent interrupts, that is tracked with messages printed on the terminal:
Example timer with auto reload
Group[0], timer[1] alarm event
------- EVENT TIME --------
Counter: 0x000000000000000a
Time : 0.00000200 s
-------- TASK TIME --------
Counter: 0x00000000000107ff
Time : 0.01351660 s
Example timer without reload
Group[0], timer[0] alarm event
------- EVENT TIME --------
Counter: 0x00000000092ae316
Time : 30.76111800 s
-------- TASK TIME --------
Counter: 0x00000000092bd535
Time : 30.77351460 s

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@ -16,186 +16,159 @@
#include "driver/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "driver/timer.h"
#define TIMER_INTR_SEL TIMER_INTR_LEVEL /*!< Timer level interrupt */
#define TIMER_GROUP TIMER_GROUP_0 /*!< Test on timer group 0 */
#define TIMER_DIVIDER 16 /*!< Hardware timer clock divider */
#define TIMER_SCALE (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMER_DIVIDER) /*!< used to calculate counter value */
#define TIMER_FINE_ADJ (1.4*(TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMER_DIVIDER)/1000000) /*!< used to compensate alarm value */
#define TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC (3.4179) /*!< test interval for timer 0 */
#define TIMER_INTERVAL1_SEC (5.78) /*!< test interval for timer 1 */
#define TEST_WITHOUT_RELOAD 0 /*!< example of auto-reload mode */
#define TEST_WITH_RELOAD 1 /*!< example without auto-reload mode */
#define TIMER_DIVIDER 16 // Hardware timer clock divider
#define TIMER_SCALE (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMER_DIVIDER) // convert counter value to seconds
#define TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC (3.4179) // sample test interval for the first timer
#define TIMER_INTERVAL1_SEC (5.78) // sample test interval for the second timer
#define TEST_WITHOUT_RELOAD 0 // testing will be done without auto reload
#define TEST_WITH_RELOAD 1 // testing will be done with auto reload
* A sample structure to pass events
* from the timer interrupt handler to the main program.
typedef struct {
int type; /*!< event type */
int group; /*!< timer group */
int idx; /*!< timer number */
uint64_t counter_val; /*!< timer counter value */
int type; // the type of timer's event
int timer_group;
int timer_idx;
uint64_t timer_counter_value;
} timer_event_t;
xQueueHandle timer_queue;
* @brief Print a uint64_t value
* A simple helper function to print the raw timer counter value
* and the counter value converted to seconds
static void inline print_u64(uint64_t val)
static void inline print_timer_counter(uint64_t counter_value)
printf("0x%08x%08x\n", (uint32_t) (val >> 32), (uint32_t) (val));
static void timer_example_evt_task(void *arg)
while(1) {
timer_event_t evt;
xQueueReceive(timer_queue, &evt, portMAX_DELAY);
if(evt.type == TEST_WITHOUT_RELOAD) {
printf("\n\n example of count-up-timer \n");
} else if(evt.type == TEST_WITH_RELOAD) {
printf("\n\n example of reload-timer \n");
/*Show timer event from interrupt*/
printf("-------INTR TIME EVT--------\n");
printf("TG[%d] timer[%d] alarm evt\n",, evt.idx);
printf("reg: ");
double time = (double) evt.counter_val / (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMERG0.hw_timer[evt.idx].config.divider);
printf("time: %.8f S\n", time);
/*Read timer value from task*/
printf("======TASK TIME======\n");
uint64_t timer_val;
timer_get_counter_value(, evt.idx, &timer_val);
timer_get_counter_time_sec(, evt.idx, &time);
printf("TG[%d] timer[%d] alarm evt\n",, evt.idx);
printf("reg: ");
printf("time: %.8f S\n", time);
printf("Counter: 0x%08x%08x\n", (uint32_t) (counter_value >> 32),
(uint32_t) (counter_value));
printf("Time : %.8f s\n", (double) counter_value / TIMER_SCALE);
* @brief timer group0 ISR handler
* Timer group0 ISR handler
* Note:
* We don't call the timer API here because they are not declared with IRAM_ATTR.
* If we're okay with the timer irq not being serviced while SPI flash cache is disabled,
* we can allocate this interrupt without the ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM flag and use the normal API.
void IRAM_ATTR timer_group0_isr(void *para)
int timer_idx = (int) para;
/* Retrieve the interrupt status and the counter value
from the timer that reported the interrupt */
uint32_t intr_status = TIMERG0.int_st_timers.val;
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].update = 1;
uint64_t timer_counter_value =
((uint64_t) TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].cnt_high) << 32
| TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].cnt_low;
/* Prepare basic event data
that will be then sent back to the main program task */
timer_event_t evt;
if((intr_status & BIT(timer_idx)) && timer_idx == TIMER_0) {
/*Timer0 is an example that doesn't reload counter value*/
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].update = 1;
evt.timer_group = 0;
evt.timer_idx = timer_idx;
evt.timer_counter_value = timer_counter_value;
/* We don't call a API here because they are not declared with IRAM_ATTR.
If we're okay with the timer irq not being serviced while SPI flash cache is disabled,
we can alloc this interrupt without the ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM flag and use the normal API. */
TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t0 = 1;
uint64_t timer_val = ((uint64_t) TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].cnt_high) << 32
| TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].cnt_low;
/*Post an event to out example task*/
/* Clear the interrupt
and update the alarm time for the timer with without reload */
if ((intr_status & BIT(timer_idx)) && timer_idx == TIMER_0) {
evt.type = TEST_WITHOUT_RELOAD; = 0;
evt.idx = timer_idx;
evt.counter_val = timer_val;
xQueueSendFromISR(timer_queue, &evt, NULL);
/*For a timer that will not reload, we need to set the next alarm value each time. */
timer_val +=
(uint64_t) (TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].config.divider));
/*Fine adjust*/
timer_val -= TIMER_FINE_ADJ;
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].alarm_high = (uint32_t) (timer_val >> 32);
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].alarm_low = (uint32_t) timer_val;
/*After set alarm, we set alarm_en bit if we want to enable alarm again.*/
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].config.alarm_en = 1;
} else if((intr_status & BIT(timer_idx)) && timer_idx == TIMER_1) {
/*Timer1 is an example that will reload counter value*/
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].update = 1;
/*We don't call a API here because they are not declared with IRAM_ATTR*/
TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t1 = 1;
uint64_t timer_val = ((uint64_t) TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].cnt_high) << 32
| TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].cnt_low;
/*Post an event to out example task*/
TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t0 = 1;
timer_counter_value += (uint64_t) (TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * TIMER_SCALE);
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].alarm_high = (uint32_t) (timer_counter_value >> 32);
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].alarm_low = (uint32_t) timer_counter_value;
} else if ((intr_status & BIT(timer_idx)) && timer_idx == TIMER_1) {
evt.type = TEST_WITH_RELOAD; = 0;
evt.idx = timer_idx;
evt.counter_val = timer_val;
xQueueSendFromISR(timer_queue, &evt, NULL);
/*For a auto-reload timer, we still need to set alarm_en bit if we want to enable alarm again.*/
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].config.alarm_en = 1;
TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t1 = 1;
} else {
evt.type = -1; // not supported even type
/* After the alarm has been triggered
we need enable it again, so it is triggered the next time */
TIMERG0.hw_timer[timer_idx].config.alarm_en = TIMER_ALARM_EN;
/* Now just send the event data back to the main program task */
xQueueSendFromISR(timer_queue, &evt, NULL);
* Initialize selected timer of the timer group 0
* timer_idx - the timer number to initialize
* auto_reload - should the timer auto reload on alarm?
* timer_interval_sec - the interval of alarm to set
static void example_tg0_timer_init(int timer_idx,
bool auto_reload, double timer_interval_sec)
/* Select and initialize basic parameters of the timer */
timer_config_t config;
config.divider = TIMER_DIVIDER;
config.counter_dir = TIMER_COUNT_UP;
config.counter_en = TIMER_PAUSE;
config.alarm_en = TIMER_ALARM_EN;
config.intr_type = TIMER_INTR_LEVEL;
config.auto_reload = auto_reload;
timer_init(TIMER_GROUP_0, timer_idx, &config);
/* Timer's counter will initially start from value below.
Also, if auto_reload is set, this value will be automatically reload on alarm */
timer_set_counter_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, timer_idx, 0x00000000ULL);
/* Configure the alarm value and the interrupt on alarm. */
timer_set_alarm_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, timer_idx, timer_interval_sec * TIMER_SCALE);
timer_enable_intr(TIMER_GROUP_0, timer_idx);
timer_isr_register(TIMER_GROUP_0, timer_idx, timer_group0_isr,
(void *) timer_idx, ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, NULL);
timer_start(TIMER_GROUP_0, timer_idx);
* The main task of this example program
static void timer_example_evt_task(void *arg)
while (1) {
timer_event_t evt;
xQueueReceive(timer_queue, &evt, portMAX_DELAY);
/* Print information that the timer reported an event */
if (evt.type == TEST_WITHOUT_RELOAD) {
printf("\n Example timer without reload\n");
} else if (evt.type == TEST_WITH_RELOAD) {
printf("\n Example timer with auto reload\n");
} else {
printf("\n UNKNOWN EVENT TYPE\n");
printf("Group[%d], timer[%d] alarm event\n", evt.timer_group, evt.timer_idx);
/* Print the timer values passed by event */
printf("------- EVENT TIME --------\n");
/* Print the timer values as visible by this task */
printf("-------- TASK TIME --------\n");
uint64_t task_counter_value;
timer_get_counter_value(evt.timer_group, evt.timer_idx, &task_counter_value);
* @brief timer group0 hardware timer0 init
static void example_tg0_timer0_init()
int timer_group = TIMER_GROUP_0;
int timer_idx = TIMER_0;
timer_config_t config;
config.alarm_en = 1;
config.auto_reload = 0;
config.counter_dir = TIMER_COUNT_UP;
config.divider = TIMER_DIVIDER;
config.intr_type = TIMER_INTR_SEL;
config.counter_en = TIMER_PAUSE;
/*Configure timer*/
timer_init(timer_group, timer_idx, &config);
/*Stop timer counter*/
timer_pause(timer_group, timer_idx);
/*Load counter value */
timer_set_counter_value(timer_group, timer_idx, 0x00000000ULL);
/*Set alarm value*/
timer_set_alarm_value(timer_group, timer_idx, TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * TIMER_SCALE - TIMER_FINE_ADJ);
/*Enable timer interrupt*/
timer_enable_intr(timer_group, timer_idx);
/*Set ISR handler*/
timer_isr_register(timer_group, timer_idx, timer_group0_isr, (void*) timer_idx, ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, NULL);
/*Start timer counter*/
timer_start(timer_group, timer_idx);
* @brief timer group0 hardware timer1 init
static void example_tg0_timer1_init()
int timer_group = TIMER_GROUP_0;
int timer_idx = TIMER_1;
timer_config_t config;
config.alarm_en = 1;
config.auto_reload = 1;
config.counter_dir = TIMER_COUNT_UP;
config.divider = TIMER_DIVIDER;
config.intr_type = TIMER_INTR_SEL;
config.counter_en = TIMER_PAUSE;
/*Configure timer*/
timer_init(timer_group, timer_idx, &config);
/*Stop timer counter*/
timer_pause(timer_group, timer_idx);
/*Load counter value */
timer_set_counter_value(timer_group, timer_idx, 0x00000000ULL);
/*Set alarm value*/
timer_set_alarm_value(timer_group, timer_idx, TIMER_INTERVAL1_SEC * TIMER_SCALE);
/*Enable timer interrupt*/
timer_enable_intr(timer_group, timer_idx);
/*Set ISR handler*/
timer_isr_register(timer_group, timer_idx, timer_group0_isr, (void*) timer_idx, ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, NULL);
/*Start timer counter*/
timer_start(timer_group, timer_idx);
* @brief In this test, we will test hardware timer0 and timer1 of timer group0.
* In this example, we will test hardware timer0 and timer1 of timer group0.
void app_main()
timer_queue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(timer_event_t));
example_tg0_timer_init(TIMER_1, TEST_WITH_RELOAD, TIMER_INTERVAL1_SEC);
xTaskCreate(timer_example_evt_task, "timer_evt_task", 2048, NULL, 5, NULL);