docs: wifi: wifi_guide update for disconnection warning in case of invalid initiation in `WIFI_MODE_APSTA`.

Added warning to expect momentary disconnection of exSTA if channel of exAP is different than that of softAP and a prescribed solution.
Hrudaynath Dhabe 2019-09-12 13:45:44 +08:00 zatwierdzone przez Jiang Jiang Jian
rodzic 850893b25b
commit d740769916
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@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ Following table depicts which country info is used in different WiFi Mode and di
Home Channel Home Channel
************************* *************************
In AP mode, the home channel is defined as that of the AP channel. In Station mode, the home channel is defined as the channel of the AP to which the station is connected. In Station+AP mode, the home channel of AP and station must be the same. If the home channels of Station and AP are different, the station's home channel is always in priority. Take the following as an example: at the beginning, the AP is on channel 6, then the station connects to an AP whose channel is 9. Since the station's home channel has a higher priority, the AP needs to switch its channel from 6 to 9 to make sure that both station and AP have the same home channel. In AP mode, the home channel is defined as that of the AP channel. In Station mode, the home channel is defined as the channel of the AP to which the station is connected. In Station+AP mode, the home channel of AP and station must be the same. If the home channels of Station and AP are different, the station's home channel is always in priority. Take the following as an example: at the beginning, the AP is on channel 6, then the station connects to an AP whose channel is 9. Since the station's home channel has a higher priority, the AP needs to switch its channel from 6 to 9 to make sure that both station and AP have the same home channel. While switching channel, the ESP32 in SoftAP mode will notify the connected stations about the channel migration using a Channel Switch Announcement (CSA). Stations that support channel switching will transition smoothly whereas stations who do not will disconnect and reconnect to the SoftAP.
Wi-Fi Vendor IE Configuration Wi-Fi Vendor IE Configuration