diff --git a/docs/en/api-guides/build-system.rst b/docs/en/api-guides/build-system.rst index 551df6435a..c7d83fd760 100644 --- a/docs/en/api-guides/build-system.rst +++ b/docs/en/api-guides/build-system.rst @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ This example "myProject" contains the following elements: - "sdkconfig" project configuration file. This file is created/updated when ``idf.py menuconfig`` runs, and holds configuration for all of the components in the project (including ESP-IDF itself). The "sdkconfig" file may or may not be added to the source control system of the project. -- Optional "components" directory contains components that are part of the project. A project does not have to contain custom components of this kind, but it can be useful for structuring reusable code or including third party components that aren't part of ESP-IDF. Alternatively, ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS`` can be set in the top-level CMakeLists.txt to look for components in other places. See the :ref:`renaming main ` section for more info. If you have a lot of source files in your project, we recommend grouping most into components instead of putting them all in "main". +- Optional "components" directory contains components that are part of the project. A project does not have to contain custom components of this kind, but it can be useful for structuring reusable code or including third party components that aren't part of ESP-IDF. Alternatively, ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS`` can be set in the top-level CMakeLists.txt to look for components in other places. -- "main" directory is a special component that contains source code for the project itself. "main" is a default name, the CMake variable ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` includes this component but you can modify this variable. +- "main" directory is a special component that contains source code for the project itself. "main" is a default name, the CMake variable ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` includes this component but you can modify this variable. See the :ref:`renaming main ` section for more info. If you have a lot of source files in your project, we recommend grouping most into components instead of putting them all in "main". - "build" directory is where build output is created. This directory is created by ``idf.py`` if it doesn't already exist. CMake configures the project and generates interim build files in this directory. Then, after the main build process is run, this directory will also contain interim object files and libraries as well as final binary output files. This directory is usually not added to source control or distributed with the project source code. @@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ The following are some project/build variables that are available as build prope - ``IDF_VERSION_MAJOR``, ``IDF_VERSION_MINOR``, ``IDF_VERSION_PATCH``: Components of ESP-IDF version, to be used in conditional expressions. Note that this information is less precise than that provided by ``IDF_VER`` variable. ``v4.0-dev-*``, ``v4.0-beta1``, ``v4.0-rc1`` and ``v4.0`` will all have the same values of ``IDF_VERSION_*`` variables, but different ``IDF_VER`` values. - ``IDF_TARGET``: Name of the target for which the project is being built. - ``PROJECT_VER``: Project version. -- ``EXTRA_PARTITION_SUBTYPES``: CMake list of extra partition subtypes. Each subtype description is a comma separated string with ``type_name, subtype_name, numeric_value`` format. Components may add new subtypes by appending them to this list. * If :ref:`CONFIG_APP_PROJECT_VER_FROM_CONFIG` option is set, the value of :ref:`CONFIG_APP_PROJECT_VER` will be used. * Else, if ``PROJECT_VER`` variable is set in project CMakeLists.txt file, its value will be used. * Else, if the ``PROJECT_DIR/version.txt`` exists, its contents will be used as ``PROJECT_VER``. * Else, if the project is located inside a Git repository, the output of git describe will be used. * Otherwise, ``PROJECT_VER`` will be "1". +- ``EXTRA_PARTITION_SUBTYPES``: CMake list of extra partition subtypes. Each subtype description is a comma separated string with ``type_name, subtype_name, numeric_value`` format. Components may add new subtypes by appending them to this list. Other build properties are listed :ref:`here`. diff --git a/docs/zh_CN/api-guides/build-system.rst b/docs/zh_CN/api-guides/build-system.rst index 26a798387b..88805f721e 100644 --- a/docs/zh_CN/api-guides/build-system.rst +++ b/docs/zh_CN/api-guides/build-system.rst @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ ESP-IDF 适用于 Python 3.7 以上版本。 - "sdkconfig" 项目配置文件,执行 ``idf.py menuconfig`` 时会创建或更新此文件,文件中保存了项目中所有组件(包括 ESP-IDF 本身)的配置信息。 ``sdkconfig`` 文件可能会也可能不会被添加到项目的源码管理系统中。 -- 可选的 "components" 目录中包含了项目的部分自定义组件,并不是每个项目都需要这种自定义组件,但它有助于构建可复用的代码或者导入第三方(不属于 ESP-IDF)的组件。或者,您也可以在顶层 CMakeLists.txt 中设置 ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS`` 变量以查找其他指定位置处的组件。有关详细信息,请参阅 :ref:`重命名 main 组件 `。如果项目中源文件较多,建议将其归于组件中,而不是全部放在 "main" 中。 +- 可选的 "components" 目录中包含了项目的部分自定义组件,并不是每个项目都需要这种自定义组件,但它有助于构建可复用的代码或者导入第三方(不属于 ESP-IDF)的组件。或者,您也可以在顶层 CMakeLists.txt 中设置 ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS`` 变量以查找其他指定位置处的组件。 -- "main" 目录是一个特殊的组件,它包含项目本身的源代码。"main" 是默认名称,CMake 变量 ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` 默认包含此组件,但您可以修改此变量。 +- "main" 目录是一个特殊的组件,它包含项目本身的源代码。"main" 是默认名称,CMake 变量 ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` 默认包含此组件,但您可以修改此变量。有关详细信息,请参阅 :ref:`重命名 main 组件 `。如果项目中源文件较多,建议将其归于组件中,而不是全部放在 "main" 中。 - "build" 目录是存放构建输出的地方,如果没有此目录,``idf.py`` 会自动创建。CMake 会配置项目,并在此目录下生成临时的构建文件。随后,在主构建进程的运行期间,该目录还会保存临时目标文件、库文件以及最终输出的二进制文件。此目录通常不会添加到项目的源码管理系统中,也不会随项目源码一同发布。 @@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ ESP-IDF 在搜索所有待构建的组件时,会按照 ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` 指 - ``IDF_VERSION_MAJOR``、 ``IDF_VERSION_MINOR``、 ``IDF_VERSION_PATCH``: ESP-IDF 的组件版本,可用于条件表达式。请注意这些信息的精确度不如 ``IDF_VER`` 变量,版本号 ``v4.0-dev-*``, ``v4.0-beta1``, ``v4.0-rc1`` 和 ``v4.0`` 对应的 ``IDF_VERSION_*`` 变量值是相同的,但是 ``IDF_VER`` 的值是不同的。 - ``IDF_TARGET``:项目的硬件目标名称。 - ``PROJECT_VER``:项目版本号。 -- ``EXTRA_PARTITION_SUBTYPES``:CMake 列表,用于创建额外的分区子类型。子类型的描述由字符串组成,以逗号为分隔,格式为 ``type_name, subtype_name, numeric_value``。组件可通过此列表,添加新的子类型。 * 如果设置 :ref:`CONFIG_APP_PROJECT_VER_FROM_CONFIG` 选项,将会使用 :ref:`CONFIG_APP_PROJECT_VER` 的值。 * 或者,如果在项目 CMakeLists.txt 文件中设置了 ``PROJECT_VER`` 变量,则该变量值可以使用。 * 或者,如果 ``PROJECT_DIR/version.txt`` 文件存在,其内容会用作 ``PROJECT_VER`` 的值。 * 或者,如果项目位于某个 Git 仓库中,则使用 ``git describe`` 命令的输出作为 ``PROJECT_VER`` 的值。 * 否则,``PROJECT_VER`` 的值为 1。 +- ``EXTRA_PARTITION_SUBTYPES``:CMake 列表,用于创建额外的分区子类型。子类型的描述由字符串组成,以逗号为分隔,格式为 ``type_name, subtype_name, numeric_value``。组件可通过此列表,添加新的子类型。 其它与构建属性有关的信息请参考 :ref:`这里`。