freertos: Restore the check that mutex is given by owner

Even without this check, if the owner doesn't match then FreeRTOS will still
fail an assertion - but it's not as clear what the root cause is.
Angus Gratton 2020-10-21 10:09:08 +11:00
rodzic 8a70b1cdc9
commit c87fe77ef9
1 zmienionych plików z 5 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -770,6 +770,11 @@ Queue_t * const pxQueue = xQueue;
#if ( configUSE_MUTEXES == 1 && configCHECK_MUTEX_GIVEN_BY_OWNER == 1)
configASSERT(pxQueue->uxQueueType != queueQUEUE_IS_MUTEX
|| pxQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder == NULL
|| pxQueue->u.xSemaphore.xMutexHolder == xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle());
/*lint -save -e904 This function relaxes the coding standard somewhat to
allow return statements within the function itself. This is done in the