Merge branch 'feat/monitor-config' into 'master'

docs(tools/idf-monitor): add info about custom keystrokes

See merge request espressif/esp-idf!26129
Peter Dragun 2023-10-12 16:02:34 +08:00
commit aa9f81cfc6
2 zmienionych plików z 214 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ IDF Monitor can be launched from an ESP-IDF project by running `` monitor`
Keyboard Shortcuts
For easy interaction with IDF Monitor, use the keyboard shortcuts given in the table.
For easy interaction with IDF Monitor, use the keyboard shortcuts given in the table. These keyboard shortcuts can be customized, for more details see `Configuration File`_ section.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ For easy interaction with IDF Monitor, use the keyboard shortcuts given in the t
* - Ctrl + C
- Interrupt running application
- Pauses IDF Monitor and runs GDB_ project debugger to debug the application at runtime. This requires :ref:CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_GDBSTUB_RUNTIME option to be enabled.
- Pauses IDF Monitor and runs GDB_ project debugger to debug the application at runtime. This requires :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_GDBSTUB_RUNTIME` option to be enabled.
Any keys pressed, other than ``Ctrl-]`` and ``Ctrl-T``, will be sent through the serial port.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Automatic Address Decoding
Whenever the chip outputs a hexadecimal address that points to executable code, IDF monitor looks up the location in the source code (file name and line number) and prints the location on the next line in yellow.
.. code-block:: none
.. highlight:: none
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ The captured output for the filtering options ``PRINT_FILTER="wifi esp_image:E l
E (31) esp_image: image at 0x30000 has invalid magic byte
I (328) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffdbf84, prio:23, stack:4096, core=0
``The options ``PRINT_FILTER="light_driver:D esp_image:N boot:N cpu_start:N vfs:N wifi:N *:V"`` show the following output::
The options ``PRINT_FILTER="light_driver:D esp_image:N boot:N cpu_start:N vfs:N wifi:N *:V"`` show the following output::
entry 0x40078d4c
@ -313,6 +313,109 @@ The captured output for the filtering options ``PRINT_FILTER="wifi esp_image:E l
D (309) light_driver: [light_init, 74]:status: 1, mode: 2
Configuration File
``esp-idf-monitor`` is using `C0 control codes`_ to interact with the console. Characters from the config file are converted to their C0 control codes. Available characters include the English alphabet (A-Z) and special symbols: ``[``, ``]``, ``\``, ``^``, ``_``.
.. warning::
Please note that some characters may not work on all platforms or can be already reserved as a shortcut for something else. Use this feature with caution!
File Location
The default name for a configuration file is ``esp-idf-monitor.cfg``. First, the same directory ``esp-idf-monitor`` is being run if is inspected.
If a configuration file is not found here, the current user's OS configuration directory is inspected next:
- Linux: ``/home/<user>/.config/esp-idf-monitor/``
- MacOS ``/Users/<user>/.config/esp-idf-monitor/``
- Windows: ``c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\esp-idf-monitor\``
If a configuration file is still not found, the last inspected location is the home directory:
- Linux: ``/home/<user>/``
- MacOS ``/Users/<user>/``
- Windows: ``c:\Users\<user>\``
On Windows, the home directory can be set with the ``HOME`` or ``USERPROFILE`` environment variables. Therefore, the Windows configuration directory location also depends on these.
A different location for the configuration file can be specified with the ``ESP_IDF_MONITOR_CFGFILE`` environment variable, e.g., ``ESP_IDF_MONITOR_CFGFILE = ~/custom_config.cfg``. This overrides the search priorities described above.
``esp-idf-monitor`` will read settings from other usual configuration files if no other configuration file is used. It automatically reads from ``setup.cfg`` or ``tox.ini`` if they exist.
Configuration Options
Below is a table listing the available configuration options:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 30 50 20
:align: center
* - Option Name
- Description
- Default Value
* - menu_key
- Key to access the main menu.
- ``T``
* - exit_key
- Key to exit the monitor.
- ``]``
* - chip_reset_key
- Key to initiate a chip reset.
- ``R``
* - recompile_upload_key
- Key to recompile and upload.
- ``F``
* - recompile_upload_app_key
- Key to recompile and upload just the application.
- ``A``
* - toggle_output_key
- Key to toggle the output display.
- ``Y``
* - toggle_log_key
- Key to toggle the logging feature.
- ``L``
* - toggle_timestamp_key
- Key to toggle timestamp display.
- ``I``
* - chip_reset_bootloader_key
- Key to reset the chip to bootloader mode.
- ``P``
* - exit_menu_key
- Key to exit the monitor from the menu.
- ``X``
* - skip_menu_key
- Pressing the menu key can be skipped for menu commands.
- ``False``
The configuration file is in .ini file format: it must be introduced by an ``[esp-idf-monitor]`` header to be recognized as valid. This section then contains name = value entries. Lines beginning with ``#`` or ``;`` are ignored as comments.
.. code-block:: text
# esp-idf-monitor.cfg file to configure internal settings of esp-idf-monitor
menu_key = T
exit_key = ]
chip_reset_key = R
recompile_upload_key = F
recompile_upload_app_key = A
toggle_output_key = Y
toggle_log_key = L
toggle_timestamp_key = I
chip_reset_bootloader_key = P
exit_menu_key = X
skip_menu_key = False
Known Issues with IDF Monitor
@ -328,3 +431,4 @@ Issues Observed on Windows
.. _gdb:
.. _pySerial:
.. _miniterm:
.. _C0 control codes:

Wyświetl plik

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ IDF 监视器是一个串行终端程序,使用了 esp-idf-monitor_ 包,用
为了方便与 IDF 监视器进行交互,请使用表中给出的快捷键。
为了方便与 IDF 监视器进行交互,请使用表中给出的快捷键。这些快捷键可以自定义,请查看 `配置文件`_ 章节了解详情。
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ IDF 监视器是一个串行终端程序,使用了 esp-idf-monitor_ 包,用
* - Ctrl + C
- 中断正在运行的应用程序
- 暂停 IDF 监视器并运行 GDB_ 项目调试器,从而在运行时调试应用程序。这需要启用 :ref:CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_GDBSTUB_RUNTIME 选项。
- 暂停 IDF 监视器并运行 GDB_ 项目调试器,从而在运行时调试应用程序。这需要启用 :ref: `CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_GDBSTUB_RUNTIME` 选项。
除了 ``Ctrl-]````Ctrl-T``,其他快捷键信号会通过串口发送到目标设备。
@ -313,6 +313,109 @@ GDBStub 支持在运行时进行调试。GDBStub 在目标上运行,并通过
D (309) light_driver: [light_init, 74]:status: 1, mode: 2
``esp-idf-monitor`` 使用 `C0 控制字符`_ 与控制台进行交互。配置文件中的字符会被转换为对应的 C0 控制代码。可用字符包括英文字母 (A-Z) 和特殊符号:``[````]````\````^``、和 ``_``.
.. warning::
配置文件的默认名称为 ``esp-idf-monitor.cfg``。首先,在 ``esp-idf-monitor`` 路径中检测配置文件并运行。
- Linux: ``/home/<user>/.config/esp-idf-monitor/``
- MacOS ``/Users/<user>/.config/esp-idf-monitor/``
- Windows: ``c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\esp-idf-monitor\``
- Linux: ``/home/<user>/``
- MacOS ``/Users/<user>/``
- Windows: ``c:\Users\<user>\``
在 Windows 中,可以使用 ``HOME````USERPROFILE`` 环境变量设置主目录因此Windows 配置目录的位置也取决于这些变量。
还可以使用 ``ESP_IDF_MONITOR_CFGFILE`` 环境变量为配置文件指定一个不同的位置,例如 ``ESP_IDF_MONITOR_CFGFILE = ~/custom_config.cfg``。这一设置的检测优先级高于上述所有位置检测的优先级。
如果没有使用其他配置文件,``esp-idf-monitor`` 会从其他常用的配置文件中读取设置。如果存在 ``setup.cfg````tox.ini`` 文件,``esp-idf-monitor`` 会自动从这些文件中读取设置。
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 30 50 20
:align: center
* - 选项名称
- 描述
- 默认值
* - menu_key
- 访问主菜单
- ``T``
* - exit_key
- 退出监视器
- ``]``
* - chip_reset_key
- 初始化芯片重置
- ``R``
* - recompile_upload_key
- 重新编译并上传
- ``F``
* - recompile_upload_app_key
- 仅重新编译并上传应用程序
- ``A``
* - toggle_output_key
- 切换输出显示
- ``Y``
* - toggle_log_key
- 切换日志功能
- ``L``
* - toggle_timestamp_key
- 切换时间戳显示
- ``I``
* - chip_reset_bootloader_key
- 将芯片重置为引导加载模式
- ``P``
* - exit_menu_key
- 从菜单中退出监视器
- ``X``
* - skip_menu_key
- 设置使用菜单命令时无需按下主菜单键
- ``False``
配置文件为 .ini 文件格式,必须以 ``[esp-idf-monitor]`` 标头引入才能被识别为有效文件。以下语法以“配置名称 = 配置值”形式列出。以 ``#````;`` 开头的行是注释,将被忽略。
.. code-block:: text
# esp-idf-monitor.cfg file to configure internal settings of esp-idf-monitor
menu_key = T
exit_key = ]
chip_reset_key = R
recompile_upload_key = F
recompile_upload_app_key = A
toggle_output_key = Y
toggle_log_key = L
toggle_timestamp_key = I
chip_reset_bootloader_key = P
exit_menu_key = X
skip_menu_key = False
IDF 监视器已知问题
@ -328,3 +431,4 @@ Windows 环境下已知问题
.. _gdb:
.. _pySerial:
.. _miniterm:
.. _C0 控制字符: