added notes on where to change XTAL freq

Greg Herlein 2018-01-01 08:13:39 -08:00 zatwierdzone przez Angus Gratton
rodzic c401a74bfb
commit a834c069f1
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@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ To exit the monitor use shortcut ``Ctrl+]``.
~zY<7A><59>Y(1<>,1<15><> e<><65><EFBFBD>)(Xn@<40>y.!Dr<44>zY(<28>jpi<70>|<7C>+z5Ymvp
or monitor fails shortly after upload, your board is likely using 26MHz crystal, while the ESP-IDF assumes default of 40MHz. Exit the monitor, go back to the :ref:`menuconfig <get-started-configure>`, change :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_FREQ_SEL` to 26MHz, then :ref:`build and flash <get-started-build-flash>` the application again.
or monitor fails shortly after upload, your board is likely using 26MHz crystal, while the ESP-IDF assumes default of 40MHz. Exit the monitor, go back to the :ref:`menuconfig <get-started-configure>`, change :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_FREQ_SEL` to 26MHz, then :ref:`build and flash <get-started-build-flash>` the application again. This is found under ``make menuconfig`` under Component config --> ESP32-specific --> Main XTAL frequency.
To execute ``make flash`` and ``make monitor`` in one go, type ``make flash monitor``. Check section :doc:`IDF Monitor <idf-monitor>` for handy shortcuts and more details on using this application.