docs: Redirect all of Doxygen stderr to the warnings log

Some errors (for example the errors caused by macro values, as fixed in previous
commit) get logged to stderr even if WARN_LOGFILE is set, but Doxygen succeeds.
Angus Gratton 2020-06-02 11:01:20 +10:00 zatwierdzone przez Angus Gratton
rodzic ea9322937f
commit a171def1ba
2 zmienionych plików z 10 dodań i 5 usunięć

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@ -341,7 +341,4 @@ GENERATE_RTF = NO
## Skip distracting progress messages
## Log warnings in a file for further review
WARN_LOGFILE = "doxygen-warning-log.txt"

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@ -39,8 +39,16 @@ def generate_doxygen(app, defines):
doxyfile = os.path.join(app.config.docs_root, "Doxyfile")
print("Running doxygen with doxyfile {}".format(doxyfile))
# note: run Doxygen in the build directory, so the xml & xml_in files end up in there
subprocess.check_call(["doxygen", doxyfile], env=doxy_env, cwd=build_dir)
# It's possible to have doxygen log warnings to a file using WARN_LOGFILE directive,
# but in some cases it will still log an error to stderr and return success!
# So take all of stderr and redirect it to a logfile (will contain warnings and errors)
logfile = os.path.join(build_dir, "doxygen-warning-log.txt")
with open(logfile, "w") as f:
# note: run Doxygen in the build directory, so the xml & xml_in files end up in there
subprocess.check_call(["doxygen", doxyfile], env=doxy_env, cwd=build_dir, stderr=f)
# Doxygen has generated XML files in 'xml' directory.
# Copy them to 'xml_in', only touching the files which have changed.