kopia lustrzana https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf
Merge branch 'feature/http_server_optimizations' into 'master'
esp_http_server optimisations Closes IDFGH-4484 and IDFGH-4741 See merge request espressif/esp-idf!12240pull/6718/head
@ -117,9 +117,11 @@ struct httpd_data {
int msg_fd; /*!< Ctrl message sender FD */
struct thread_data hd_td; /*!< Information for the HTTPD thread */
struct sock_db *hd_sd; /*!< The socket database */
int hd_sd_active_count; /*!< The number of the active sockets */
httpd_uri_t **hd_calls; /*!< Registered URI handlers */
struct httpd_req hd_req; /*!< The current HTTPD request */
struct httpd_req_aux hd_req_aux; /*!< Additional data about the HTTPD request kept unexposed */
uint64_t lru_counter; /*!< LRU counter */
/* Array of registered error handler functions */
httpd_err_handler_func_t *err_handler_fns;
@ -131,6 +133,29 @@ struct httpd_data {
* @{
// Enum function, which will be called for each session
typedef int (*httpd_session_enum_function)(struct sock_db *session, void *context);
* @brief Enumerates all sessions
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] enum_function Enumeration function, which will be called for each session
* @param[in] context Context, which will be passed to the enumeration function
void httpd_sess_enum(struct httpd_data *hd, httpd_session_enum_function enum_function, void *context);
* @brief Returns next free session slot (fd<0)
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @return
* - +VE : Free session slot
* - NULL: End of iteration
struct sock_db *httpd_sess_get_free(struct httpd_data *hd);
* @brief Retrieve a session by its descriptor
@ -171,33 +196,23 @@ esp_err_t httpd_sess_new(struct httpd_data *hd, int newfd);
* @brief Processes incoming HTTP requests
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] clifd Descriptor of the client from which data is to be received
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] session Session
* @return
* - ESP_OK : on successfully receiving, parsing and responding to a request
* - ESP_FAIL : in case of failure in any of the stages of processing
esp_err_t httpd_sess_process(struct httpd_data *hd, int clifd);
esp_err_t httpd_sess_process(struct httpd_data *hd, struct sock_db *session);
* @brief Remove client descriptor from the session / socket database
* and close the connection for this client.
* @note The returned descriptor should be used by httpd_sess_iterate()
* to continue the iteration correctly. This ensures that the
* iteration is not restarted abruptly which may cause reading from
* a socket which has been already processed and thus blocking
* the server loop until data appears on that socket.
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] clifd Descriptor of the client to be removed from the session.
* @return
* - +VE : Client descriptor preceding the one being deleted
* - -1 : No descriptor preceding the one being deleted
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] session Session
int httpd_sess_delete(struct httpd_data *hd, int clifd);
void httpd_sess_delete(struct httpd_data *hd, struct sock_db *session);
* @brief Free session context
@ -205,7 +220,7 @@ int httpd_sess_delete(struct httpd_data *hd, int clifd);
* @param[in] ctx Pointer to session context
* @param[in] free_fn Free function to call on session context
void httpd_sess_free_ctx(void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn);
void httpd_sess_free_ctx(void **ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn);
* @brief Add descriptors present in the socket database to an fdset and
@ -218,21 +233,6 @@ void httpd_sess_free_ctx(void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn);
void httpd_sess_set_descriptors(struct httpd_data *hd, fd_set *fdset, int *maxfd);
* @brief Iterates through the list of client fds in the session /socket database.
* Passing the value of a client fd returns the fd for the next client
* in the database. In order to iterate from the beginning pass -1 as fd.
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] fd Last accessed client descriptor.
* -1 to reset iterator to start of database.
* @return
* - +VE : Client descriptor next in the database
* - -1 : End of iteration
int httpd_sess_iterate(struct httpd_data *hd, int fd);
* @brief Checks if session can accept another connection from new client.
* If sockets database is full then this returns false.
@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ bool httpd_is_sess_available(struct httpd_data *hd);
* comes in use, as it checks the socket's pending data
* buffer.
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] fd Client descriptor
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
* @param[in] session Session
* @return True if there is any pending data
bool httpd_sess_pending(struct httpd_data *hd, int fd);
bool httpd_sess_pending(struct httpd_data *hd, struct sock_db *session);
* @brief Removes the least recently used client from the session
@ -279,6 +279,14 @@ bool httpd_sess_pending(struct httpd_data *hd, int fd);
esp_err_t httpd_sess_close_lru(struct httpd_data *hd);
* @brief Closes all sessions
* @param[in] hd Server instance data
void httpd_sess_close_all(struct httpd_data *hd);
/** End of Group : Session Management
* @}
@ -519,6 +527,23 @@ esp_err_t httpd_ws_respond_server_handshake(httpd_req_t *req, const char *suppor
esp_err_t httpd_ws_get_frame_type(httpd_req_t *req);
* @brief Trigger an httpd session close externally
* @note Calling this API is only required in special circumstances wherein
* some application requires to close an httpd client session asynchronously.
* @param[in] handle Handle to server returned by httpd_start
* @param[in] session Session to be closed
* @return
* - ESP_OK : On successfully initiating closure
* - ESP_FAIL : Failure to queue work
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Socket fd not found
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments
esp_err_t httpd_sess_trigger_close_(httpd_handle_t handle, struct sock_db *session);
/** End of WebSocket related functions
* @}
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
#include "esp_httpd_priv.h"
#include "ctrl_sock.h"
typedef struct {
fd_set *fdset;
struct httpd_data *hd;
} process_session_context_t;
static const char *TAG = "httpd";
static esp_err_t httpd_accept_conn(struct httpd_data *hd, int listen_fd)
@ -39,7 +44,7 @@ static esp_err_t httpd_accept_conn(struct httpd_data *hd, int listen_fd)
* therefore httpd_accept_conn() will be called again, but this time
* with space available for one session
struct sockaddr_in addr_from;
@ -55,12 +60,12 @@ static esp_err_t httpd_accept_conn(struct httpd_data *hd, int listen_fd)
/* Set recv timeout of this fd as per config */
tv.tv_sec = hd->config.recv_wait_timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(new_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(tv));
setsockopt(new_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char *)&tv, sizeof(tv));
/* Set send timeout of this fd as per config */
tv.tv_sec = hd->config.send_wait_timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(new_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(tv));
setsockopt(new_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char *)&tv, sizeof(tv));
if (ESP_OK != httpd_sess_new(hd, new_fd)) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, LOG_FMT("session creation failed"));
@ -132,15 +137,6 @@ void *httpd_get_global_transport_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle)
return ((struct httpd_data *)handle)->config.global_transport_ctx;
static void httpd_close_all_sessions(struct httpd_data *hd)
int fd = -1;
while ((fd = httpd_sess_iterate(hd, fd)) != -1) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("cleaning up socket %d"), fd);
httpd_sess_delete(hd, fd);
static void httpd_process_ctrl_msg(struct httpd_data *hd)
@ -171,6 +167,29 @@ static void httpd_process_ctrl_msg(struct httpd_data *hd)
// Called for each session from httpd_server
static int httpd_process_session(struct sock_db *session, void *context)
if ((!session) || (!context)) {
return 0;
if (session->fd < 0) {
return 1;
process_session_context_t *ctx = (process_session_context_t *)context;
int fd = session->fd;
if (FD_ISSET(fd, ctx->fdset) || httpd_sess_pending(ctx->hd, session)) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("processing socket %d"), fd);
if (httpd_sess_process(ctx->hd, session) != ESP_OK) {
httpd_sess_delete(ctx->hd, session); // Delete session
return 1;
/* Manage in-coming connection or data requests */
static esp_err_t httpd_server(struct httpd_data *hd)
@ -210,19 +229,11 @@ static esp_err_t httpd_server(struct httpd_data *hd)
/* Case1: Do we have any activity on the current data
* sessions? */
int fd = -1;
while ((fd = httpd_sess_iterate(hd, fd)) != -1) {
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &read_set) || (httpd_sess_pending(hd, fd))) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("processing socket %d"), fd);
if (httpd_sess_process(hd, fd) != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("closing socket %d"), fd);
/* Delete session and update fd to that
* preceding the one being deleted */
fd = httpd_sess_delete(hd, fd);
process_session_context_t context = {
.fdset = &read_set,
.hd = hd
httpd_sess_enum(hd, httpd_process_session, &context);
/* Case2: Do we have any incoming connection requests to
* process? */
@ -253,7 +264,7 @@ static void httpd_thread(void *arg)
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("web server exiting"));
hd->hd_td.status = THREAD_STOPPED;
@ -406,8 +417,8 @@ esp_err_t httpd_start(httpd_handle_t *handle, const httpd_config_t *config)
if (CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS < config->max_open_sockets + 3) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Configuration option max_open_sockets is too large (max allowed %d)\n\t"
"Either decrease this or configure LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS to a larger value",
"Either decrease this or configure LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS to a larger value",
@ -11,49 +11,183 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <esp_log.h>
#include <esp_err.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <esp_http_server.h>
#include "esp_httpd_priv.h"
static const char *TAG = "httpd_sess";
typedef enum {
HTTPD_TASK_INIT, // Init session
HTTPD_TASK_GET_ACTIVE, // Get active session (fd!=-1)
HTTPD_TASK_GET_FREE, // Get free session slot (fd<0)
HTTPD_TASK_FIND_FD, // Find session with specific fd
HTTPD_TASK_DELETE_INVALID, // Delete invalid session
HTTPD_TASK_FIND_LOWEST_LRU, // Find session with lowest lru
HTTPD_TASK_CLOSE // Close session
} task_t;
typedef struct {
task_t task;
int fd;
fd_set *fdset;
int max_fd;
struct httpd_data *hd;
uint64_t lru_counter;
struct sock_db *session;
} enum_context_t;
void httpd_sess_enum(struct httpd_data *hd, httpd_session_enum_function enum_function, void *context)
if ((!hd) || (!hd->hd_sd) || (!hd->config.max_open_sockets)) {
struct sock_db *current = hd->hd_sd;
struct sock_db *end = hd->hd_sd + hd->config.max_open_sockets - 1;
while (current <= end) {
if (enum_function && (!enum_function(current, context))) {
// Check if a FD is valid
static int fd_is_valid(int fd)
return fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) != -1 || errno != EBADF;
static int enum_function(struct sock_db *session, void *context)
if ((!session) || (!context)) {
return 0;
enum_context_t *ctx = (enum_context_t *) context;
int found = 0;
switch (ctx->task) {
// Initialize session
session->fd = -1;
session->ctx = NULL;
// Get active session
found = (session->fd != -1);
// Get free slot
found = (session->fd < 0);
// Find fd
found = (session->fd == ctx->fd);
// Set descriptor
if (session->fd != -1) {
FD_SET(session->fd, ctx->fdset);
if (session->fd > ctx->max_fd) {
ctx->max_fd = session->fd;
// Delete invalid session
if (!fd_is_valid(session->fd)) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, LOG_FMT("Closing invalid socket %d"), session->fd);
httpd_sess_delete(ctx->hd, session);
// Find lowest lru
// Found free slot - no need to check other sessions
if (session->fd == -1) {
return 0;
// Check/update lowest lru
if (session->lru_counter < ctx->lru_counter) {
ctx->lru_counter = session->lru_counter;
ctx->session = session;
if (session->fd != -1) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("cleaning up socket %d"), session->fd);
httpd_sess_delete(ctx->hd, session);
return 0;
if (found) {
ctx->session = session;
return 0;
return 1;
static void httpd_sess_close(void *arg)
struct sock_db *sock_db = (struct sock_db *) arg;
if (!sock_db) {
if (!sock_db->lru_counter && !sock_db->lru_socket) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Skipping session close for %d as it seems to be a race condition", sock_db->fd);
sock_db->lru_socket = false;
struct httpd_data *hd = (struct httpd_data *) sock_db->handle;
httpd_sess_delete(hd, sock_db);
struct sock_db *httpd_sess_get_free(struct httpd_data *hd)
if ((!hd) || (hd->hd_sd_active_count == hd->config.max_open_sockets)) {
return NULL;
enum_context_t context = {
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
return context.session;
bool httpd_is_sess_available(struct httpd_data *hd)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == -1) {
return true;
return false;
return httpd_sess_get_free(hd) ? true : false;
struct sock_db *httpd_sess_get(struct httpd_data *hd, int sockfd)
if (hd == NULL) {
if ((!hd) || (!hd->hd_sd) || (!hd->config.max_open_sockets)) {
return NULL;
/* Check if called inside a request handler, and the
* session sockfd in use is same as the parameter */
// Check if called inside a request handler, and the session sockfd in use is same as the parameter
// => Just return the pointer to the sock_db corresponding to the request
if ((hd->hd_req_aux.sd) && (hd->hd_req_aux.sd->fd == sockfd)) {
/* Just return the pointer to the sock_db
* corresponding to the request */
return hd->hd_req_aux.sd;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == sockfd) {
return &hd->hd_sd[i];
return NULL;
enum_context_t context = {
.fd = sockfd
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
return context.session;
esp_err_t httpd_sess_new(struct httpd_data *hd, int newfd)
@ -65,78 +199,102 @@ esp_err_t httpd_sess_new(struct httpd_data *hd, int newfd)
return ESP_FAIL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == -1) {
memset(&hd->hd_sd[i], 0, sizeof(hd->hd_sd[i]));
hd->hd_sd[i].fd = newfd;
hd->hd_sd[i].handle = (httpd_handle_t) hd;
hd->hd_sd[i].send_fn = httpd_default_send;
hd->hd_sd[i].recv_fn = httpd_default_recv;
struct sock_db *session = httpd_sess_get_free(hd);
if (!session) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("unable to launch session for fd = %d"), newfd);
return ESP_FAIL;
/* Call user-defined session opening function */
if (hd->config.open_fn) {
esp_err_t ret = hd->config.open_fn(hd, hd->hd_sd[i].fd);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
httpd_sess_delete(hd, hd->hd_sd[i].fd);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("open_fn failed for fd = %d"), newfd);
return ret;
return ESP_OK;
// Clear session data
memset(session, 0, sizeof (struct sock_db));
session->fd = newfd;
session->handle = (httpd_handle_t) hd;
session->send_fn = httpd_default_send;
session->recv_fn = httpd_default_recv;
// Call user-defined session opening function
if (hd->config.open_fn) {
esp_err_t ret = hd->config.open_fn(hd, session->fd);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
httpd_sess_delete(hd, session);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("open_fn failed for fd = %d"), newfd);
return ret;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("unable to launch session for fd = %d"), newfd);
return ESP_FAIL;
// increment number of sessions
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("active sockets: %d"), hd->hd_sd_active_count);
return ESP_OK;
void httpd_sess_free_ctx(void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn)
void httpd_sess_free_ctx(void **ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn)
if (ctx) {
if (free_fn) {
} else {
if ((!ctx) || (!*ctx)) {
if (free_fn) {
} else {
*ctx = NULL;
void httpd_sess_clear_ctx(struct sock_db *session)
if ((!session) || (!session->ctx)) {
// free user ctx
if (session->ctx) {
httpd_sess_free_ctx(&session->ctx, session->free_ctx);
session->free_ctx = NULL;
// Free 'transport' context
if (session->transport_ctx) {
httpd_sess_free_ctx(&session->transport_ctx, session->free_transport_ctx);
session->free_transport_ctx = NULL;
void *httpd_sess_get_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (sd == NULL) {
struct sock_db *session = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (!session) {
return NULL;
/* Check if the function has been called from inside a
* request handler, in which case fetch the context from
* the httpd_req_t structure */
// Check if the function has been called from inside a
// request handler, in which case fetch the context from
// the httpd_req_t structure
struct httpd_data *hd = (struct httpd_data *) handle;
if (hd->hd_req_aux.sd == sd) {
if (hd->hd_req_aux.sd == session) {
return hd->hd_req.sess_ctx;
return sd->ctx;
return session->ctx;
void httpd_sess_set_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd, void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn)
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (sd == NULL) {
struct sock_db *session = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (!session) {
/* Check if the function has been called from inside a
* request handler, in which case set the context inside
* the httpd_req_t structure */
// Check if the function has been called from inside a
// request handler, in which case set the context inside
// the httpd_req_t structure
struct httpd_data *hd = (struct httpd_data *) handle;
if (hd->hd_req_aux.sd == sd) {
if (hd->hd_req_aux.sd == session) {
if (hd->hd_req.sess_ctx != ctx) {
/* Don't free previous context if it is in sockdb
* as it will be freed inside httpd_req_cleanup() */
if (sd->ctx != hd->hd_req.sess_ctx) {
/* Free previous context */
httpd_sess_free_ctx(hd->hd_req.sess_ctx, hd->hd_req.free_ctx);
// Don't free previous context if it is in sockdb
// as it will be freed inside httpd_req_cleanup()
if (session->ctx != hd->hd_req.sess_ctx) {
httpd_sess_free_ctx(&hd->hd_req.sess_ctx, hd->hd_req.free_ctx); // Free previous context
hd->hd_req.sess_ctx = ctx;
@ -144,164 +302,122 @@ void httpd_sess_set_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd, void *ctx, httpd_free
/* Else set the context inside the sock_db structure */
if (sd->ctx != ctx) {
/* Free previous context */
httpd_sess_free_ctx(sd->ctx, sd->free_ctx);
sd->ctx = ctx;
// Else set the context inside the sock_db structure
if (session->ctx != ctx) {
// Free previous context
httpd_sess_free_ctx(&session->ctx, session->free_ctx);
session->ctx = ctx;
sd->free_ctx = free_fn;
session->free_ctx = free_fn;
void *httpd_sess_get_transport_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (sd == NULL) {
return NULL;
return sd->transport_ctx;
struct sock_db *session = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
return session ? session->transport_ctx : NULL;
void httpd_sess_set_transport_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd, void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn)
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (sd == NULL) {
struct sock_db *session = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (!session) {
if (sd->transport_ctx != ctx) {
/* Free previous transport context */
httpd_sess_free_ctx(sd->transport_ctx, sd->free_transport_ctx);
sd->transport_ctx = ctx;
if (session->transport_ctx != ctx) {
// Free previous transport context
httpd_sess_free_ctx(&session->transport_ctx, session->free_transport_ctx);
session->transport_ctx = ctx;
sd->free_transport_ctx = free_fn;
session->free_transport_ctx = free_fn;
void httpd_sess_set_descriptors(struct httpd_data *hd,
fd_set *fdset, int *maxfd)
void httpd_sess_set_descriptors(struct httpd_data *hd, fd_set *fdset, int *maxfd)
int i;
*maxfd = -1;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd != -1) {
FD_SET(hd->hd_sd[i].fd, fdset);
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd > *maxfd) {
*maxfd = hd->hd_sd[i].fd;
enum_context_t context = {
.max_fd = -1,
.fdset = fdset
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
if (maxfd) {
*maxfd = context.max_fd;
/** Check if a FD is valid */
static int fd_is_valid(int fd)
return fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) != -1 || errno != EBADF;
static inline uint64_t httpd_sess_get_lru_counter(void)
static uint64_t lru_counter = 0;
return ++lru_counter;
void httpd_sess_delete_invalid(struct httpd_data *hd)
for (int i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd != -1 && !fd_is_valid(hd->hd_sd[i].fd)) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, LOG_FMT("Closing invalid socket %d"), hd->hd_sd[i].fd);
httpd_sess_delete(hd, hd->hd_sd[i].fd);
enum_context_t context = {
.hd = hd
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
int httpd_sess_delete(struct httpd_data *hd, int fd)
void httpd_sess_delete(struct httpd_data *hd, struct sock_db *session)
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("fd = %d"), fd);
int i;
int pre_sess_fd = -1;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == fd) {
/* global close handler */
if (hd->config.close_fn) {
hd->config.close_fn(hd, fd);
/* release 'user' context */
if (hd->hd_sd[i].ctx) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].free_ctx) {
} else {
hd->hd_sd[i].ctx = NULL;
hd->hd_sd[i].free_ctx = NULL;
/* release 'transport' context */
if (hd->hd_sd[i].transport_ctx) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].free_transport_ctx) {
} else {
hd->hd_sd[i].transport_ctx = NULL;
hd->hd_sd[i].free_transport_ctx = NULL;
/* mark session slot as available */
hd->hd_sd[i].fd = -1;
} else if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd != -1) {
/* Return the fd just preceding the one being
* deleted so that iterator can continue from
* the correct fd */
pre_sess_fd = hd->hd_sd[i].fd;
if ((!hd) || (!session) || (session->fd < 0)) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("fd = %d"), session->fd);
// Call close function if defined
if (hd->config.close_fn) {
hd->config.close_fn(hd, session->fd);
} else {
// clear all contexts
// mark session slot as available
session->fd = -1;
// decrement number of sessions
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("active sockets: %d"), hd->hd_sd_active_count);
if (!hd->hd_sd_active_count) {
hd->lru_counter = 0;
return pre_sess_fd;
void httpd_sess_init(struct httpd_data *hd)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
hd->hd_sd[i].fd = -1;
hd->hd_sd[i].ctx = NULL;
enum_context_t context = {
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
bool httpd_sess_pending(struct httpd_data *hd, int fd)
bool httpd_sess_pending(struct httpd_data *hd, struct sock_db *session)
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(hd, fd);
if (! sd) {
return ESP_FAIL;
if (!session) {
return false;
if (sd->pending_fn) {
if (session->pending_fn) {
// test if there's any data to be read (besides read() function, which is handled by select() in the main httpd loop)
// this should check e.g. for the SSL data buffer
if (sd->pending_fn(hd, fd) > 0) {
if (session->pending_fn(hd, session->fd) > 0) {
return true;
return (sd->pending_len != 0);
return (session->pending_len != 0);
/* This MUST return ESP_OK on successful execution. If any other
* value is returned, everything related to this socket will be
* cleaned up and the socket will be closed.
esp_err_t httpd_sess_process(struct httpd_data *hd, int newfd)
esp_err_t httpd_sess_process(struct httpd_data *hd, struct sock_db *session)
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(hd, newfd);
if (! sd) {
if ((!hd) || (!session)) {
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("httpd_req_new"));
if (httpd_req_new(hd, sd) != ESP_OK) {
if (httpd_req_new(hd, session) != ESP_OK) {
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("httpd_req_delete"));
@ -309,7 +425,7 @@ esp_err_t httpd_sess_process(struct httpd_data *hd, int newfd)
return ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("success"));
sd->lru_counter = httpd_sess_get_lru_counter();
session->lru_counter = ++hd->lru_counter;
return ESP_OK;
@ -319,87 +435,58 @@ esp_err_t httpd_sess_update_lru_counter(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)
/* Search for the socket database entry */
struct httpd_data *hd = (struct httpd_data *) handle;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == sockfd) {
hd->hd_sd[i].lru_counter = httpd_sess_get_lru_counter();
return ESP_OK;
enum_context_t context = {
.fd = sockfd
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
if (context.session) {
context.session->lru_counter = ++hd->lru_counter;
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t httpd_sess_close_lru(struct httpd_data *hd)
uint64_t lru_counter = UINT64_MAX;
int lru_fd = -1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
/* If a descriptor is -1, there is no need to close any session.
* So, we can return from here, without finding the Least Recently Used
* session
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == -1) {
return ESP_OK;
if (hd->hd_sd[i].lru_counter < lru_counter) {
lru_counter = hd->hd_sd[i].lru_counter;
lru_fd = hd->hd_sd[i].fd;
enum_context_t context = {
.lru_counter = UINT64_MAX,
.fd = -1
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
if (!context.session) {
return ESP_OK;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("fd = %d"), lru_fd);
struct sock_db *sd = httpd_sess_get(hd, lru_fd);
sd->lru_socket = true;
return httpd_sess_trigger_close(hd, lru_fd);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, LOG_FMT("Closing session with fd %d"), context.session->fd);
context.session->lru_socket = true;
return httpd_sess_trigger_close_(hd, context.session);
int httpd_sess_iterate(struct httpd_data *hd, int start_fd)
esp_err_t httpd_sess_trigger_close_(httpd_handle_t handle, struct sock_db *session)
int start_index = 0;
int i;
if (start_fd != -1) {
/* Take our index to where this fd is stored */
for (i = 0; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd == start_fd) {
start_index = i + 1;
for (i = start_index; i < hd->config.max_open_sockets; i++) {
if (hd->hd_sd[i].fd != -1) {
return hd->hd_sd[i].fd;
return -1;
static void httpd_sess_close(void *arg)
struct sock_db *sock_db = (struct sock_db *)arg;
if (sock_db) {
if (sock_db->lru_counter == 0 && !sock_db->lru_socket) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Skipping session close for %d as it seems to be a race condition", sock_db->fd);
int fd = sock_db->fd;
sock_db->lru_socket = false;
struct httpd_data *hd = (struct httpd_data *) sock_db->handle;
httpd_sess_delete(hd, fd);
if (!session) {
return httpd_queue_work(handle, httpd_sess_close, session);
esp_err_t httpd_sess_trigger_close(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)
struct sock_db *sock_db = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (sock_db) {
return httpd_queue_work(handle, httpd_sess_close, sock_db);
struct sock_db *session = httpd_sess_get(handle, sockfd);
if (!session) {
return httpd_sess_trigger_close_(handle, session);
void httpd_sess_close_all(struct httpd_data *hd)
enum_context_t context = {
.hd = hd
httpd_sess_enum(hd, enum_function, &context);
@ -20,5 +20,7 @@ The Example consists of HTTPD server demo with demostration of URI handling :
* since the server echoes back the request body, the two files should be same, as can be confirmed using : "cmp anyfile tmpfile"
3. "curl -X PUT -d "0"" - disable /hello and /echo handlers
4. "curl -X PUT -d "1"" - enable /hello and /echo handlers
* If the server log shows "httpd_parse: parse_block: request URI/header too long", especially when handling POST requests, then you probably need to increase HTTPD_MAX_REQ_HDR_LEN, which you can find in the project configuration menu (`idf.py menuconfig`): Component config -> HTTP Server -> Max HTTP Request Header Length
See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.
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