build system: Don't error out if an already-build project or IDF directory has moved

Angus Gratton 2017-07-14 16:23:56 +08:00 zatwierdzone przez Angus Gratton
rodzic d664e32394
commit 8d42fe3953
1 zmienionych plików z 15 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -181,6 +181,18 @@ endif
# Include all dependency files already generated
-include $(COMPONENT_OBJS:.o=.d)
# This is a fix for situation where the project or IDF dir moves, and instead
# of rebuilding the target the build fails until make clean is run
# It adds an empty dependency rule for the (possibly non-existent) source file itself,
# which prevents it not being found from failing the build
# $1 == Source File, $2 == .o file used for .d file name
define AppendSourceToDependencies
echo "$1:" >> $$(patsubst %.o,%.d,$2)
# This pattern is generated for each COMPONENT_SRCDIR to compile the files in it.
define GenerateCompileTargets
# $(1) - directory containing source files, relative to $(COMPONENT_PATH) - one of $(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS)
@ -188,14 +200,17 @@ define GenerateCompileTargets
$$(summary) CC $$@
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@)
$$(summary) CXX $$@
$$(CXX) $$(CXXFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@)
$$(summary) AS $$@
$$(CC) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(DEBUG_FLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@)
# CWD is build dir, create the build subdirectory if it doesn't exist