modify comments on esp_tls_cfg, to clarify that other formats besides PEM (such as DER) might be used as well depending on mbedtls-support

Signed-off-by: David Cermak <>
Henning Fleddermann 2019-07-15 17:51:25 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez David Cermak
rodzic 096b741a23
commit 73624e8560
1 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -90,22 +90,28 @@ typedef struct esp_tls_cfg {
- where 'h2' is the protocol name */
const unsigned char *cacert_pem_buf; /*!< Certificate Authority's certificate in a buffer.
This buffer should be NULL terminated */
Format may be PEM or DER, depending on mbedtls-support
This buffer should be NULL terminated in case of PEM */
unsigned int cacert_pem_bytes; /*!< Size of Certificate Authority certificate
pointed to by cacert_pem_buf */
pointed to by cacert_pem_buf
(including NULL-terminator in case of PEM format) */
const unsigned char *clientcert_pem_buf;/*!< Client certificate in a buffer
This buffer should be NULL terminated */
Format may be PEM or DER, depending on mbedtls-support
This buffer should be NULL terminated in case of PEM */
unsigned int clientcert_pem_bytes; /*!< Size of client certificate pointed to by
clientcert_pem_buf */
(including NULL-terminator in case of PEM format) */
const unsigned char *clientkey_pem_buf; /*!< Client key in a buffer
This buffer should be NULL terminated */
Format may be PEM or DER, depending on mbedtls-support
This buffer should be NULL terminated in case of PEM */
unsigned int clientkey_pem_bytes; /*!< Size of client key pointed to by
clientkey_pem_buf */
(including NULL-terminator in case of PEM format) */
const unsigned char *clientkey_password;/*!< Client key decryption password string */