fix(tools): Remove dependencies from documentation

Those dependencies are always satisfied because:
- ESP-IDF supports Python 3.8+ at this moment,
- click version is checked and ensured by the install scripts.
Roland Dobai 2023-11-13 14:00:28 +01:00
rodzic ff6b0ed148
commit 6f50b02a3a
2 zmienionych plików z 0 dodań i 4 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -140,8 +140,6 @@ For commands that are not known to ````, an attempt to execute them as a b
The command ```` supports `shell autocompletion <>`_ for bash, zsh and fish shells.
In order to make `shell autocompletion <>`_ supported, please make sure you have at least Python 3.5 and `click <>`_ 7.1 or newer (:ref:`Software <get-started-get-prerequisites>`).
To enable autocompletion for ````, use the ``export`` command (:ref:`Step 4. Set up the environment variables <get-started-set-up-env>`). Autocompletion is initiated by pressing the TAB key. Type `` -`` and press the TAB key to autocomplete options.
The autocomplete support for PowerShell is planned in the future.

Wyświetl plik

@ -140,8 +140,6 @@ ESP-IDF 支持多个目标芯片,运行 `` --list-targets`` 查看当前
命令 ```` 支持 bash、zsh 和 fish shell 的 `shell 自动补全 <>`_
为实现 `shell 自动补全 <>`_,请确保 Python 版本为 3.5 及以上,`click <>`_ 版本为 7.1 及以上(请参阅 :ref:`软件 <get-started-get-prerequisites>`)。
调用命令 ``export`````` 启用自动补全(:ref:`第四步:设置环境变量 <get-started-set-up-env>`),按 TAB 键启动自动补全。输入 `` -`` 并按 TAB 键以自动补全选项。
预计未来版本将支持 PowerShell 自动补全。