esp_prov: Add support for sending some abstract custom data

To be used with the provisioning/wifi_prov_mgr example

Signed-off-by: Piyush Shah <>
Piyush Shah 2020-01-05 23:36:48 +05:30 zatwierdzone przez bot
rodzic 9ee5f3e8ce
commit 62626ac4b9
2 zmienionych plików z 36 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -186,6 +186,16 @@ def custom_config(tp, sec, custom_info, custom_ver):
return None
def custom_data(tp, sec, custom_data):
message = prov.custom_data_request(sec, custom_data)
response = tp.send_data('custom-data', message)
return (prov.custom_data_response(sec, response) == 0)
except RuntimeError as e:
return None
def scan_wifi_APs(sel_transport, tp, sec):
APs = []
group_channels = 0
@ -328,6 +338,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'If Wi-Fi scanning is supported by the provisioning service, this need not '
'be specified'))
parser.add_argument("--custom_data", dest='custom_data', type=str, default='',
'This is an optional parameter, only intended for use with '
parser.add_argument("--custom_config", action="store_true",
'This is an optional parameter, only intended for use with '
@ -394,6 +409,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print("==== Custom config sent successfully ====")
if args.custom_data != '':
print("\n==== Sending Custom data to esp32 ====")
if not custom_data(obj_transport, obj_security, args.custom_data):
print("---- Error in custom data ----")
print("==== Custom data sent successfully ====")
if args.ssid == '':
if not has_capability(obj_transport, 'wifi_scan'):
print("---- Wi-Fi Scan List is not supported by provisioning service ----")

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@ -44,3 +44,17 @@ def custom_config_response(security_ctx, response_data):
print_verbose(security_ctx, "CustomConfig status " + str(cmd_resp.status))
return cmd_resp.status
def custom_data_request(security_ctx, data):
# Encrypt the custom data
enc_cmd = security_ctx.encrypt_data(data)
print_verbose(security_ctx, "Client -> Device (CustomData cmd) " + utils.str_to_hexstr(enc_cmd))
return enc_cmd
def custom_data_response(security_ctx, response_data):
# Decrypt response packet
decrypt = security_ctx.decrypt_data(tobytes(response_data))
print("CustomData response: " + str(decrypt))
return 0