kopia lustrzana https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf
Merge branch 'feature/add-conditional-section-tags-in-freertos-source-files' into 'master'
freertos: added doxygen section tags for conditional documentation Closes IDF-3871 and IDF-3872 See merge request espressif/esp-idf!15442pull/7680/head
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
* used to create a synchronisation point between multiple tasks (a
* 'rendezvous').
* @cond
* \defgroup EventGroup EventGroup
* @endcond
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
* xEventGroupCreate() returns an EventGroupHandle_t variable that can then
* be used as a parameter to other event group functions.
* @cond
* \defgroup EventGroupHandle_t EventGroupHandle_t
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ typedef struct EventGroupDef_t * EventGroupHandle_t;
* number of bits it holds is set by configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS (16 bits if set to 1,
* 32 bits if set to 0.
* @cond
* \defgroup EventBits_t EventBits_t
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ typedef struct EventGroupDef_t * EventGroupHandle_t;
typedef TickType_t EventBits_t;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupCreate( void );
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ typedef TickType_t EventBits_t;
* // The event group was created.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupCreate xEventGroupCreate
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ typedef TickType_t EventBits_t;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupCreateStatic( EventGroupHandle_t * pxEventGroupBuffer );
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ typedef TickType_t EventBits_t;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventBits_t xEventGroupWaitBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ typedef TickType_t EventBits_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupWaitBits xEventGroupWaitBits
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupWaitBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
TickType_t xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventBits_t xEventGroupClearBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear );
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupWaitBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupClearBits xEventGroupClearBits
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupClearBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet );
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupClearBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupClearBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet );
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupClearBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupSetBits xEventGroupSetBits
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventBits_t xEventGroupSync( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupSync xEventGroupSync
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSync( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventBits_t xEventGroupGetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup );
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSync( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* @return The event group bits at the time xEventGroupGetBits() was called.
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupGetBits xEventGroupGetBits
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSync( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
#define xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup ) xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, 0 )
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* EventBits_t xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup );
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSync( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
* @return The event group bits at the time xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR() was called.
* @cond
* \defgroup xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup EventGroup
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupSync( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,
EventBits_t xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* event_groups.h
* @code{c}
* void xEventGroupDelete( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup );
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ EventBits_t xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup ) PRIVILEG
void vEventGroupDelete( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
/* For internal use only. */
void vEventGroupSetBitsCallback( void * pvEventGroup,
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferCreate xMessageBufferCreate
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
( MessageBufferHandle_t ) xStreamBufferGenericCreate( xBufferSizeBytes, ( size_t ) 0, pdTRUE )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferCreateStatic xMessageBufferCreateStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
( MessageBufferHandle_t ) xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic( xBufferSizeBytes, 0, pdTRUE, pucMessageBufferStorageArea, pxStaticMessageBuffer )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferSend xMessageBufferSend
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferSend( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer, pvTxData, xDataLengthBytes, xTicksToWait )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferSendFromISR xMessageBufferSendFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferSendFromISR( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer, pvTxData, xDataLengthBytes, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferReceive xMessageBufferReceive
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferReceiveFromISR xMessageBufferReceiveFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer, pvRxData, xBufferLengthBytes, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
vStreamBufferDelete( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xMessageBufferIsFull( MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBuffer ) );
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferIsFull( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xMessageBufferIsEmpty( MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBuffer ) );
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferIsEmpty( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xMessageBufferReset( MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBuffer );
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* the message queue to wait for space to become available, or to wait for a
* a message to be available, then pdFAIL is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferReset xMessageBufferReset
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
* size_t xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable( MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBuffer ) );
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* architecture, so if xMessageBufferSpacesAvailable() returns 10, then the size
* of the largest message that can be written to the message buffer is 6 bytes.
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer ) /* Corrects typo in original macro name. */
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
* size_t xMessageBufferNextLengthBytes( MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBuffer ) );
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* @return The length (in bytes) of the next message in the message buffer, or 0
* if the message buffer is empty.
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferNextLengthBytes xMessageBufferNextLengthBytes
* @endcond
* \ingroup MessageBufferManagement
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferNextMessageLengthBytes( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* @return If a task was removed from the Blocked state then pdTRUE is returned.
* Otherwise pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferSendCompletedFromISR xMessageBufferSendCompletedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR( ( StreamBufferHandle_t ) xMessageBuffer, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ typedef void * MessageBufferHandle_t;
* @return If a task was removed from the Blocked state then pdTRUE is returned.
* Otherwise pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xMessageBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR xMessageBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetHandle_t;
typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
/** @cond */
/* For internal use only. */
#define queueSEND_TO_BACK ( ( BaseType_t ) 0 )
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
/** @endcond */
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* QueueHandle_t xQueueCreate(
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueCreate xQueueCreate
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* QueueHandle_t xQueueCreateStatic(
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueCreateStatic xQueueCreateStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueSendToToFront(
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSend xQueueSend
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
xQueueGenericSend( ( xQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( xTicksToWait ), queueSEND_TO_FRONT )
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueSendToBack(
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSend xQueueSend
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
xQueueGenericSend( ( xQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( xTicksToWait ), queueSEND_TO_BACK )
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueSend(
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSend xQueueSend
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
xQueueGenericSend( ( xQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( xTicksToWait ), queueSEND_TO_BACK )
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueOverwrite(
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ...
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueOverwrite xQueueOverwrite
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueGenericSend(
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ typedef struct QueueDefinition * QueueSetMemberHandle_t;
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSend xQueueSend
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueGenericSend( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
const BaseType_t xCopyPosition ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueuePeek(
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueGenericSend( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueuePeek xQueuePeek
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueuePeek( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
TickType_t xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueuePeekFromISR(
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueuePeek( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
* @return pdTRUE if an item was successfully received from the queue,
* otherwise pdFALSE.
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueuePeekFromISR xQueuePeekFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueuePeekFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
void * const pvBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueReceive(
@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueuePeekFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
* // ... Rest of task code.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueReceive xQueueReceive
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueReceive( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
TickType_t xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaiting( const QueueHandle_t xQueue );
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueReceive( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
* @return The number of messages available in the queue.
* @cond
* \defgroup uxQueueMessagesWaiting uxQueueMessagesWaiting
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueReceive( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaiting( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* UBaseType_t uxQueueSpacesAvailable( const QueueHandle_t xQueue );
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaiting( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNC
* @return The number of spaces available in the queue.
* @cond
* \defgroup uxQueueMessagesWaiting uxQueueMessagesWaiting
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaiting( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNC
UBaseType_t uxQueueSpacesAvailable( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue );
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxQueueSpacesAvailable( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNC
* @param xQueue A handle to the queue to be deleted.
* @cond
* \defgroup vQueueDelete vQueueDelete
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxQueueSpacesAvailable( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNC
void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueSendToFrontFromISR(
@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSendFromISR xQueueSendFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueSendToBackFromISR(
@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSendFromISR xQueueSendFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
xQueueGenericSendFromISR( ( xQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ), queueSEND_TO_BACK )
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueOverwriteFromISR(
@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueOverwriteFromISR xQueueOverwriteFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
xQueueGenericSendFromISR( ( xQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ), queueOVERWRITE )
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueSendFromISR(
@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueSendFromISR xQueueSendFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -1312,10 +1312,10 @@ void vQueueDelete( QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
#define xQueueSendFromISR( xQueue, pvItemToQueue, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) \
xQueueGenericSendFromISR( ( xQueue ), ( pvItemToQueue ), ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ), queueSEND_TO_BACK )
/** @cond */
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueGenericSendFromISR(
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueGiveFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
/** @endcond */
* @cond
* queue. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xQueueReceiveFromISR(
@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueGiveFromISR( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xQueueReceiveFromISR xQueueReceiveFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup QueueManagement
@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ BaseType_t xQueueIsQueueEmptyFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FU
BaseType_t xQueueIsQueueFullFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
UBaseType_t uxQueueMessagesWaitingFromISR( const QueueHandle_t xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
* The functions defined above are for passing data to and from tasks. The
* functions below are the equivalents for passing data to and from
@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@ QueueSetMemberHandle_t xQueueSelectFromSet( QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet,
QueueSetMemberHandle_t xQueueSelectFromSetFromISR( QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
/* Not public API functions. */
void vQueueWaitForMessageRestricted( QueueHandle_t xQueue,
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define semSEMAPHORE_QUEUE_ITEM_LENGTH ( ( uint8_t ) 0U )
#define semGIVE_BLOCK_TIME ( ( TickType_t ) 0U )
/** @cond */
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vSemaphoreCreateBinary vSemaphoreCreateBinary
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
/** @endcond */
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateBinary( void );
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreCreateBinary xSemaphoreCreateBinary
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic( StaticSemaphore_t *pxSemaphoreBuffer );
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* // Rest of task code goes here.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* xSemaphoreTake(
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreTake xSemaphoreTake
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, xBlockTime ) xQueueSemaphoreTake( ( xSemaphore ), ( xBlockTime ) )
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreTakeRecursive xSemaphoreTakeRecursive
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreGive xSemaphoreGive
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore ) xQueueGenericSend( ( QueueHandle_t ) ( xSemaphore ), NULL, semGIVE_BLOCK_TIME, queueSEND_TO_BACK )
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( SemaphoreHandle_t xMutex );
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreGiveRecursive xSemaphoreGiveRecursive
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreGiveFromISR xSemaphoreGiveFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( xSemaphore, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) xQueueGiveFromISR( ( QueueHandle_t ) ( xSemaphore ), ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) )
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* xSemaphoreTakeFromISR(
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define xSemaphoreTakeFromISR( xSemaphore, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) xQueueReceiveFromISR( ( QueueHandle_t ) ( xSemaphore ), NULL, ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) )
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateMutex( void );
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreCreateMutex xSemaphoreCreateMutex
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic( StaticSemaphore_t *pxMutexBuffer );
@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* // so there is no need to check it.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateCounting( UBaseType_t uxMaxCount, UBaseType_t uxInitialCount );
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreCreateCounting xSemaphoreCreateCounting
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic( UBaseType_t uxMaxCount, UBaseType_t uxInitialCount, StaticSemaphore_t *pxSemaphoreBuffer );
@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* // is no need to check its value.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @cond
* semphr. h
* @code{c}
* void vSemaphoreDelete( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore );
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
* @param xSemaphore A handle to the semaphore to be deleted.
* @cond
* \defgroup vSemaphoreDelete vSemaphoreDelete
* @endcond
* \ingroup Semaphores
@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore ) vQueueDelete( ( QueueHandle_t ) ( xSemaphore ) )
* @cond
* semphr.h
* @code{c}
* TaskHandle_t xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( SemaphoreHandle_t xMutex );
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore ) xQueueGetMutexHolder( ( xSemaphore ) )
* @cond
* semphr.h
* @code{c}
* TaskHandle_t xSemaphoreGetMutexHolderFromISR( SemaphoreHandle_t xMutex );
@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ typedef QueueHandle_t SemaphoreHandle_t;
#define xSemaphoreGetMutexHolderFromISR( xSemaphore ) xQueueGetMutexHolderFromISR( ( xSemaphore ) )
* @cond
* semphr.h
* @code{c}
* UBaseType_t uxSemaphoreGetCount( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore );
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ typedef struct StreamBufferDef_t * StreamBufferHandle_t;
* @cond
* message_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ typedef struct StreamBufferDef_t * StreamBufferHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferCreate xStreamBufferCreate
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ typedef struct StreamBufferDef_t * StreamBufferHandle_t;
#define xStreamBufferCreate( xBufferSizeBytes, xTriggerLevelBytes ) xStreamBufferGenericCreate( xBufferSizeBytes, xTriggerLevelBytes, pdFALSE )
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ typedef struct StreamBufferDef_t * StreamBufferHandle_t;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferCreateStatic xStreamBufferCreateStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ typedef struct StreamBufferDef_t * StreamBufferHandle_t;
xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic( xBufferSizeBytes, xTriggerLevelBytes, pdFALSE, pucStreamBufferStorageArea, pxStaticStreamBuffer )
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ typedef struct StreamBufferDef_t * StreamBufferHandle_t;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferSend xStreamBufferSend
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferSend( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
TickType_t xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferSend( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
* taskYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferSendFromISR xStreamBufferSendFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferSendFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferSendFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferReceive xStreamBufferReceive
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferReceive( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
TickType_t xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferReceive( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
* taskYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
* @param xStreamBuffer The handle of the stream buffer to be deleted.
* @cond
* \defgroup vStreamBufferDelete vStreamBufferDelete
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
void vStreamBufferDelete( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ void vStreamBufferDelete( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTI
* @return If the stream buffer is full then pdTRUE is returned. Otherwise
* pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferIsFull xStreamBufferIsFull
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ void vStreamBufferDelete( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTI
BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsFull( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsFull( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_
* @return If the stream buffer is empty then pdTRUE is returned. Otherwise
* pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferIsEmpty xStreamBufferIsEmpty
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsFull( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_
BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsEmpty( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsEmpty( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED
* a task blocked waiting to send to or read from the stream buffer then the
* stream buffer is not reset and pdFAIL is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferReset xStreamBufferReset
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferIsEmpty( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED
BaseType_t xStreamBufferReset( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferReset( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_F
* @return The number of bytes that can be written to the stream buffer before
* the stream buffer would be full.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferReset( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_F
size_t xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVIL
* @return The number of bytes that can be read from the stream buffer before
* the stream buffer would be empty.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferBytesAvailable xStreamBufferBytesAvailable
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVIL
size_t xStreamBufferBytesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ size_t xStreamBufferBytesAvailable( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ) PRIVILE
* then the trigger level will be updated and pdTRUE is returned. Otherwise
* pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
size_t xTriggerLevel ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
* @return If a task was removed from the Blocked state then pdTRUE is returned.
* Otherwise pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer
BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* stream_buffer.h
* @code{c}
@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer
* @return If a task was removed from the Blocked state then pdTRUE is returned.
* Otherwise pdFALSE is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xStreamBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR xStreamBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup StreamBufferManagement
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ BaseType_t xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer
BaseType_t xStreamBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer,
BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
/* Functions below here are not part of the public API. */
StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferGenericCreate( size_t xBufferSizeBytes,
size_t xTriggerLevelBytes,
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
* returns (via a pointer parameter) an TaskHandle_t variable that can then
* be used as a parameter to vTaskDelete to delete the task.
* @cond
* \defgroup TaskHandle_t TaskHandle_t
* @endcond
* \ingroup Tasks
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ typedef enum
eSetValueWithoutOverwrite /* Set the task's notification value if the previous value has been read by the task. */
} eNotifyAction;
/** @cond */
* Used internally only.
@ -189,11 +189,13 @@ typedef enum
#define tskIDLE_PRIORITY ( ( UBaseType_t ) 0U )
* task. h
* @endcond
* Macro for forcing a context switch.
* @cond
* \defgroup taskYIELD taskYIELD
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -201,7 +203,9 @@ typedef enum
#define taskYIELD() portYIELD()
* task. h
* @endcond
* Macro to mark the start of a critical code region. Preemptive context
* switches cannot occur when in a critical region.
@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ typedef enum
* @note This may alter the stack (depending on the portable implementation)
* so must be used with care!
* @cond
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -228,7 +232,9 @@ typedef enum
#endif // ESP_PLATFORM
* task. h
* @endcond
* Macro to mark the end of a critical code region. Preemptive context
* switches cannot occur when in a critical region.
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@ typedef enum
* @note This may alter the stack (depending on the portable implementation)
* so must be used with care!
* @cond
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -255,11 +261,13 @@ typedef enum
#endif // ESP_PLATFORM
* task. h
* @endcond
* Macro to disable all maskable interrupts.
* @cond
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -267,11 +275,13 @@ typedef enum
* task. h
* @endcond
* Macro to enable microcontroller interrupts.
* @cond
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -422,7 +432,7 @@ typedef enum
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskCreate xTaskCreate
* @endcond
* \ingroup Tasks
@ -612,7 +622,7 @@ typedef enum
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestricted( TaskParameters_t *pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );
@ -683,7 +693,7 @@ typedef enum
* for( ;; );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskCreateRestricted xTaskCreateRestricted
* @endcond
* \ingroup Tasks
@ -694,7 +704,7 @@ typedef enum
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( TaskParameters_t *pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );
@ -777,7 +787,7 @@ typedef enum
* for( ;; );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic
* @endcond
* \ingroup Tasks
@ -788,7 +798,7 @@ typedef enum
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskAllocateMPURegions( TaskHandle_t xTask, const MemoryRegion_t * const pxRegions );
@ -833,7 +843,7 @@ typedef enum
* // defined or shared regions have been declared elsewhere).
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskCreateRestricted xTaskCreateRestricted
* @endcond
* \ingroup Tasks
@ -842,7 +852,7 @@ void vTaskAllocateMPURegions( TaskHandle_t xTask,
const MemoryRegion_t * const pxRegions ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskDelete( TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -881,7 +891,7 @@ void vTaskAllocateMPURegions( TaskHandle_t xTask,
* vTaskDelete( xHandle );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskDelete vTaskDelete
* @endcond
* \ingroup Tasks
@ -893,10 +903,12 @@ void vTaskDelete( TaskHandle_t xTaskToDelete ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskDelay( const TickType_t xTicksToDelay );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* Delay a task for a given number of ticks. The actual time that the
* task remains blocked depends on the tick rate. The constant
@ -938,7 +950,7 @@ void vTaskDelete( TaskHandle_t xTaskToDelete ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskDelay vTaskDelay
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -946,10 +958,12 @@ void vTaskDelete( TaskHandle_t xTaskToDelete ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void vTaskDelay( const TickType_t xTicksToDelay ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskDelayUntil( TickType_t *pxPreviousWakeTime, const TickType_t xTimeIncrement );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* INCLUDE_xTaskDelayUntil must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.
* See the configuration section for more information.
@ -1007,7 +1021,7 @@ void vTaskDelay( const TickType_t xTicksToDelay ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskDelayUntil xTaskDelayUntil
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1026,7 +1040,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskDelayUntil( TickType_t * const pxPreviousWakeTime,
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskAbortDelay( TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -1054,7 +1068,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskDelayUntil( TickType_t * const pxPreviousWakeTime,
* @return If the task referenced by xTask was not in the Blocked state then
* pdFAIL is returned. Otherwise pdPASS is returned.
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskAbortDelay xTaskAbortDelay
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1062,7 +1076,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskDelayUntil( TickType_t * const pxPreviousWakeTime,
BaseType_t xTaskAbortDelay( TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGet( const TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -1107,7 +1121,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskAbortDelay( TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup uxTaskPriorityGet uxTaskPriorityGet
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1115,7 +1129,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskAbortDelay( TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGet( const TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR( const TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -1127,7 +1141,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGet( const TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR( const TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* eTaskState eTaskGetState( TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -1149,7 +1163,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR( const TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNC
eTaskState eTaskGetState( TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskGetInfo( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskStatus_t *pxTaskStatus, BaseType_t xGetFreeStackSpace, eTaskState eState );
@ -1203,7 +1217,7 @@ eTaskState eTaskGetState( TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* eInvalid ); // Include the task state in xTaskDetails.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskGetInfo vTaskGetInfo
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1214,7 +1228,7 @@ void vTaskGetInfo( TaskHandle_t xTask,
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskPrioritySet( TaskHandle_t xTask, UBaseType_t uxNewPriority );
@ -1254,7 +1268,7 @@ void vTaskGetInfo( TaskHandle_t xTask,
* vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 );
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskPrioritySet vTaskPrioritySet
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1263,7 +1277,7 @@ void vTaskPrioritySet( TaskHandle_t xTask,
UBaseType_t uxNewPriority ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskSuspend( TaskHandle_t xTaskToSuspend );
@ -1312,7 +1326,7 @@ void vTaskPrioritySet( TaskHandle_t xTask,
* // with our handle as the parameter.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskSuspend vTaskSuspend
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1320,7 +1334,7 @@ void vTaskPrioritySet( TaskHandle_t xTask,
void vTaskSuspend( TaskHandle_t xTaskToSuspend ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskResume( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume );
@ -1367,7 +1381,7 @@ void vTaskSuspend( TaskHandle_t xTaskToSuspend ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* // time in accordance with its priority within the system.
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskResume vTaskResume
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1375,7 +1389,7 @@ void vTaskSuspend( TaskHandle_t xTaskToSuspend ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void vTaskResume( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void xTaskResumeFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume );
@ -1402,7 +1416,7 @@ void vTaskResume( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* otherwise pdFALSE. This is used by the ISR to determine if a context switch
* may be required following the ISR.
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskResumeFromISR vTaskResumeFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -1412,9 +1426,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskResumeFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskStartScheduler( void );
@ -1445,7 +1459,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskResumeFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskStartScheduler vTaskStartScheduler
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -1453,7 +1467,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskResumeFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToResume ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void vTaskStartScheduler( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskEndScheduler( void );
@ -1507,7 +1521,7 @@ void vTaskStartScheduler( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskEndScheduler vTaskEndScheduler
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -1517,7 +1531,7 @@ void vTaskEndScheduler( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @endcond */
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskSuspendAll( void );
@ -1566,7 +1580,7 @@ void vTaskEndScheduler( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskSuspendAll vTaskSuspendAll
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -1574,7 +1588,7 @@ void vTaskEndScheduler( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void vTaskSuspendAll( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void );
@ -1626,7 +1640,7 @@ void vTaskSuspendAll( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskResumeAll xTaskResumeAll
* @endcond
* \ingroup SchedulerControl
@ -1638,7 +1652,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* TickType_t xTaskGetTickCount( void );
@ -1647,7 +1661,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @return The count of ticks since vTaskStartScheduler was called.
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskGetTickCount xTaskGetTickCount
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -1655,7 +1669,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
TickType_t xTaskGetTickCount( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* TickType_t xTaskGetTickCountFromISR( void );
@ -1669,7 +1683,7 @@ TickType_t xTaskGetTickCount( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* microcontroller being used or interrupt nesting is either not supported or
* not being used.
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskGetTickCountFromISR xTaskGetTickCountFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -1677,7 +1691,7 @@ TickType_t xTaskGetTickCount( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
TickType_t xTaskGetTickCountFromISR( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* uint16_t uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void );
@ -1689,7 +1703,7 @@ TickType_t xTaskGetTickCountFromISR( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* has been deleted but not yet freed by the idle task will also be
* included in the count.
* @cond
* \defgroup uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -1697,7 +1711,7 @@ TickType_t xTaskGetTickCountFromISR( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
UBaseType_t uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* char *pcTaskGetName( TaskHandle_t xTaskToQuery );
@ -1708,7 +1722,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* xTaskToQuery. A task can query its own name by either passing in its own
* handle, or by setting xTaskToQuery to NULL.
* @cond
* \defgroup pcTaskGetName pcTaskGetName
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -1716,7 +1730,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
char * pcTaskGetName( TaskHandle_t xTaskToQuery ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */
* @cond
* task. h
* @code{c}
* TaskHandle_t xTaskGetHandle( const char *pcNameToQuery );
@ -1730,7 +1744,7 @@ char * pcTaskGetName( TaskHandle_t xTaskToQuery ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lin
* NULL is returned if no matching name is found. INCLUDE_xTaskGetHandle
* must be set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h for pcTaskGetHandle() to be available.
* @cond
* \defgroup pcTaskGetHandle pcTaskGetHandle
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -1813,7 +1827,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHookFunction_t pxHookFunction );
@ -1830,7 +1844,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
TaskHookFunction_t pxHookFunction ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag( TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -1844,7 +1858,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
TaskHookFunction_t xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag( TaskHandle_t xTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void xTaskGetApplicationTaskTagFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTask );
@ -1932,7 +1946,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
#if ( configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 0 )
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t xTask char *pcTaskName);
@ -1952,7 +1966,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
#if ( configUSE_TICK_HOOK > 0 )
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void vApplicationTickHook( void );
@ -1967,7 +1981,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory( StaticTask_t ** ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer, StackType_t ** ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer, uint32_t *pulIdleTaskStackSize )
@ -1986,7 +2000,7 @@ uint8_t* pxTaskGetStackStart( TaskHandle_t xTask) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook( TaskHandle_t xTask, void *pvParameter );
@ -2155,7 +2169,7 @@ UBaseType_t uxTaskGetSystemState( TaskStatus_t * const pxTaskStatusArray,
* enough to contain the generated report. Approximately 40 bytes per
* task should be sufficient.
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskList vTaskList
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -2210,7 +2224,7 @@ void vTaskList( char * pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lint !e971 Unq
* contain the generated report. Approximately 40 bytes per task should
* be sufficient.
* @cond
* \defgroup vTaskGetRunTimeStats vTaskGetRunTimeStats
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -2218,7 +2232,7 @@ void vTaskList( char * pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lint !e971 Unq
void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char * pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */
* @cond
* task. h
* @code
* uint32_t ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter( void );
@ -2246,7 +2260,7 @@ void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char * pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lin
* frequency configured using the portCONFIGURE_TIMER_FOR_RUN_TIME_STATS() and
* @cond
* \defgroup ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskUtils
@ -2254,11 +2268,13 @@ void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char * pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lin
uint32_t ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyIndexed( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotify( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details.
@ -2359,7 +2375,9 @@ uint32_t ulTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @return Dependent on the value of eAction. See the description of the
* eAction parameter.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyIndexed xTaskNotifyIndexed
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotify( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
@ -2373,11 +2391,13 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotify( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
xTaskGenericNotify( ( xTaskToNotify ), ( uxIndexToNotify ), ( ulValue ), ( eAction ), NULL )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction, uint32_t *pulPreviousNotifyValue );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyAndQuery( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction, uint32_t *pulPreviousNotifyValue );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details.
@ -2393,7 +2413,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotify( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
* than when the function returns) in the additional pulPreviousNotifyValue
* parameter.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexed
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
#define xTaskNotifyAndQuery( xTaskToNotify, ulValue, eAction, pulPreviousNotifyValue ) \
@ -2402,11 +2424,13 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotify( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
xTaskGenericNotify( ( xTaskToNotify ), ( uxIndexToNotify ), ( ulValue ), ( eAction ), ( pulPreviousNotifyValue ) )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details.
@ -2511,7 +2535,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotify( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
* @return Dependent on the value of eAction. See the description of the
* eAction parameter.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
@ -2526,11 +2552,13 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( ( xTaskToNotify ), ( uxIndexToNotify ), ( ulValue ), ( eAction ), NULL, ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexedFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction, uint32_t *pulPreviousNotificationValue, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyAndQueryFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, uint32_t ulValue, eNotifyAction eAction, uint32_t *pulPreviousNotificationValue, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details.
@ -2546,7 +2574,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
* function is called rather than at the time the function returns) in the
* additional pulPreviousNotifyValue parameter.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexedFromISR xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
#define xTaskNotifyAndQueryIndexedFromISR( xTaskToNotify, uxIndexToNotify, ulValue, eAction, pulPreviousNotificationValue, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) \
@ -2555,12 +2585,14 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( ( xTaskToNotify ), ( tskDEFAULT_INDEX_TO_NOTIFY ), ( ulValue ), ( eAction ), ( pulPreviousNotificationValue ), ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn, uint32_t ulBitsToClearOnEntry, uint32_t ulBitsToClearOnExit, uint32_t *pulNotificationValue, TickType_t xTicksToWait );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyWait( uint32_t ulBitsToClearOnEntry, uint32_t ulBitsToClearOnExit, uint32_t *pulNotificationValue, TickType_t xTicksToWait );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* Waits for a direct to task notification to be pending at a given index within
* an array of direct to task notifications.
@ -2655,7 +2687,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
* already pending when xTaskNotifyWait was called) then pdPASS is
* returned. Otherwise pdFAIL is returned.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyWait( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
@ -2669,11 +2703,13 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyWait( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
xTaskGenericNotifyWait( ( uxIndexToWaitOn ), ( ulBitsToClearOnEntry ), ( ulBitsToClearOnExit ), ( pulNotificationValue ), ( xTicksToWait ) )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyGiveIndexed( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify, UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyGive( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* Sends a direct to task notification to a particular index in the target
* task's notification array in a manner similar to giving a counting semaphore.
@ -2737,7 +2773,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyWait( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
* @return xTaskNotifyGive() is a macro that calls xTaskNotify() with the
* eAction parameter set to eIncrement - so pdPASS is always returned.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyGiveIndexed xTaskNotifyGiveIndexed
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
#define xTaskNotifyGive( xTaskToNotify ) \
@ -2746,11 +2784,13 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyWait( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
xTaskGenericNotify( ( xTaskToNotify ), ( uxIndexToNotify ), ( 0 ), eIncrement, NULL )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskNotifyGiveIndexedFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndexToNotify, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* void vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskHandle, BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* A version of xTaskNotifyGiveIndexed() that can be called from an interrupt
* service routine (ISR).
@ -2821,7 +2861,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyWait( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
* requested from an ISR is dependent on the port - see the documentation page
* for the port in use.
* \defgroup vTaskNotifyGiveIndexedFromISR vTaskNotifyGiveIndexedFromISR
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
void vTaskGenericNotifyGiveFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
@ -2833,12 +2875,14 @@ void vTaskGenericNotifyGiveFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
vTaskGenericNotifyGiveFromISR( ( xTaskToNotify ), ( uxIndexToNotify ), ( pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) );
* task. h
* @code{c}
* uint32_t ulTaskNotifyTakeIndexed( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn, BaseType_t xClearCountOnExit, TickType_t xTicksToWait );
* uint32_t ulTaskNotifyTake( BaseType_t xClearCountOnExit, TickType_t xTicksToWait );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* Waits for a direct to task notification on a particular index in the calling
* task's notification array in a manner similar to taking a counting semaphore.
@ -2927,7 +2971,9 @@ void vTaskGenericNotifyGiveFromISR( TaskHandle_t xTaskToNotify,
* @return The task's notification count before it is either cleared to zero or
* decremented (see the xClearCountOnExit parameter).
* \defgroup ulTaskNotifyTakeIndexed ulTaskNotifyTakeIndexed
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
uint32_t ulTaskGenericNotifyTake( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
@ -2939,12 +2985,14 @@ uint32_t ulTaskGenericNotifyTake( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
ulTaskGenericNotifyTake( ( uxIndexToWaitOn ), ( xClearCountOnExit ), ( xTicksToWait ) )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyStateClearIndexed( TaskHandle_t xTask, UBaseType_t uxIndexToCLear );
* BaseType_t xTaskNotifyStateClear( TaskHandle_t xTask );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details.
@ -2992,7 +3040,9 @@ uint32_t ulTaskGenericNotifyTake( UBaseType_t uxIndexToWaitOn,
* @return pdTRUE if the task's notification state was set to
* eNotWaitingNotification, otherwise pdFALSE.
* \defgroup xTaskNotifyStateClearIndexed xTaskNotifyStateClearIndexed
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyStateClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,
@ -3003,12 +3053,14 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyStateClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,
xTaskGenericNotifyStateClear( ( xTask ), ( uxIndexToClear ) )
* task. h
* @code{c}
* uint32_t ulTaskNotifyValueClearIndexed( TaskHandle_t xTask, UBaseType_t uxIndexToClear, uint32_t ulBitsToClear );
* uint32_t ulTaskNotifyValueClear( TaskHandle_t xTask, uint32_t ulBitsToClear );
* @endcode
* @endcond
* See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-task-notifications.html for details.
@ -3057,7 +3109,9 @@ BaseType_t xTaskGenericNotifyStateClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,
* @return The value of the target task's notification value before the bits
* specified by ulBitsToClear were cleared.
* \defgroup ulTaskNotifyValueClear ulTaskNotifyValueClear
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskNotifications
uint32_t ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,
@ -3069,7 +3123,7 @@ uint32_t ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,
ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear( ( xTask ), ( uxIndexToClear ), ( ulBitsToClear ) )
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void vTaskSetTimeOutState( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut );
@ -3082,14 +3136,14 @@ uint32_t ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear( TaskHandle_t xTask,
* is to be captured. The captured time includes the tick count and the number
* of times the tick count has overflowed since the system first booted.
* \defgroup vTaskSetTimeOutState vTaskSetTimeOutState
* @cond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
* @endcond
void vTaskSetTimeOutState( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code
* BaseType_t xTaskCheckForTimeOut( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut, TickType_t * const pxTicksToWait );
@ -3170,7 +3224,7 @@ void vTaskSetTimeOutState( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* return uxReceived;
* }
* @endcode
* @cond
* \defgroup xTaskCheckForTimeOut xTaskCheckForTimeOut
* @endcond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
@ -3179,7 +3233,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskCheckForTimeOut( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut,
TickType_t * const pxTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* BaseType_t xTaskCatchUpTicks( TickType_t xTicksToCatchUp );
@ -3204,7 +3258,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskCheckForTimeOut( TimeOut_t * const pxTimeOut,
* blocked state and a context switch being performed. Otherwise pdFALSE.
* \defgroup xTaskCatchUpTicks xTaskCatchUpTicks
* @cond
* \ingroup TaskCtrl
* @endcond
@ -3214,7 +3268,7 @@ BaseType_t xTaskCatchUpTicks( TickType_t xTicksToCatchUp ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
* Return the handle of the task running on a certain CPU. Because of
* the nature of SMP processing, there is no guarantee that this
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ void vTimerSetTimerID( TimerHandle_t xTimer,
BaseType_t xTimerIsTimerActive( TimerHandle_t xTimer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @cond
* TaskHandle_t xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle( void );
* @endcond
@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ TickType_t xTimerGetPeriod( TimerHandle_t xTimer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
TickType_t xTimerGetExpiryTime( TimerHandle_t xTimer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/** @cond */
* Functions beyond this part are not part of the public API and are intended
@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ BaseType_t xTimerGenericCommand( TimerHandle_t xTimer,
* @cond
* task.h
* @code{c}
* void vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory( StaticTask_t ** ppxTimerTaskTCBBuffer, StackType_t ** ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer, uint32_t *pulTimerTaskStackSize )
@ -273,3 +273,9 @@ GENERATE_RTF = NO
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