Update `tinyusb_cdcacm_write_flush` to using ticks counting instead of the FreeRTOS timer

Andrei Gramakov 2020-10-06 10:18:35 +02:00
rodzic 26a0df0423
commit 3164116abd
1 zmienionych plików z 8 dodań i 43 usunięć

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "tusb.h"
#include "tusb_cdc_acm.h"
#include "cdc.h"
@ -34,7 +36,6 @@ typedef struct {
tusb_cdcacm_callback_t callback_rx_wanted_char;
tusb_cdcacm_callback_t callback_line_state_changed;
tusb_cdcacm_callback_t callback_line_coding_changed;
xTimerHandle flush_timer;
} esp_tusb_cdcacm_t; /*!< CDC_AMC object */
static const char *TAG = "tusb_cdc_acm";
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ static inline esp_tusb_cdcacm_t *get_acm(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf)
/* TinyUSB callbacks
********************************************************************* */
/* Invoked when cdc when line state changed e.g connected/disconnected */
/* Invoked by cdc interface when line state changed e.g connected/disconnected */
void tud_cdc_line_state_cb(uint8_t itf, bool dtr, bool rts)
esp_tusb_cdcacm_t *acm = get_acm(itf);
@ -262,32 +263,6 @@ size_t tinyusb_cdcacm_write_queue(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf, uint8_t *in_buf, siz
static inline bool timer_isactive(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf)
esp_tusb_cdcacm_t *acm = get_acm(itf);
return xTimerIsTimerActive(acm->flush_timer);
static inline esp_err_t timer_start(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf, uint32_t timeout_ticks)
esp_tusb_cdcacm_t *acm = get_acm(itf);
xTimerChangePeriod(acm->flush_timer, timeout_ticks, 0); // set the timer
if (!xTimerIsTimerActive(acm->flush_timer)) {
if (xTimerStart(acm->flush_timer, 0) != pdPASS) { // start
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Can't start the timer");
return ESP_FAIL;
return ESP_OK;
static inline void timer_stop(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf)
if (timer_isactive(itf)) {
xTimerStop(get_acm(itf)->flush_timer, 0);
esp_err_t tinyusb_cdcacm_write_flush(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf, uint32_t timeout_ticks)
@ -305,33 +280,27 @@ esp_err_t tinyusb_cdcacm_write_flush(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf, uint32_t timeout_
} else { // if timeout use timer
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(timer_start(itf, timeout_ticks));
} else { // trying during the timeout
uint32_t ticks_start = xTaskGetTickCount();
uint32_t ticks_now = ticks_start;
while (1) { // loop until success or until the time runs out
ticks_now = xTaskGetTickCount();
if (!tud_cdc_n_write_available(itf)) { // if nothing to write - nothing to flush
if (tud_cdc_n_write_flush(itf)) { // Success
if (!timer_isactive(itf)) { // Time is up
if ( (ticks_now - ticks_start) > timeout_ticks ) { // Time is up
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Flush failed");
return ESP_OK;
static void flush_timer_cb(xTimerHandle pxTimer)
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "flush_timer stopped");
xTimerStop(pxTimer, 0);
static esp_err_t alloc_obj(tinyusb_cdcacm_itf_t itf)
esp_tusb_cdc_t *cdc_inst = tinyusb_cdc_get_intf(itf);
@ -377,10 +346,6 @@ esp_err_t tusb_cdc_acm_init(const tinyusb_config_cdcacm_t *cfg)
tinyusb_cdcacm_register_callback( itf, CDC_EVENT_LINE_CODING_CHANGED, cfg->callback_line_coding_changed);
/* SW timer*/
acm->flush_timer = xTimerCreate(
"flush_timer", 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS, pdTRUE, (void *)itf, flush_timer_cb);
/* Buffers */
acm->rx_tfbuf = malloc(CONFIG_USB_CDC_RX_BUFSIZE);
if (!acm->rx_tfbuf) {