freertos: protect calls to prvAddTaskToReadyList with xTaskQueueMutex

Ivan Grokhotkov 2016-09-05 10:22:37 +08:00
rodzic 9664de6867
commit 1c6859573b
1 zmienionych plików z 5 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -3614,6 +3614,7 @@ In fact, nothing below this line has/is.
if( pxTCB->uxPriority < pxCurrentTCB[ xPortGetCoreID() ]->uxPriority )
/* Adjust the mutex holder state to account for its new
priority. Only reset the event list item value if the value is
not being used for anything else. */
@ -3649,6 +3650,8 @@ In fact, nothing below this line has/is.
pxTCB->uxPriority = pxCurrentTCB[ xPortGetCoreID() ]->uxPriority;
traceTASK_PRIORITY_INHERIT( pxTCB, pxCurrentTCB[ xPortGetCoreID() ]->uxPriority );
@ -3686,6 +3689,7 @@ In fact, nothing below this line has/is.
/* Only disinherit if no other mutexes are held. */
if( pxTCB->uxMutexesHeld == ( UBaseType_t ) 0 )
/* A task can only have an inhertied priority if it holds
the mutex. If the mutex is held by a task then it cannot be
given from an interrupt, and if a mutex is given by the
@ -3720,6 +3724,7 @@ In fact, nothing below this line has/is.
switch should occur when the last mutex is returned whether
a task is waiting on it or not. */
xReturn = pdTRUE;