Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_doc_build_failure_of_eth2ap' into 'master'

ci(network_doc): fixed the incorrect example path

See merge request espressif/esp-idf!24504
Kevin (Lao Kaiyao) 2023-06-30 12:57:50 +08:00
commit 11854aabfa
2 zmienionych plików z 4 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -441,7 +441,8 @@ Application Examples
* Ethernet basic example: :example:`ethernet/basic`
* Ethernet iperf example: :example:`ethernet/iperf`
* Ethernet to Wi-Fi AP "router": :example:`ethernet/eth2ap`
* Ethernet to Wi-Fi AP "router": :example:`network/eth2ap`
* Wi-Fi station to Ethernet "bridge": :example:`network/sta2eth`
* Most protocol examples should also work for Ethernet: :example:`protocols`
.. ------------------------------ Advanced Topics -------------------------------

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@ -441,7 +441,8 @@ ESP-IDF 在宏 :c:macro:`ETH_DEFAULT_CONFIG` 中为安装驱动程序提供了
* 以太网基本示例::example:`ethernet/basic`
* 以太网 iperf 示例::example:`ethernet/iperf`
* 以太网到 Wi-Fi AP “路由器”::example:`ethernet/eth2ap`
* 以太网到 Wi-Fi AP “路由器”::example:`network/eth2ap`
* Wi-Fi station 到以太网 “网桥”::example:`network/sta2eth`
* 大多数协议示例也适用于以太网::example:`protocols`
.. ------------------------------ Advanced Topics -------------------------------