tools: Add docs subcommand docs which opens browser with documentation for current version of idf and model of your target

Add docs subcommand with options:
--no-browser - Prints url for current documentation instead of opens browser with documentation
--language - Select documentation language
--starting-page - Choice section of documentation to open
--version - Choice version of esp-idf
--target - Choice model of your target
Simon 2021-06-03 17:14:38 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez simon.chupin
rodzic 8887897f54
commit 0b9afa509f
5 zmienionych plików z 98 dodań i 10 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ Advanced Commands
- `` size`` prints some size information about the app. ``size-components`` and ``size-files`` are similar commands which print more detailed per-component or per-source-file information, respectively. If you define variable ``-DOUTPUT_JSON=1`` when running CMake (or ````), the output will be formatted as JSON not as human readable text. See ```` for more information.
- `` reconfigure`` re-runs CMake_ even if it doesn't seem to need re-running. This isn't necessary during normal usage, but can be useful after adding/removing files from the source tree, or when modifying CMake cache variables. For example, `` -DNAME='VALUE' reconfigure`` can be used to set variable ``NAME`` in CMake cache to value ``VALUE``.
- `` python-clean`` deletes generated Python byte code from the IDF directory which may cause issues when switching between IDF and Python versions. It is advised to run this target after switching versions of Python.
- `` docs`` will open direct link to documentation for project's chip target and version in browser. To see all options use `` docs --help``
The order of multiple ```` commands on the same invocation is not important, they will automatically be executed in the correct order for everything to take effect (ie building before flashing, erasing before flashing, etc.).

Wyświetl plik

@ -863,6 +863,17 @@ endmenu\n" >> ${IDF_PATH}/Kconfig
expected_failure $EXPECTED_EXIT_VALUE create-project --path "$IDF_PATH/example_proj" temp_test_project || failure "Command exit value is wrong."
rm -rf "$IDF_PATH/example_proj"
print_status "Check docs command"
clean_build_dir build set-target esp32s2 docs || failure "' docs' failed" docs --no-browser | grep "" || failure "' docs --no-browser' failed" docs --no-browser --language en | grep "" || failure "' docs --no-browser --language en' failed" docs --no-browser --language en --version v4.2.1 | grep "" || failure "' docs --no-browser --language en --version v4.2.1' failed" docs --no-browser --language en --version v4.2.1 --target esp32 | grep "" || failure "' docs --no-browser --language en --version v4.2.1 --target esp32' failed" docs --no-browser --language en --version v4.2.1 --target esp32 --starting-page get-started | grep "" || failure "' docs --no-browser --language en --version v4.2.1 --target esp32 --starting-page get-started' failed"
print_status "All tests completed"
if [ -n "${FAILURES}" ]; then
echo "Some failures were detected:"

Wyświetl plik

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ GENERATORS = collections.OrderedDict([
SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3']
SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3']
PREVIEW_TARGETS = ['linux', 'esp32h2']

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
import fnmatch
import locale
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from webbrowser import open_new_tab
import click
from idf_py_actions.constants import GENERATORS, PREVIEW_TARGETS, SUPPORTED_TARGETS
from idf_py_actions.errors import FatalError
from idf_py_actions.global_options import global_options
from import (TargetChoice, ensure_build_directory, idf_version, merge_action_lists, realpath,
from import (TargetChoice, ensure_build_directory, get_target, idf_version, merge_action_lists,
realpath, run_target)
def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path):
@ -192,6 +197,44 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path):
def show_docs(action, ctx, args, no_browser, language, starting_page, version, target):
if language == 'cn':
language = 'zh_CN'
if not version:
# '0.0-dev' here because if 'dev' in version it will transform in to 'latest'
version ='v\d+\.\d+\.?\d*(-dev|-beta\d|-rc)?', idf_version() or '0.0-dev').group()
if 'dev' in version:
version = 'latest'
elif version[0] != 'v':
version = 'v' + version
target = target or get_target(args.project_dir) or 'esp32'
link = '/'.join([URL_TO_DOC, language, version, target, starting_page or ''])
redirect_link = False
req = Request(link)
webpage = urlopen(req)
redirect_link = webpage.geturl().endswith('404.html')
except URLError:
print("We can't check the link's functionality because you don't have an internet connection")
if redirect_link:
print('Target', target, 'doesn\'t exist for version', version)
link = '/'.join([URL_TO_DOC, language, version, starting_page or ''])
if not no_browser:
print('Opening documentation in the default browser:')
print('Please open the documentation link in the browser:')
def get_default_language():
language = 'zh_CN' if locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] == 'zh_CN' else 'en'
except ValueError:
language = 'en'
return language
root_options = {
'global_options': [
@ -386,6 +429,36 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path):
'callback': fallback_target,
'help': 'Handle for targets not known for',
'hidden': True,
'docs': {
'callback': show_docs,
'help': 'Open web browser with documentation for ESP-IDF',
'options': [
'names': ['--no-browser', '-nb'],
'is_flag': True,
'help': 'Don\'t open browser.'
'names': ['--language', '-l'],
'default': get_default_language(),
'type': click.Choice(['en', 'zh_CN', 'cn']),
'help': 'Documentation language. Your system language by default (en or cn)'
'names': ['--starting-page', '-sp'],
'help': 'Documentation page (get-started, api-reference etc).'
'names': ['--version', '-v'],
'help': 'Version of ESP-IDF.'
'names': ['--target', '-t'],
'type': TargetChoice(SUPPORTED_TARGETS + PREVIEW_TARGETS + ['']),
'help': 'Chip target.'

Wyświetl plik

@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ def _idf_version_from_cmake():
return None
def get_target(path, sdkconfig_filename='sdkconfig'):
path = os.path.join(path, sdkconfig_filename)
return get_sdkconfig_value(path, 'CONFIG_IDF_TARGET')
def idf_version():
"""Print version of ESP-IDF"""
@ -277,7 +282,7 @@ def is_target_supported(project_path, supported_targets):
Returns True if the active target is supported, or False otherwise.
return get_sdkconfig_value(os.path.join(project_path, 'sdkconfig'), 'CONFIG_IDF_TARGET') in supported_targets
return get_target(project_path) in supported_targets
def _guess_or_check_idf_target(args, prog_name, cache):
@ -290,12 +295,9 @@ def _guess_or_check_idf_target(args, prog_name, cache):
# Default locations of sdkconfig files.
# FIXME: they may be overridden in the project or by a CMake variable (IDF-1369).
sdkconfig_path = os.path.join(args.project_dir, 'sdkconfig')
sdkconfig_defaults_path = os.path.join(args.project_dir, 'sdkconfig.defaults')
# These are used to guess the target from sdkconfig, or set the default target by sdkconfig.defaults.
idf_target_from_sdkconfig = get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig_path, 'CONFIG_IDF_TARGET')
idf_target_from_sdkconfig_defaults = get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig_defaults_path, 'CONFIG_IDF_TARGET')
idf_target_from_sdkconfig = get_target(args.project_dir)
idf_target_from_sdkconfig_defaults = get_target(args.project_dir, 'sdkconfig.defaults')
idf_target_from_env = os.environ.get('IDF_TARGET')
idf_target_from_cache = cache.get('IDF_TARGET')