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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ff.h"
#include "esp_partition.h"
#include "wear_levelling.h"
#include "diskio_impl.h"
#include "diskio_wl.h"
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
TEST_CASE("Create volume, open file, write and read back data", "[fatfs]")
FRESULT fr_result;
BYTE pdrv;
FIL file;
UINT bw;
esp_err_t esp_result;
const esp_partition_t *partition = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_DATA_FAT, "storage");
// Mount wear-levelled partition
wl_handle_t wl_handle;
esp_result = wl_mount(partition, &wl_handle);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);
// Get a physical drive
esp_result = ff_diskio_get_drive(&pdrv);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);
// Register physical drive as wear-levelled partition
esp_result = ff_diskio_register_wl_partition(pdrv, wl_handle);
// Create FAT volume on the entire disk
LBA_t part_list[] = {100, 0, 0, 0};
BYTE work_area[FF_MAX_SS];
fr_result = f_fdisk(pdrv, part_list, work_area);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
const MKFS_PARM opt = {(BYTE)FM_ANY, 0, 0, 0, 0};
fr_result = f_mkfs("", &opt, work_area, sizeof(work_area)); // Use default volume
// Mount the volume
fr_result = f_mount(&fs, "", 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Open, write and read data
fr_result = f_open(&file, "test.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ | FA_WRITE);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Generate data
uint32_t data_size = 100000;
char *data = (char*) malloc(data_size);
char *read = (char*) malloc(data_size);
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < data_size; i += sizeof(i))
*((uint32_t*)(data + i)) = i;
// Write generated data
fr_result = f_write(&file, data, data_size, &bw);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
REQUIRE(bw == data_size);
// Move to beginning of file
fr_result = f_lseek(&file, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Read written data
fr_result = f_read(&file, read, data_size, &bw);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
REQUIRE(bw == data_size);
REQUIRE(memcmp(data, read, data_size) == 0);
// Close file
fr_result = f_close(&file);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Unmount default volume
fr_result = f_mount(0, "", 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Clear
esp_result = wl_unmount(wl_handle);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);
static void prepare_fatfs(const char* partition_label, const esp_partition_t** partition, wl_handle_t* wl_handle, BYTE* pdrv)
FRESULT fr_result;
esp_err_t esp_result;
*partition = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_DATA_FAT, partition_label);
REQUIRE(partition != NULL);
printf("partition address=0x%x\n", (*partition)->address);
printf("partition size=0x%x\n", (*partition)->size);
// Mount wear-levelled partition
esp_result = wl_mount(*partition, wl_handle);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);
// Get a physical drive
BYTE _pdrv;
esp_result = ff_diskio_get_drive(&_pdrv);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);
printf("using pdrv=%i\n", _pdrv);
char drv[3] = {(char)('0' + _pdrv), ':', 0};
*pdrv = _pdrv;
// Register physical drive as wear-levelled partition
esp_result = ff_diskio_register_wl_partition(_pdrv, *wl_handle);
// Create FAT volume on the entire disk
LBA_t part_list[] = {100, 0, 0, 0};
BYTE work_area[FF_MAX_SS];
fr_result = f_fdisk(_pdrv, part_list, work_area);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
const MKFS_PARM opt = {(BYTE)FM_ANY, 0, 0, 0, 0};
fr_result = f_mkfs(drv, &opt, work_area, sizeof(work_area)); // Use default volume
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
* This just tests formatting from FATFS library itself, not directly VFS FATFS (SPIFLASH) API
* like `esp_vfs_fat_spiflash_format_rw_wl` function, since `vfs` is not buildable on linux host
* at the time of writing this - therefore there also is a device test_apps test in
* `components/fatfs/test_apps/flash_wl/main/test_fatfs_flash_wl.c` which tests our VFS FATFS SPIFLASH API.
TEST_CASE("Test mounting 2 volumes, writing data and formatting the 2nd one, reading data", "[fatfs]")
FRESULT fr_result;
esp_err_t esp_result;
const char* partition_label0 = "storage";
const esp_partition_t *partition0 = NULL;
BYTE pdrv0 = UINT8_MAX;
FATFS fs0;
wl_handle_t wl_handle0 = WL_INVALID_HANDLE;
const char* partition_label1 = "storage2";
const esp_partition_t *partition1 = NULL;
BYTE pdrv1 = UINT8_MAX;
FATFS fs1;
wl_handle_t wl_handle1 = WL_INVALID_HANDLE;
size_t data_size = 10;
// Mount the volume 0
prepare_fatfs(partition_label0, &partition0, &wl_handle0, &pdrv0);
REQUIRE(partition0 != NULL);
REQUIRE(pdrv0 == 0);
char drv0[3] = {(char)('0' + pdrv0), ':', 0};
fr_result = f_mount(&fs0, drv0, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Open file and write data
FIL file0;
UINT bw0;
fr_result = f_open(&file0, "0:/test0.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Write data
const char *data0 = "123456789";
char read0[10] = {0};
fr_result = f_write(&file0, data0, data_size, &bw0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
REQUIRE(bw0 == data_size);
// Close file
fr_result = f_close(&file0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Unmount volume 0
fr_result = f_mount(0, drv0, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Mount the volume 1
prepare_fatfs(partition_label1, &partition1, &wl_handle1, &pdrv1);
REQUIRE(partition1 != NULL);
REQUIRE(pdrv1 == 1);
char drv1[3] = {(char)('0' + pdrv1), ':', 0};
fr_result = f_mount(&fs1, drv1, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Open file and write data
FIL file1;
UINT bw1;
fr_result = f_open(&file1, "1:/test1.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Write data
const char* data1 = "987654321";
char read1[10] = {0};
fr_result = f_write(&file1, data1, data_size, &bw1);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
REQUIRE(bw1 == data_size);
// Close file
fr_result = f_close(&file1);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Unmount volume 1
fr_result = f_mount(0, drv1, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Format the volume 1
const size_t workbuf_size = 4096;
void *workbuf = ff_memalloc(workbuf_size);
REQUIRE(workbuf != NULL);
const MKFS_PARM opt = {(BYTE)(FM_ANY | FM_SFD), 0, 0, 0, CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE};
fr_result = f_mkfs(drv1, &opt, workbuf, workbuf_size);
workbuf = NULL;
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
printf("partition1 formatted\n");
// Remount the volume 1
fr_result = f_mount(&fs1, drv1, 1);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Open file and read data from file1
fr_result = f_open(&file1, "1:/test1.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Read written data from file1
fr_result = f_read(&file1, read1, data_size, &bw1);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
REQUIRE(bw1 != data_size);
// Compare data
printf("data1=%s, read1=%s\n", data1, read1);
REQUIRE(strncmp(data1, read1, data_size-1) != 0); // 987654321 should be ersead due to formatting
// Close file from file1
fr_result = f_close(&file1);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Remount the volume 0
fr_result = f_mount(&fs0, drv0, 1);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Open file and read data from file0
fr_result = f_open(&file0, "0:/test0.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Read written data from file0
fr_result = f_read(&file0, read0, data_size, &bw0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
REQUIRE(bw0 == data_size);
// Compare data
printf("data0=%s, read0=%s\n", data0, read0);
REQUIRE(strncmp(data0, read0, data_size-1) == 0); // should match since the partition was not formatted
// Close file from file0
fr_result = f_close(&file0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Unmount both volumes
fr_result = f_mount(0, drv0, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
fr_result = f_mount(0, drv1, 0);
REQUIRE(fr_result == FR_OK);
// Clear
esp_result = wl_unmount(wl_handle0);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);
esp_result = wl_unmount(wl_handle1);
REQUIRE(esp_result == ESP_OK);