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#!/usr/bin/env python
2022-06-15 14:46:55 +00:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# A check script that just works at the time of writing...
# also builds a structure tree for further reference
# Input file format must be similiar to those headers generated by regtool, or this script makes no sense at all
# Known limitation:
# 1. won't accept /* ... */ /* ... */': badly behavior with multiline comment
# 2. won't accept multiple expression within same line' (but will info that)
# 3. won't accept single line struct/union definition
# Check list:
# 1. a structure should not contain bitfield member alongside with nested struct/union
# 2. bitfield sum in a struct should be 32 (means being well padded)
# 3. each bitfield type should be uint32_t
# 4. expecting union to be `union { struct {xxx}; uint32_t val; }` and complain if it is not an u32 val (but not fail)
# 5. typedef volatile struct xxx{}: xxx must exists
# Otherwise won't fail but warning
import os
import re
import sys
from typing import Any
class MemberField:
member_type = ''
bitfield = None
def __init__(self, m_type: str, m_bits: int=None) -> None:
self.member_type = m_type
self.bitfield = m_bits
def __unicode__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.bitfield is None:
return '"Field type={}"'.format(self.member_type)
return '"Field type={} bit={}"'.format(self.member_type, self.bitfield)
class SoCStructureHeaderChecker:
# capture: typedef, volatile, struct name
__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCTURE_BEGIN = r'^[\s]*(typedef)?(?:[\s]+(volatile))?[\s]+struct[\s]+([\w]+)?[\s\S]*$'
# capture: typedef, volatile, union name
__REGEXP_MATCH_UNION_BEGIN = r'^[\s]*(typedef)?(?:[\s]+(volatile))?[\s]+union[\s]+([\w]+)?[\s\S]*$'
# capture: type_var_name
__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCT_UNION_END_NAME = r'^[\s]*}[\s]*([\w\[\]\*]*)[\s]*;[\s\S]*$'
# capture: type, name, bitfield
__REGEXP_MATCH_BITFIELD_MEMBER = (r'^[\s]*(?:(?:volatile[\s]+)|(?:))([\w\*]+)[\s]+([\w\*]+(?:(?:\[[\s\S]*\])|(?:)))'
# should be useless and can be safely deleted
__REGEXP_MATCH_MULTILINE_COMMENT = r'^[\s]*[\/]{0,2}\*[\/]?[\s\S]*$'
__REGEX_MATCH_SIMPLE_VAL_FIELD = r'^[\s]*(?:(?:volatile[\s]+)|(?:))([\w]+)[\s]+([\w\[\]\*]+)[\s]*;[\s]*$'
# capture: type, name
__REGEX_MATCH_ROOT_EXTERNAL = r'^[\s]*extern[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]*;[\s]*$'
__linecount = 0
__fd = None # type: Any
__is_eof = False
# generated reference tree
__ref_tree = dict() # type: dict
# middle result of generated tree, shared
# named typedef, or named struct/union. referd but will not delete
__temp_ref_types = dict() # type: dict
def __expand_type(self, member_type: str, bitfield: int=None) -> Any:
if member_type == 'uint32_t':
return MemberField(member_type, bitfield)
if bitfield is not None:
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: non-u32 type with bitfield')
return None
if member_type in self.__temp_ref_types:
return self.__temp_ref_types[member_type]
return None
def __getline(self, incomment:bool=False) -> Any:
rawline = self.__fd.readline()
if not rawline:
self.__is_eof = True
return None
self.__linecount += 1
if incomment:
pos = rawline.find('*/')
if pos != -1:
# set string that is behind comment
rawline = rawline[pos + 2:]
# continue multiple line
return self.__getline(True)
# preprocess: remove '// comment'
match_obj = re.match(r'^([^(\/\/)]*)\/\/[\s\S]*$', rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
rawline = match_obj.groups()[0]
# preprocess: remove '/* comment'
match_obj = re.match(r'^([^(\/\*)]*)\/\*([\s\S]*)$', rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
rawline = match_obj.groups()[0]
# check if multiline commit in oneline
pos = match_obj.groups()[1].find('*/')
if pos != -1:
# apply string that is behind comment
rawline = rawline + match_obj.groups()[1][pos + 2:]
# multiple line
return self.__getline(True)
if re.match(r'^[\s]*$', rawline):
# skip empty line
return self.__getline()
if rawline.count(';') > 1:
print('\033[0;34mINFO\033[0m: line: {}: possibily multiple expression within same line'.format(self.__linecount))
return rawline
def __process_structure(self, name: str, is_typedef: bool, is_volatile: bool) -> Any:
ret_val = 0
# first check for anonymous register structs
if is_typedef and is_volatile and name is None:
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: annoymous struct'.format(self.__linecount))
ret_val = -1
node_tree = dict()
bitcount = 0
has_nested_struct_union = False
has_non_bitfield_member = False
parsed_varname = ''
while not self.__is_eof:
rawline = self.__getline()
if rawline is None:
# check for nested structure
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCTURE_BEGIN, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
has_nested_struct_union = True
ret, inherited_node_tree = self.__process_structure(
match_obj.groups()[2], match_obj.groups()[0] == 'typedef', match_obj.groups()[1] == 'volatile')
if ret != 0:
ret_val = -2
if inherited_node_tree is not None:
for node in inherited_node_tree:
node_tree[node] = inherited_node_tree[node]
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_UNION_BEGIN, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
has_nested_struct_union = True
ret, inherited_node_tree = self.__process_union(match_obj.groups()[2], match_obj.groups()[0] == 'typedef', match_obj.groups()[1] == 'volatile')
if ret != 0:
ret_val = -2
if inherited_node_tree is not None:
for node in inherited_node_tree:
node_tree[node] = inherited_node_tree[node]
# check if end of struct
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCT_UNION_END_NAME, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
# end of struct
if bitcount not in (0, 32):
ret_val = -2
if is_typedef:
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: bitfield count is {}, type {}'.format(self.__linecount, bitcount, match_obj.groups()[0]))
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: bitfield count is {}, type {}, varname "{}"'
.format(self.__linecount, bitcount, name, match_obj.groups()[0]))
parsed_varname = match_obj.groups()[0]
if is_typedef:
# is a typedef
if match_obj.groups()[0] == '' or match_obj.groups()[0].find('[') != -1:
# should be c error
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: C error'.format(self.__linecount))
ret_val = -3
if match_obj.groups()[0] in self.__temp_ref_types:
# duplication, script bug: we are putting all types into same namespace
print('script run into bug...')
self.__temp_ref_types[match_obj.groups()[0]] = dict()
for member in node_tree:
self.__temp_ref_types[match_obj.groups()[0]][member] = node_tree[member]
elif name is not None:
# currently this kind of expression doesn't exist
print('!!!!!!UNDEALED CONDITION!!!!!')
elif match_obj.groups()[0] != '':
# named member, wrap and overwrite
if len(node_tree) == 0:
node_tree = None
array_match = re.match(r'^([\w]*)\[[\s\S]*\]$', match_obj.groups()[0])
if array_match is not None:
node_tree = {array_match.groups()[0] + '[]': node_tree}
node_tree = {match_obj.groups()[0]: node_tree}
# not a type, no member name, treat its fields as its parent's
# check member
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_BITFIELD_MEMBER, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
field_bit = None
if match_obj.groups()[2] is not None:
field_bit = int(match_obj.groups()[2])
bitcount += field_bit
# bitfield should be u32
if match_obj.groups()[0] != 'uint32_t':
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: {} has type {}'.format(self.__linecount, match_obj.groups()[1], match_obj.groups()[0]))
has_non_bitfield_member = True
# append to node tree
member_node = self.__expand_type(match_obj.groups()[0], field_bit)
if member_node is not None:
array_match = re.match(r'^([\w]*)\[[\s\S]*\]$', match_obj.groups()[1])
if array_match is not None:
node_tree[array_match.groups()[0] + '[]'] = member_node
node_tree[match_obj.groups()[1]] = member_node
if '*' not in match_obj.groups()[0]:
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line {}: unknown type {}'.format(self.__linecount, match_obj.groups()[0]))
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line {}: pointer type {}'.format(self.__linecount, match_obj.groups()[0]))
# check comments
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_MULTILINE_COMMENT, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
# code comments
# dump out unmatched condition
print(('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: unexpected expression: {}'.format(self.__linecount, rawline)).replace('\n', ''))
if bitcount != 0 and has_nested_struct_union:
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: mixed bitfield member and nested structure/union'.format(self.__linecount))
if bitcount != 0 and has_non_bitfield_member:
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: mixed bitfield member and non-bitfield member'.format(self.__linecount))
if is_typedef and is_volatile and name is None:
if parsed_varname != '':
print('SUGGEST: {}'.format(parsed_varname.rstrip('t') + 's'))
if name is not None and is_typedef and is_volatile and parsed_varname.rstrip('t') != name.rstrip('s'):
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: different type and typedef name: {} {}'.format(self.__linecount, name, parsed_varname))
return ret_val, node_tree
def __process_union(self, name: str, is_typedef: bool, is_volatile: bool) -> Any:
ret_val = 0
# first check for anonymous register structs
if is_typedef and is_volatile and name is None:
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: annoymous union'.format(self.__linecount))
ret_val = -1
node_tree = dict() # type: Any
has_struct_count = 0
has_val_field_count = 0
while not self.__is_eof:
rawline = self.__getline()
if rawline is None:
# check for nested structure
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCTURE_BEGIN, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
has_struct_count += 1
ret, inherited_node_tree = self.__process_structure(
match_obj.groups()[2], match_obj.groups()[0] == 'typedef', match_obj.groups()[1] == 'volatile')
if ret != 0:
ret_val = -2
if inherited_node_tree is not None:
for node in inherited_node_tree:
node_tree[node] = inherited_node_tree[node]
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_UNION_BEGIN, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
has_struct_count += 1
ret, inherited_node_tree = self.__process_union(match_obj.groups()[2], match_obj.groups()[0] == 'typedef', match_obj.groups()[1] == 'volatile')
if ret != 0:
ret_val = -2
if inherited_node_tree is not None:
for node in inherited_node_tree:
node_tree[node] = inherited_node_tree[node]
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCT_UNION_END_NAME, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
parsed_varname = match_obj.groups()[0]
# end of struct
if is_typedef:
# is a typedef
if match_obj.groups()[0] == '':
# should be c error
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: C error'.format(self.__linecount))
ret_val = -3
if match_obj.groups()[0] in self.__temp_ref_types:
# duplication, script bug: we are putting all types into same namespace
print('script run into bug...')
self.__temp_ref_types[match_obj.groups()[0]] = dict()
for member in node_tree:
self.__temp_ref_types[match_obj.groups()[0]][member] = node_tree[member]
node_tree = None
elif name is not None:
# currently this kind of expression doesn't exist
print('!!!!!!UNDEALED CONDITION!!!!!')
elif match_obj.groups()[0] != '':
# named member, wrap and overwrite
if len(node_tree) == 0:
node_tree = None
array_match = re.match(r'^([\w]*)\[[\s\S]*\]$', match_obj.groups()[0])
if array_match is not None:
node_tree = {array_match.groups()[0] + '[]': node_tree}
node_tree = {match_obj.groups()[0]: node_tree}
# not a type, no member name, treat its fields as its parent's
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_MULTILINE_COMMENT, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
# code comments
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEX_MATCH_SIMPLE_VAL_FIELD, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
# expecting to see 'uint32_t val;'
if match_obj.groups()[0] != 'uint32_t' or match_obj.groups()[1] != 'val':
print(('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: unexpected union member at {}: {}'.format(self.__linecount, rawline)).replace('\n', ''))
has_val_field_count += 1
# append to node tree
member_node = self.__expand_type(match_obj.groups()[0], None)
if member_node is not None:
node_tree[match_obj.groups()[1]] = member_node
if '*' not in match_obj.groups()[0]:
print('\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m: line {}: unknown type {}'.format(self.__linecount, match_obj.groups()[0]))
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line {}: pointer type {}'.format(self.__linecount, match_obj.groups()[0]))
# dump out unmatched condition
print(('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: unexpected expression: {}'.format(self.__linecount, rawline)).replace('\n', ''))
if not (has_struct_count == 1 and has_val_field_count == 1):
print('\033[0;34mINFO\033[0m: line: {}: not a typical union: {} nested structures, {} u32 val member'
.format(self.__linecount, has_struct_count, has_val_field_count))
if is_typedef and is_volatile and name is None:
if parsed_varname != '':
print('SUGGEST: {}'.format(parsed_varname.rstrip('t') + 's'))
if name is not None and is_typedef and is_volatile and parsed_varname.rstrip('t') != name.rstrip('s'):
print('\033[0;33mWARN\033[0m: line: {}: different type and typedef name: {} {}'.format(self.__linecount, name, parsed_varname))
return ret_val, node_tree
def __process_root(self) -> int:
ret_val = 0
node_tree = dict()
while not self.__is_eof:
rawline = self.__getline()
if rawline is None:
# start checking by finding any of structure or union
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_STRUCTURE_BEGIN, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
ret, inherited_node_tree = self.__process_structure(
match_obj.groups()[2], match_obj.groups()[0] == 'typedef', match_obj.groups()[1] == 'volatile')
if ret != 0:
ret_val = -2
if inherited_node_tree is not None:
for node in inherited_node_tree:
node_tree[node] = inherited_node_tree[node]
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEXP_MATCH_UNION_BEGIN, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
ret, inherited_node_tree = self.__process_union(match_obj.groups()[2], match_obj.groups()[0] == 'typedef', match_obj.groups()[1] == 'volatile')
if ret != 0:
ret_val = -2
if inherited_node_tree is not None:
for node in inherited_node_tree:
node_tree[node] = inherited_node_tree[node]
# processing root level external declaration
match_obj = re.match(self.__REGEX_MATCH_ROOT_EXTERNAL, rawline)
if match_obj is not None:
self.__ref_tree[match_obj.groups()[1]] = self.__expand_type(match_obj.groups()[0])
return ret_val
def check(self, file: str) -> int:
self.__fd = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf8')
self.__linecount = 0
self.__is_eof = False
ret_val = self.__process_root()
if ret_val != 0:
print('\033[0;31mCHECK FAILED\033[0m:\t{}'.format(file))
print('\033[0;32mCHECK PASSED\033[0m:\t{}'.format(file))
return ret_val
def get_ref_tree(self) -> Any:
return self.__ref_tree
def main() -> None:
ret = 0
if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
print('file not exist')
checker = SoCStructureHeaderChecker()
ret = checker.check(sys.argv[1])
if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[2] == 'print':
del checker
if __name__ == '__main__':